La Boheme Opera Score by Giacomo Puccini
Retro poster, Gilbert & Sullivan, D Oyly CarteRetro poster for Gilbert & Sullivan, D Oyly Carte, character from HMS Pinafore. 1960s
Gilbert & Sullivan Operas, D Oyly Carte SouvenirD Oyly Cartes Season of Gilbert and Sullivan Operas, Souvenir Programme, Princes Theatre, London, 29 September 1919 - 31 January 1920, showing a large cast of characters from the operettas. 1919-1920
Advertisement for Carmen, playing at the Grande ArenaAn Art Nouveau advertisement for Carmen, playing at the Grande Arena Date: 1900s
Poster advertising the D Oyly Carte Opera Company, famous for its Gilbert and Sullivan operetta productions. Pictured are scenes from The Gondoliers, The Mikado and The Yeomen of the Guard
Gioachino Antonio Rossini, Italian composerGioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868), Italian composer, best known for his operas
Scene from the opera, Madame Butterfly, by Giacomo PucciniThe lead character, Cio-Cio San (Madame Butterfly) in Puccinis opera in three acts. Date: c.1910
ADELINA PATTI 1843-1919ADELINA PATTI American operatic soprano born in Madrid of Italian parentage. Sang roles in operas of Bellini, Rossini and Gounod
Tosca opera music cover by PucciniTOSCA the death of Scarpia Date: 1900
Opera Quadrilles 19CSolos and duets from four operas: Lucrezia Borgia and Lucia di Lammermoor (Donizetti), Norma and La Sonnambula (Bellini)
Opera Square with Ibrahim Pasha statue in Cairo, EgyptOpera Square with Ibrahim Pasha statue and the Khedivial Opera House in Cairo, Egypt. Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt was the second ruler of the Khedivate instituted by the Muhammad Ali dynasty
Design for Gilbert and Sullivan, A Dream of PatienceDesign by Alice Mary Havers for Gilbert and Sullivan, Savoy Operas, A Dream of Patience. circa 1880s
Scene from the opera, Madame Butterfly, by Giacomo Puccini: Cio Cio Sans uncle, the Bonze, interrupts her marriage ceremony to Lieutenant Colonel F. B
The O Mara Opera CompanyPromotional postcard for the O Mara Opera Company. Joseph O Mara (1864-1927) was an Irish opera singer, who ran his own company between 1912 and 1926
Advert, The Riviera Baby Carriage, Great Portland Street, London Date: 1910
Scene from the opera, Aida, by Giuseppe Verdi Date: c.1910
Mme Adelina PattiADELINA PATTI American operatic soprano born in Madrid of Italian parentage. Sang roles in operas of Bellini, Rossini and Gounod
Ws GILBERT (1836-1911)WILLIAM SCHWENCK GILBERT English playwright. Began collaboration with Arthur Sullivan (Gilbert writing the librettos, Sullivan the music) on highly popular comic operas
George Grossmith / 1895GEORGE GROSSMITH (SNR) English actor, associated with the Gilbert & Sullivan operas
Racial Type / Lady TattersLADY TATTERS We know nothing about this romantic light opera except for this splendid Hassall poster : looks as though it might be like My fair lady. Date: 1907
Meyerbeer / Efg PostcardGIACOMO MEYERBEER German composer of Italian operas
A production of Gianni Schicchi at the Staatsoper, Berlin Date: 1928
CECILE THEVENET singer, as Carmen in Bizet's opera Date: 1907
Title CharactersA series of illustrations showing title characters from various operas, films and plays, including Daphnis Et Chloe, Hernani, Judith and Holofernes, Samson and Delilah, Abelard and Heloise, Manon
Advert, W & G Du Cros Ltd, luxury motor car hireAdvert, W & G Du Cros Ltd, Luxury Motor Car Hire, Acton Vale, West London Date: 1910
Advert, The London Corset Co, New Bond Street, London Date: 1910
Advert, The Krieger electric car, Eccleston Square, London SW Date: 1910
Nicola Zerola, opera singerSignor Nicola Zerola, opera singer, tenor Date: 1910
Vanni Marcoux, H G Moore and Lalla MirandaSignor Vanni Marcoux (L), bass, H G Moore (R), assistant stage manager, Mme Lalla Miranda, soprano Date: 1910
G Mario Sammarco, opera singerSignor G Mario Sammarco, opera singer, baritone Date: 1910
Ettore Panizza, orchestral conductorSignor Ettore Panizza, orchestral conductor Date: 1910
Riccardo Martin, opera singer, tenor Date: 1910
Peter Cornelius, Danish opera singer, tenor (and baritone in his earlier career), seen here in a Wagnerian role Date: 1910
Percy Pitt, musical director, Covent Garden Opera Date: 1910
Paul Franz, French opera singer, tenor Date: 1910
Nicolas Rostowsky, opera singer, tenor Date: 1910
Neil Forsyth, Covent Garden Opera, General ManagerNeil Forsyth, general manager of the Royal Opera Covent Garden Date: 1910
Advert, Moselaris sparkling natural table waterAdvert, Moselaris Sparkling Natural Table Water, Prevents Kidney Disease, D Wheatley & Sons, London Date: 1910
Marie Louise Edvina, opera singerMme Marie Louise Edvina, opera singer, soprano Date: 1910
Louise Kirkby Lunn, opera singerMme Louise Kirkby Lunn, opera singer, contralto Date: 1910
Maria Kousnietzoff, opera singerMme Maria Kousnietzoff, opera singer, soprano Date: 1910
Maurice Frigara, orchestral conductor Date: 1910
Edith Clegg, Armand Crabbe and Murray DaveyMme Edith Clegg, contralto, Armand Crabbe (L), baritone, Murray Davey (R), baritone, opera singers Date: 1910
