Cortes orders his men to sink his shipsHernan Cortes orders his men to sink the ships, so that they cannot retreat. Camp has been set up on the banks, as men in longboats surround various boats either sunk or in the process of sinking
Classical OrdersColumns, capitals and entablatures of the classical orders of architecture: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite
Carmelite NunsDiscalced (= Barefoot) Carmelite Nuns
Columns / ClassicalClassical Greek orders
Great Orders of Knighthood and other high decorationsInsignia of the chief orders following in importance that of the Garter. The ribbons are represented by the backgrounds, except in the Order of Merit, and that of the Companions of Honour. Date: 1937
Pandora and her BoxHephaistos created Pandora, on Zeuss orders, to bring ruin to mankind : married to Epimethus, she brought a box which when opened released all the evils
Mechthild of Magdeburg (1207-1282 / 1294). Medieval mystic. EnMechthild of Magdeburg (1207-1282/1294). Medieval mystic. Engraving by C. Roberts. La Ilustracion Artistica, 1896. Colored
COAL MINE / PENITENTA penitent, so named because his clothing resembled that of religious orders, rids the air of explosive gas by setting fire to it. A dangerous task, that often ended unhappily
Clan MacdonaldClan MACDONALD OF THE ISLES clad in a coat of chain-mail, the chieftain with an angry look gives orders for some miscreant to be punished
Nelson Sends SignalBefore the battle, Nelson orders his famous signal : England expects every man to do his duty
Ursuline Nuns (Nuns of the Order of Saint Ursula of Cologne)
Sweet gale or Dutch myrtle, Myrica gale
Sea or rock samphire, Crithmum maritimum
Royal Engineers unloading ships at Surrey Docks, London, 194Drawing showing Royal Engineers and men of the Pioneer Corps, under Government orders, busily unloading ships in Surrey Docks, London, August 1945
In a Butchers ShopTHE MAN OF TASTE - a butchers customer orders two ounces of Boiled Beef, Cut with a Ham y Knife to give it a Relish
Cluniac MonkCluniac monk of Melton Mowbray, England, with his cowl
Order of the GarterThe Order of the GARTER, and its insignia
Templar / Campaign DressTemplar in campaign dress
Shahnameh. The Book of Kings. 16th c. Kay Kavus orders his soldiers to capture Rostam. Gouache on paper. 16th c. Persian art. Safavid period. Miniature Painting. FRANCE. Chantilly
Niches Classical OrdersNiches and pediments of the Greek and Roman classical orders of architecture : Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. Date: Circa 1760
Sultan Mehmed V Reshad of Turkey with advisors / patriotsSultan Mehmed V Reshad of Turkey (1844 - 1918) pictured with Niazi Bey, Enver Pasha, Chevket Pasha, Prince Sehzade Yusuf Izzeddin Effendi, Riza Bey
Jesus ScourgedJesus is scourged at the orders of Pontius Pilate
Founding of the Jesuit Order, Montmartre, FranceFoundation of the Jesuit Order in an underground chapel in the church of Saint Denis, Montmartre, near Paris. Ignatius de Loyola and six companions dedicate themselves to spread the Word of God
Twinflower or two-flowered linnaea, Linnaea borealis
Blue lotus of the Nile, Nymphaea caerulea
Croatia - Pula - The Roman Amphitheatre. The Arena is the only remaining Roman amphitheatre to have four side towers and with all three Roman architectural orders entirely preserved. Date: circa 1910s
Major-General The Honourable Sir William Ponsonby KCB (1772-1815), 1815 (c).Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1815 (c).Half-length portrait, almost in profile to left, wearing orders and decorations
Dogs Get MarriedTwo dogs are joined in holy matrimony by a dog in holy orders (who is doubtless wearing a dog collar beneath his robes) late 19th century
Knight Templar EffigyThe effigy of a Knight Templar in a niche in the south wall of St Marys Church in Walkern Hertfordshire. The knight is probably William de Lanvalei II
English Cluniac MonkA CLUNIAC MONK of Melton Mowbray, England, depicted without his cowl
Carmelite NunCARMELITANA Nun of the Carmelite order
Robin & the SheriffThe Sheriff of Nottingham orders his men to seize Robin Hood, but Robin is prepared to defend his liberty
France / Rennes-Le-ChateauWall painting in the eglise Sainte-Madeleine, redecorated circa 1896 to the orders of Berenger Sauniere
Templars & CrucifixAccording to the historian Michelet, each Templar recruit was required to spit or trample on the Crucifix, as a symbol of his rejection of Jesus
Franciscan MonksMonks of the Order of Saint Francis of Assisi (Franciscans)
Benedictine MonkMONACHUS BENEDICTINUS a satirical drawing done at a time when England feared a papal invasion
Richard III and the sons of Edward IVRichard III, as Duke of Gloucester, orders the sons of the late King Edward IV be parted from their mother, Elizabeth Woodville. 1480s
Thrift, Armeria maritima (Statice armeria)
Wedding Garment ParableThe Parable of the Wedding Garment : the king orders the improperly dressed guest to be bound hand and foot and cast into outer darkness
