The Trundholm sun chariot. Early Bronze Age. C. 1400 BCPrehistory. The Trundholm sun chariot. Early Bronze Age. C. 1400 BC. Scandinavian
Char Bangla Temple, Baranagore, West Bengal, IndiaDetail of carvings above the main entrance to one of the four Shiva (Siva) Mandirs at the Char Bangla Temple, built in the 18th century in Baranagore, West Bengal, India
Tunisian woman with elaborate coin necklaceTunisian woman with elaborate necklace made of many strings of coins with holes in the middle, metal bangles, thin silken clothing and a pointed hat
Roman mosaic. 4th-5th century. From roman villa of Pacs. CatRoman mosaic. Geometric. 4th-5th century. From roman villa of Pacs. Catalonia. Diocesan Museum. Barcelona. Spain
Turkey. Istanbul. Mausoleum of Roxela. 16th century. Wife of Suleyman I. Tiling. Detail
Terracotta figures, Lalji Temple, Kalna, West Bengal, IndiaDetail of terracotta figures on the Lalji Temple in Kalna, known as the Temple City, in West Bengal, India. The temple was built in the mid-18th century
Masai - Kenya, East Africa - Amazing neck rings. Date: 1949
Vauxhall Bridge that opened in 1906, replacing one built between 1809 and 1816
Africa - Masai Woman. Date: circa 1970s
Jose Tapiro y Baro (1836-1913). Spanish painter. Parache, the dancer. Watercolour, 1895-1900. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Sarcophagus of the Lions. Decorated with lion heads and strigils. Marble. 2nd century AD. External dimensions: 2.45 m. (length), 0.90 m. (width) and 0.55 m. (height). Detail. From Evora, Portugal
Sarcophagus of the Lions. Decorated with lion heads and strigils. Marble. 2nd century AD. External dimensions: 2.45 m. (length), 0.90 m. (width) and 0.55 m. (height). From Evora, Portugal
Votive niche. 3rd century AD. From the Roman Villa of Quinta de Marim. Olhao, Faro district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal
16th century-galleass garnished. Chromolithography, 187916th century-galleass garnished. Chromolithography. Historia General de Espana, by Modesto Lafuente. Volume III. Published in Barcelona, 1879
Stele erected by Cassia Cogitata in memory of her parents Cassius Felix and Cassia Lacaena, and her son Vetsidius Super. Decorated with reliefs of Medusa and a krater with vine branches
Tombstone. Pine cone, dolphins and trident. 2nd-3rd centuries AD. From Archar (Ratiaria), Vidin province, Bulgaria. National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Stele erected by Praepositus Aurelius Crescentius and his wife Vincentia in memory of Aurelia Vericia. Family portrait. Dated to the beginning of the 4th century AD. From Montana, Bulgaria
National Tile Museum. Housed in the Madre de Deus Convent, founded in 1509 by Queen Dona Leonor for the Poor Clares of Setubal. It was enlarged by John III and modified in the 18th century
Portugal, Sintra. Pena Palace complex. Triton GatePortugal, Sintra. Pena Palace complex. Conceived as a summer residence for the royal family. Built in 19th century by Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege (1777-1855). Triton Gate, architectural detail
Portugal. Santarem. Church of Our Lady of Marvila. 16th century. Detail of the main facade with portal in Manueline style
Tower of Santa Maria de la Encina - San Juan Bautista ChurchSpain, Extremadura, Badajoz province, Burguillos del Cerro. Parish church of Santa Maria de la Encina and Saint John the Baptist. Built in the 18th century to unify the two previous parishes
Spain, Aragon, Teruel. Tower of El Salvador. It was built in Mudejar style between the second and third decade of the 14th century, with tile decoration. it was rebuilt in 1677 after it collapsed
