Ichthyosaurus, PlesiosaurusWatercolour painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, (1809-1889). These marine reptiles live in Europe duing the early Jurassic period about 200 millions years ago
Cattleya skinneri, English orchidPlate 13 from Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala (1837-1843) by James Bateman. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
AcanthostegaModel of one of the earliest tetrapods, animals with back-bones capable of living on land. This Acanthostega lived during the late Devonian of East Greenland
Benitoite was discovered in 1906 near the San Benito river in California which remains the only known locality for this (barium titanium silicate) mineral
Iceland sparA specimen of Iceland spar from Rodefjord, Iceland. Transparent crystal composed of the mineral, calcite (calcium carbonate) which has unusual property of double refraction
Moho nobilis, Hawaii o-oMoho nobilis. Ff. 26, watercolour by William Ellis from a collection of sketches of Mammals, Birds and Fish made on Captian James Cooks third voyage (1776-1780)
Glacial rock, Halifax 1873A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876), funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Stegosaurus skeletonA herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Upper Jurassic period, 155 to 144 million years ago. It has distinctive large plates which run from its neck to its tail. Illustration by Jo Konopelko
Cycadeoidea marylandica, fossil cycad144-149 million year old specimen of a cycad from the Early Cretaceous, Maryland, USA
Basalt columns, Real del Monte mine, MexicoEngraving of a sketch by Alexander Humboldt, 1810 Date: 1810
Immature Golden Eagle and Bald EagleOriginally titled: Ring-tailed Eagle and Sea Eagle. Alexander Wilson, American Ornithology, 1824. Hand-coloured engraving. Date: 1824
Chordeiles minor, Common nighthawkAlexander Wilson, American Ornithology, 1824. Hand-coloured engraving. Date: 1824
American Ornithology by Alexander Wilson, 1824Alexander Wilson, American Ornithology, 1824. Hand-coloured engraving. Date: 1824
Triceratops hornTriceratops which lived during the Upper Cretaceous period, 67 to 65 million years ago had three horns. It grew up to 9 metres in length and fossils have been discovered in USA
White River scene, late EoceneArtists reconstruction (L to R) Hoplophoneus, Mesohippus, Hyaenodon, Archaeotherium, Poebrotherium, Pseudoprotoceras, Megacerops, Daphoenus, Merycoidodon, Subhyracodon
Trachinotus carolinus, Florida pompanoFf. 224. Pencil sketch by George Forster made during Captain James Cooks second voyage to explore the southern continent (1772-75)
Achatinella sp. Oahu tree snails
Galeandra baueri, orchidIllustration from Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala (1837-43) by James Bateman. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Hand tools made by the Inuit of GreenlandThese tools were made from the Cape York meteorites and were brought back to Great Britain by the explorer John Ross
BentoniteA specimen of the mineral Bentonite Reg No. 1926, 216 light grey mass, Range 19, W4, Township 28, Rosedale, Alberta, Canada. Predented by the Canadian Government Exhibition Commision, 1926
Pachycephalosaurus skullA fossil skull that once belonged to the dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus. It features a huge dome of bone which may have protected the brain. The skull is also covered in decorative bony studs
C. Harris feeding Galapagos tortoises, 1898Sailor and explorer Charles Harris was despatched to the Galapagos islands to collect giant tortoises for Walter Rothschild in 1897
Parribacus antarcticus, slipper lobsterPlate 55 from a collection of watercolour drawings of Hawaiian fishes and invertebrates. Watercolour on paper, c. 1900 by E. Gertrude Norrie (fl.1900s). Held in the Library and Archives
White poplarWatercolour on paper by Florence Helen Woolward (1854-1936). Held in the Library and Archives
Anampses cuvier, pearl wrassePlate 34 from a collection of watercolour drawings of Hawaiian fishes and invertebrates. Watercolour on paper, c. 1900 by E. Gertrude Norrie (fl.1900s) Date: 1900
Dorsal & Ventral Isotelus platycephalusSyntype (?Holotype by monotypy) of Asaphus, now Isotelus platycephalus (Stokes, 1824) Ordovician, Black River Group; St Josephs Island, Lake Huron, Ontario Bigsby Colln. Date: 1824
Lacandonia schismaticaA member of the Triuridaceae, a family of saprophytes. Found only in the Lacandon rainforest in southeast Mexico
Dasypus novemcinctus, Nine-banded armadilloHand coloured lithograph by John James Audubon from The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, 1848. Date: 1848
Owls and Sparrow hawkAlexander Wilson, American Ornithology, 1824. Hand-coloured engraving. Date: 1824
Aix sponsa, Wood duckWatercolour by John Abbot, 1827 Date: 1827
DamselflySpecimen held in the Natural History Museum Paleontology Department. This specimen is 34 million years old, and was found in Florissant, Colorado. This species is now extinct
Castericystis vali, a fossil CarpoidCastericystis vali, 7 cm long with juvenile 0.8 cm long attached at the bottom of the stele, from the Middle Cambrian of Utah
Butterscotch wulfeniteA large specimen of the mineral wulfenite from the Glove Mine, Arizona, USA
Ophisaurus sp. glass snake & Chrysanthemum americanumHand coloured etching from The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama islands (1731) Vol. 2 by Mark Catesby. Entitled The Glass Snake
Copper massThis copper block was discovered by Samuel Hearne in the Arctic Circle in 1771. He carried it for a year before presenting it to the Hudsons Bay Company
Tyrannosaurus rex eyeGraphic of Tyrannosaurus rex eye. It is believed that the eye sight of this dinosaur was well adapted to hunting. It also had a large olfactory cavity creating a strong sense of smell