The Egyptian MidwivesPharaoh, jealous of the Hebrews, orders the midwives to smother any male Hebrew child they deliver; but they refuse, and God approves their action
Templars (Munchener)
Orders of Mammalsthe Orders of Mammals
Domesday Book is WrittenThe Domesday book is compiled on the orders of William I
Rosencrantz & GRosencrantz and Guildenstern are given their orders by Claudius
Dominican MonkA Dominican monk
English BenedictineBenedictine monk in England
The Sleeper Awakened. Abu-al-Hasan orders that the Sheiks of the district should be taken to be impaled on the back of a mangy camel. Date: 1914
Advert for Charles Morrell's Christmas Toys 1906Advertisement for Christmas toys and games that could be ordered by post, in Oxford Street, London. Date: 1906
Ignacio Gutierrez Solana, Overseer of the RoyalVicente Lopez Portana (1772-1850). Spanish painter. Ignacio Gutierrez Solana, Overseer of the Royal Stables, ca. 1823. Oil on canvas, 99.5 x 76 cm. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
The Magician Hermogenes orders the devils, in the presence of the pilgrims to Compostela, bring him the Apostle St. James. 19th-century engraving from a miniature of Sainte-Ecriture, 15th century
France. Abbey of Saint-Riquier (Abbey of Saint-Richarius). Founded by Saint Richarius circa 625
Reception of a knight of the Order of Saint MichaelReception of a knight of the Order of Saint-Michel (Order of Saint Michael), French military order founded by King Louis XI (1423-1483) in Amboise on 1 August 1469. Engraving by J
Plan of the Island of Rhodes in the 15th century. Engraving by Huyot after of the plan published in Saintes Peregrinations de Hierusalem by Breydenbach, 1488
History of Italy. 1200. From left to right: DominicanHistory of Italy. 1200. From left to right, 1: Dominican monk, 2: Augustinian friar, 3: Franciscan friar, 4: Dominican nun. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
History of Italy. 1200. From left to right: FranciscanHistory of Italy. 1200
Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord BusbyTitle page Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Tapissez vos Chambres. Wallpaper Seller - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Ramoneur, Chimney Sweep - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Pommes de Rainettes, Golden Pippins Apple Seller- Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Porteur d'Eau, Water Carrier - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Marchande d'Oies, Geese Merchant - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Marchande de Raisins, Grape Seller - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Marchand d'Encre, Ink Seller - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Marchande de Buerre, Butter Merchant - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Marchand de Paniers, Basket dealer - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Marchand de Ficelle, Dealer in Packthread - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Marchand de Fouets, Dealer in Whips - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Laitiere, Milk Woman - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Marchand de Chiens, Dog Seller - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Maquereaux, Mackerel Fish Seller - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Du Pain, du Vin, etc. Bread, Wine etc. Seller - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Emouleur de Ciseaux, Scissors Grinder, Sharpener - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Des Chepes et des Beignets, Pancakes and Fritters Seller - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Des Fraises et Framboises, Strawberry and Raspberry SellerDes Fraises et Framboises, Strawberries and Raspberries Seller - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Chiffonniere, Rag Gatherer - Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris by Thomas Lord Busby c. 1820 Date: circa 1820
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Sailors refusingFranco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Fort de Montrouge. One of the fortifications of Paris, built between 1843 and 1845 in Arcueil
The destruction of the Latin city of Alba Longa under the orders of the Roman triplets Horatii or the Horatius brothers. Romans pillaging and looting the city near the gate
Orders of Arachnids. Trapdoor spider, house spider, wolf spider, whip scorpion, yellow-tailed scorpion, sun spider, pseudoscorpion, sea spider, harvestman and mite
Orders of Molluscs. Cuttlefish, chambered nautilus, sea angel, sea butterfly, slug, floating sea snail, chiton, oyster, mussel, clam, lingula, brachiopod, barnacle, etc
Orders of fish. Red mullet, Mullus barbatus, blue gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus, carp, Cyprinus carpio, merling, Merlangius merlangus, critically endangered European eel, Anguilla anguilla
A naval lieutenant summons an old midshipman to duty, but he is too busy roasting a goose at the hearth. On the walls, a midshipman's dirk, paintings of ships, carved parrots, a cocked hat