Spain, Toledo. Monument to the Sacred Heart of JesusSpain, Castile-La Mancha, Toledo. Monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Architectural detail of the construction promoted by Cardinal Pedro Segura (1880-1957)
Queen Isabella II and husband visit Maundy Thursday MonumentIsabella II (1830-1904). Spanish Queen. Queen Isabella II and her husband visiting the Maundy Thursday Monument at the Church of Santa Maria, 1855 (Madrid, Spain)
Embellishment of Plaza Mayor, Charles III enters MadridEmbellishment of the Puerta del Sol on the occasion of the entry into Madrid of Charles III, circa 1760. Attributed to Lorenzo de Quiros (1717-1789). History Museum. Madrid. Spain
Left to right: seated male figure and seated female figureFrom left to right: seated male figure and seated female figure. Painted ceramics. Nayarit style. Protoclassic Period (100 BC-250 AD). Western Mexico. Museum of the Americas. Madrid, Spain. Date: 2018
7th Century BC 664-30 Ancient Age Antique Antiquity7th, century, BC, 664-30, ancient, age, antique, antiquity, Art, ba-bird, coffin, Copenhagen, death, decorated, decoration, Denmark, Egypt, egyptian, egyptians, Late, period, mummification
Tomb Ornamentation - Southern RussiaAn elaborate marble mortuary monument of a large dog faithfully standing over his dead mistress. Date: 1920s
Laghouat, Algeria - An Arab SalonLaghouat, capital city of the Laghouat Province, Algeria - An oppulent Arab Salon interior. Date: circa 1910s
Greek pottery. Lekythos. Red figure. From Greece. 4th centurGreek pottery. Lekythos. Decorated with palmette. Red figure. 4th century BC. From Greece. Museum of Perfume. Barcelona. Spain
Italy. Pompeii. House of Venus. Fresco. Garden with birds arRoman Art. Italy. Pompeii. House of Venus or House of D. Lucretii Satrii Valentes. Fresco. Garden with birds around the fountain and mask. 1st century. Painted wall on south wall of peristyle
Women of the Burmese Kayan Lahwi tribeFour women and a young baby from the Kayan Lahwi tribe, a group of the Karenni people of Burma (Myanmar). Women of the various Kayan tribes identify themselves by their different form of dress
The Royal Crown of Hungary and The Iron Crown1. The Royal Crown of Hungary. 2. The Iron Crown. Date: circa 12th century
Pre-Incan. Tolita Culture (500-500 AD). Ceramic figure. FromPre-Columbian art. Pre-Incan. Tolita Culture (500-500 AD). From Ecuador. Ceramic figure. Museo del Banco central. Quito. Ecuador
A Fula Woman - Senegal, West Africa - displaying distinctive traditional ornamental headwear and hairstyle, large single-bead necklace and hooped earrings
Pre-Columbian art. Pre-Incan. Cuasmal Culture (500-1500 AD). From Ecuador. Ceramic vessel. 23 x 16 cm (diameter). Private collection
Roman mosaic. Female figure depicting the Spring (Hestas). 4th century. It comes from Villa Las Tiendas. Merida (Augusta Emerita). National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain
Asia Minor. Ancient Art. Maiden in Wedding adornment. 100-50 BC. Kymi (Aeolis). The Antikensammlung Berlin (Berlin antiquities collection)
Lorenzo Quiros (1717-1789). Spanish painter. Platerias ornamLorenzo Quiros (1717-1789). Spanish historical painter. Platerias ornamental street (Mayor Street) to mark entry into the city of Madrid the King Carlos III (1716-1788), 1760
Initial with image (amanuensis). Letter H. Manuscript. 15thJewish history and wars. Initial with image (amanuensis). Letter H. Manuscript. 15th century. Chantilly Castle. France
The Gundestrup cauldron. Silver vessel. 200 BC and 300 AD. EThe Gundestrup cauldron. Decorated silver vessel, thought to date between 200 BC and 300 AD, placing it within the late La T?ne period or early Roman Iron Age
Holland House InteriorThe Gilt Room, with its elaborate ornamentation. Date: 1846
Sigmund HoltzschucherSIGMUND GABRIEL HOLTZSCHUCHER German statesman - a very fancy engraving with very effective ornamentation. Date: 1575 - 1642
Valley of Mexico culture. Ceramic vessel decorated - incisedPre-Columbian art. Mesoamerica. Valley of Mexico culture. Ceramic vessel decorated with incised geometric motifs. 14 x 17, 5 cm (diameter). Private collection
Pre-Incan. Cuasmal Culture (500-1500 AD). From Ecuador. CeraPre-Columbian art. Pre-Incan. Cuasmal Culture (500-1500 AD). From Ecuador. Ceramic vessel. 10x 18, 5 cm (diameter). Private collection
Lutterworth Church - people in churchyard, square tower. Ornamentation on roof. Part of Box 3 Boswell Collection Series of Ancient Britain. Date: circa 1900
Spain. Andalusia. Province of Cordoba. Necropolis of El Ruedo. 4th-5th century. Mosaic. Almedinilla
Rooster. Detail of ostensory. Gothic. 14th century. Silver and gold. Treasure. Cathedral of Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain. Detail
Ceramic. Plate decorated with religious scene. 18th centurieCeramic. Plate decorated with religious scene.18th century. Ascension of Christ. Catharijneconvent Museum. Utrecht. Netherlands
Ceramic. Plates decorated with scenes religious, 17th-18th ceCeramic. Several plates decorated with scenes religious, dating from 17th-18th centuries. Catharijneconvent Museum. Utrecht. Netherlands
Tile frieze with inscription in Arabic. Tomb of Buyanquli KaTile frieze from the tomb of Buyanquli Kahn (detail). Bukhara, Uzbekistan. 14th century. Colored glazed. Inscription in Arabic. Victoria and Albert Museum. London. England. United Kingdom
Decorated tiles. Saint Peter with keys of Heaven, by MiquelPanel decorated with 126 tiles. Saint Peter with keys of Heaven. Made by Miquel la Puya, 1695. Diocesan Museum. Tarragona. Catalonia. Spain
Chalice Veil, cloth with covers the chalice. 18th century. Diocesan Museum. Tarragona. Catalonia. Spain
Spain. Andalusia. Almedinilla. Necropolis of El Ruedo. Roman. 4th-5th century. Mosaic
Roman mosaic. Female figure depicting the Summer. 4th century. It comes from Villa Las Tiendas. Merida (Augusta Emerita). National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain
Roman mosaic. Female figure depicting the Autumn. 4th century. It comes from Villa Las Tiendas. Merida. National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain
Roman art. Spain. 4th century AD. MosaicRoman art. Spain. Catalonia. Roman Villa of the Garriga. Lower Empire. 4th century AD. Mosaic. Floral decoration. Episcopal Museum. Vic. Catalonia
Early Christian art. Marble tombstone. SpainEarly Christian art. Marble tombstone. Relief fragment with flowers and vases. From Domus Ecclesiae or Merida basilica. Badajoz. Spain. Episcopal Museum. Vic. Catalonia
Egypt. Nespadeumu mummy. Priest. 320 BC. Ptolemaic era. FromEgypt. Nespadeumu mummy. Priest of Imhotep (320 BC). Ptolemaic era. From Saqqara Necropolis. National Archaeological Museum. Madrid. Spain
Greek art. Spain. Catalonia. Oenochoe. Found in Empuries. 5tGreek art. Spain. Catalonia. Oenochoe, wine jug. Found in Empuries. 5th century BC. Archaeological Museum of Catalonia. Girona
Greek art. Spain. Catalonia. Empuries. Black-figure potteryGreek art. Spain. Catalonia. Black-figure pottery. Found in Empuries. 5th century BC. Detail quadriga. Archaeological Museum of Catalonia. Girona
Aryballos decorated with four warriors. From Corintio. 4th cAncient Greece. Aryballos. Used to contain perfume or oil. Decorated with four warriors with shield, helmet and spear. From Corintio. 4th century BC. Museum of Perfume. Barcelona. Spain