Jane Bourgeois, Jules Bourbon and Edmund BurkeMlle Jane Bourgeois, Jules Bourbon (L), baritone, Edmund Burke (R), bass baritone, opera singers Date: 1910
Emmy Destinn, opera singerMlle Emmy Destinn, opera singer, soprano Date: 1910
Amy Evans, Edith Evans and Fernando Gianoli-GallettiMiss Amy Evans (L), soprano, Miss Edith Evans (R), soprano, Fernando Gianoli-Galletti, bass, opera singers Date: 1910
Advert, Mey's Corsets, Wood Street, London ECAdvert, Mey's Corsets, fashionably and scientifically correct Date: 1910
Maurice D'Oisly, Helene Demellier and Zorah DorlyMaurice D'Oisly, tenor, Mlle Helene Demellier (L), soprano, Mme Zorah Dorly (R), soprano, opera singers Date: 1910
Nellie Melba, Australian opera singerMadame Nellie Melba, Australian opera singer, soprano Date: 1910
Minnie Saltzmann-Stevens, American opera singerMadame Minnie Saltzmann-Stevens, American opera singer, soprano, in the role of Brunnhilde Date: 1910
Luisa Tetrazzini, opera singerMadame Luisa Tetrazzini, opera singer, soprano Date: 1910
A L Berat, Fernand Almanz and Francois AmbrosinyMadame A.L. Berat, opera singer, contralto, Fernand Almanz (L), stage manager, Francois Ambrosiny (R), director of ballet Date: 1910
Louis Lestelly, Arthur Lheureux and Marie Knupfer-EgliLouis Lestelly (L), baritone, Arthur Lheureux (R), tenor, Mme Marie Knupfer-Egli, soprano, opera singers Date: 1910
John McCormack, opera singer, tenor Date: 1910
Anton Van Rooy, opera singerHerr Anton Van Rooy, opera singer, baritone Date: 1910
Desider Zador, Dante Zucchi and Edna Thornton, opera singersHerr Desider Zador (L), baritone, Signor Dante Zucchi (R), tenor, Madame Edna Thornton, contralto, opera singers Date: 1910
George Baklanoff, opera singer Date: 1910
Edmond Warnery, opera singer, tenor Date: 1910
Advert, Footgloves, luxury footwear for ladiesAdvert, Footgloves, Luxury Footwear for Ladies Date: 1910
Hans Richter, orchestral conductorDr Hans Richter, orchestral conductor Date: 1910
Cleofonte Campanini, orchestral conductor Date: 1910
Charles Dalmores, opera singer, tenor Date: 1910
Ruth Vincent with her sonRuth Vincent (1877-1955), an English opera singer and actress
Ruth Vincent, singer in Gilbert and Sullivan operettasRuth Vincent, English opera singer and actress who performed in Gilbert and Sullivan operettas Date: circa 1900
WAGNER, Richard (1813-1883). Die Walkre (The Valkyrie), first day of the four operas Der Ring des Nibelungen
BERLIOZ FANTIN LATOURHECTOR BERLIOZ characters from his operas pay homage to the French composer on the occasion of his death Date: 1803 -1869
Meistersinger in MilanoDie Meistersinger von Nurnberg at La Scala, Milan - the final scene. Date: 1890
c. 1890s France Paris - Operas Garnier and horse trafficc.1890s France Paris - Operas Garnier and horse traffic
Advertisement, Clarkson, Wigs and Theatrical CostumeAdvertisement, William Berry (Willy) Clarkson, Wigs and Theatrical Costume Designer. 1907
Advert, Boosey & Co, Song Books and OperasAdvert, Boosey & Co, The Royal Song Books, The Royal Edition of Operas, Ballad Operas, and Booseys Cabinet Operas for Pianoforte Solo. Date: late 19th century
Production of The Trojans by Berlioz, 1957A scene from the Covent Garden production of Berliozs opera Les Troyens (The Trojans) in 1957. Dido (Blanche Thebom) addresses her people in the second half: The Trojans at Carthage
Anastasia Robinson, Countess of Peterborough (c 1692-1755), English soprano (later contralto) in Handel operas. circa 1720s
Richards Wagner (1813 - 1883) German composers widow Cosima and son Siegfried sell potions of his operas in their grocers shop
BAD TASTE OF THE TOWNThe Bad Taste of the Town, also known as Masquerades and Operas: a satire on foreign imports such as pantomime, Italianate architecture and opera. Date: 1724
Faust by Charles GounodFaust starring Carvalho and Faure at Monte Carlo Date: 1880
Asmaras Opera (Teatro Asmara), EritreaOpera theatre building built in 1918 according to the plans of Italian architect Odoardo Cavagnari in Asmara, capital of Eritrea. Date: circa 1920
Montserrat CaballCABALLE, Montserrat (1933). Spanish soprano. 28/12/2009. SPAIN. Barcelona. Gran Teatre del Liceu
Antonio Paoli. PortraitAntonio Paoli. Puerto Rican Tenor. Portrait
Cartoon, Richard d Oyly Carte, Gilbert and SullivanCartoon, Richard d Oyly Carte as maitre d, with Ws Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan as chefs, at the Savoy Dining Room. Opening the new shop -- it is wonderful what may be done by enterprise and Patience
Caricature of Arthur Sullivan and Ws Gilbert -- The Latest Converts to Aestheticism. A reference to their latest operetta, Patience, a satire on the aesthetic movement. 1881
La Boheme, opera by Giacomo PucciniLA BOHEME - the last scene of Act Three Date: 1896
Paris fashion. Illustrations of the magazine Modes de Paris. Petit Courrier des Dames, published by S.and J.Fuller in London. Color lithograph, 1842. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris