Court officer of King Francis I, 16th centuryCourt officer of King Francis I, 1494-1547. In short embroidered silk jacket over a slashed doublet, hose, plumed hat
Scottish tartan -- Sutherland Clan (comprising the Cheyne, Federith, Gray, Keith, Mowat and Oliphant families), with butchers broom badge, coat of arms
Oliphant. Aachen Cathedral Treasury. GermanyOliphant of Charlemagne. C. 1000. Ivory. Hunting knife (8th century) and sheath (10th - 11th centuries). Aachen Cathedral Treasury. Germany
Oliphant or ivory hunting horn, 16th century.. Chromolithograph from an illustration by William Gibb from A.J
Hon. Anthony and Mrs Vivian by Madame YevondeThe Hon. Anthony and Mrs Vivian by Madame Yevonde. Anthony Crespigny Claude Vivian, 5th Baron Vivian (1906-1991) and Victoria Ruth Mary Rosamund Oliphant (1907-1985) married in 1930
Laurence OliphantLAURENCE OLIPHANT Writer, war correspondent and mystic who for a while was a disciple of Thomas Lake Harris, later founded his own commune in Palestine. Date: 1829 - 1888
Margaret OliphantMARGARET OLIPHANT (nee Oliphant - married her cousin) Scottish writer, very prolific but including ghost stories and imaginative fiction such as A beleaguered city
L Oliphant / Watkins CdvLAURENCE OLIPHANT English writer