Ancient Greece. Aryballos. From Corintio. 4th century BCAncient Greece. Aryballos decorated with geometric and vegetables motif. Used to contain perfume or oil. From Corintio. 4th century BC. Museum of Perfume. Barcelona. Spain
Pottery Greek. Spain. Catalonia. Askos. From Empuries. 6th century BC. Archaeological Museum of Catalonia. Girona
Greek pottery. Spain. Catalonia. Spheroidal form. 4th-3rd century BC. Found in Empuries. Archaeological Museum of Catalonia. Girona
Greek pottery. Pyx. 7th-6th century BC. From CorinthGreek pottery. Pyx. 7th-6th century BC. Decorated with geometric motifs, lions and deer. From Corinth. Museum of Perfume. Barcelona. Spain
France. Paris. Louvre. Apollo Gallery. Decorated ceiling
Qasr Mshatta. Ruin of an Umayyad winter palace. 8th centuryQasr Mshatta. Ruin of an Umayyad winter palace probably commisioned by caliph Al-Walid II (743-744). Jordan. Mshatta Facade. Pergamon Museum. Museum Island. Berlin
Greek art. Asia Minor. Tendril frieze fragment with weaponry. Pergamon. 2nd century AD. The Antikensammlung Berlin (Berlin antiquities collection)
Drawing of choir stalls by Alberto Churriguera (1676-1740) oAlberto Churriguera (1676-1740) or Joaquin Churriguera (1674-1724). Spanish architects. Drawing of Choir Stalls. 18th century. Cathedral Chapter of Salamanca. Castile and Leon. Spain
Richly decorated wall from the Erechtheum, Athens. About 410Greek art. Richly decorated wall from the Erechtheum, a temple to Athena and other deities on the Acropolis of Athens. About 410 BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany
Arabic calligraphy. Detail disk. Decoration. Muradiye MosqueArabic calligraphy. Detail disk.. Muradiye Mosque. Bursa. Turkey
Misal of Bishop Galceran of Vilanova. 14th century. Miniature. Diocesan Museum of La Seu d Urgell. Catalonia. Spain
Vikings. Two fine collars for carriage horses, were found buViking Art. Northern Europe. Two fine collars for carriage horses were found buried near the burial mound Bjerringhoj. National Museum of Denmark
Golden vessels. Denmark. The Late Bronze Age. 800-400 BC. NaPrehistoric. Art. Metal Age. Northern Europe. Golden vessels. Decorated with geometric patterns. Denmark. The Late Bronze Age. 800-400 BC. National Museum of Denmark
Circular bronze belt ornaments. Bronze Age. 1400 BC. Found at Vognserup Enge, near Holbaek. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Metal Age. Northern Europe. The round shields. Period 1100-7Prehistoric. Art. Metal Age. Northern Europe. The round shields were used in the rituals. They were probably imported from central Europe and are from the period 1100-700 BC
Metal Age. Belt of many small bronze rings and ornamental plPrehistory. Art. Metal Age. A large belt consisting of many small bronze rings and ornamental plates. Possible horse harness. From a bog at Gerlev, northern Zealand. Denmark. 900-700 BC
Louisa March. CornwallisLOUISA marchioness CORNWALLIS (nee Gordon), wife of Charles, second marquess : with some very tasteful ornamentation suitable to her rank and station. Date: ? - 1850
Cherbourg, France - The Arsenal - Palm Tree made of daggersCherbourg, France - The Armoury - Palm Tree made of daggers. Date: 1918
Illuminated alphabet, choir of Notre Dame in Paris.. Chromolithograph from Ernest Guillots Ornementation des Manuscrits au Moyen-Age (Ornamentation from Manuscripts of the Middle Ages), 1897
Letters from an illuminated alphabet, man with legs of a lion, a dragon with a mans head, etc.. From manuscripts in the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, 15397, 13091
Illuminated letters, crowns of Philippe V, Beatrix de Bourbon, Charles V, and golden cup.. Golden cup from a manuscript in the Bibliotheque de Laon
Letters from an illuminated alphabet.. Bibliotheque Nationale 7241