Hermes TrismegistusHERMES TRISMEGISTUS (= thrice- greatest), perceived by Neoplatonists as the presiding deity of alchemy, possessing magical and oracular powers
Hermes TrismegistusThe messenger of the gods, but here as HERMES TRISMEGISTUS (= thrice-greatest), perceived by Neoplatonists as the presiding deity of alchemy, possessing magical and oracular powers
Proteus and AristaeusProteus changes his shape to avoid using his oracular powers, but Aristaeus catches him unawares, binds him, and forces him to make revelations
DIS PATER the Roman God of the dead and the underworld, later adopted by the Celta, was associated with the Egyptian god Serapis and credited with oracular powers
BranchusBRANCHUS - a Greek priest of Apollo, a seer who possessed oracular powers
Apollo and the SibylApollo promises his lover Sibyl she may live as many years as she can hold grains of sand; she becomes very aged, no more than a voice - the oracular Sibyl of Cuma
BRANCHUS - a Greek priest of Apollo, a seer who possessed oracular powers
THEMISGreek/Roman deity, protectress of hospitality and of the oppressed, possessed oracular powers