Missourium theristrocaulodon, jaw boneUnearthed in 1840 on the shore of the Pomme de Terre River in Missouri by Albert Koch. The enormous skulls, jaws and bones all belonged to an extinct relative of the elephant
Porzanula palmeri, Laysan CrakeThe Laysan Crake or Laysan Rail was native to Hawaii, and became extinct about 1944. This specimen is from the Rothschild Bequest
Crataegus phaenopyrum (L. f. ), Washington hawthornSketch 19 (66 Drawings Volume). From a collection of original drawings and sketches by Georg Dionysius Ehret (1708-1770). Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Missouri LeviathanKochs Missourium. The reliquia of animal indigenous to North America exhibited in 1842 at the Egyptian Hall, London
Estherville MeteroriteMeteorite section BM 53764, Estherville, 2.727kg from the Natural History Museums Mineralogy Department
Psittirostra psittacea, o uFf. 79, watercolour by William Ellis from a collection of sketches of Mammals, Birds and Fish made on Captian James Cooks third voyage (1776-1780)
Estherville MeteoriteMeteorite section BM 53764, Estherville, 2.727kg from the Natural History Museums Mineralogy Department
Manihot glaziovii, Ceara rubber treeIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London. This tree, which is native to Hawaii, is from the family Euphorbiaceae
Diatryma steini skullSpecimen of a Diatryma steini skull found in South Elk Creek, Bighorn basin, Wyoming, USA. Lower Eocene, 55-50 million years old
Priscacara clivosa, fossil fishA fossilised fish originating from the Eocene epoch 58-37 milion years ago. Found in Wyoming, USA
Selenicereus hamatus, Queen of the nightPlate 9 from the Fitch Collection. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London. This plant is native to Mexico
Canna flaccida, swamp cannaDrawing 48 (Ewan 26) from the Botanical and zoological drawings (1756-1788) by William Bartram. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
The Estherville mesosiderite formed after a catastrophic collision between two asteroids. Mesosiderites are an irregular jumble of metal grains and angular pieces of rock
Adamsite-(Y)Recently discovered rare carbonate mineral specimen collected from a quarry in Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada. Named after Frank Dawson Adams
Lasia sp. small-headed flyAcrocerid fly (small-headed fly) from Mexico, flies of this genus are parasitoids of tarantulas. Specimen held at the Natural History Museum, London
Repana Falls in Nuuanu Valley near Honolulu, Oahu, HawaiiA photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America from 1861 until his assassination by John Wilkes Booth in 1865
Woodland scene in Halifax 1873
Diplodocus skeletonWeighing around 20 tonnes & reaching up to 26 metres in length Diplodocus is one of the worlds longest dinosaurs to have been discovered. It was first described by Marsh in 1878
Engraving of the Baloena musculus, greenland whale. The whale was found floating 12 miles from Ostens on the 3rd November 1827
Honolulu from the new wharf. Honolulu, Oahu, HawaiiA photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Gold digging site in Halifax 1873A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876), funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Elrathia kingii, trilobitesElrathia kingii in rock matrix, from Middle Cambrian, Wheeler Shale, House Range, Utah, USA
Gold Mine, Nova Scotia, Halifax 1873A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876), funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Mic-Mac Indians, Halifax 1873A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876), funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Village and low hills. Honolulu, Oahu, HawaiiA photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Mic-Mac Indian hut, Halifax (1873)The voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) was funded by the British Government for scientific purposes and seems to have been the first expedition to carry an official photographer as well as an
View from upper bridge, Nuuanu Valley looking seaward. OahuA photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Chart of oceanic section, Halifax, BermudaA photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
General view of woodland in Halifax 1873A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876), funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Silver on CopperA deposit of elemental, native silver (Ag) on native copper (Cu). Specimen from the Natural History Museum, London originally from Houghton Co. Michigan, U.S.A
From the BeginningOne of the oldest rocks on Earth dating back 3, 850 million years on display in the From the Beginning gallery, the Natural History Museum, London. Specimen from Greenland
The Beardsley H5 ordinary chondriteBeardsley fell in Kansas, U.S.A in 1929. Its fine-grained texture, with poor chondrule resolution indicate that it has experienced thermal metamorphism
The Abee EH4 enstatite chondriteAbee fell in Canada in 1953. The cut surface clearly shows the metal-rich and brecciated texture of Abee
Rhus stellariaefolia, rhusA fossilized leaf from the flowering plant Rhus (Rhus stellariaefolia) approximately 11cm long. This specimen was discovered in Colorado, U.S.A and dates back to the Late Eocene
Brownfield (1973) H3. 7 ordinary chondriteThis meteorite fell in Texas in 1937. It has very small chondrules, plus highly-reflective metal and sulphide grains can easily be picked out
Chespecten jeffersonius, scallopSpecimen of the scallop (Chespecten jeffersonius), this shell originated from the Miocene era, some 23-7 million years ago. Maryland, USA
OrodromeusOutline illustration of an Orodromeus
Darlingtonia californica, California pitcherplantDrawingby Arthur Harry Church, 1909. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London. Plate 134
Papilio thoas, swallowtail butterflyThe thaos swallowtail butterfly from Mexico. Specimen on display at the Natural History Museum at Tring, part of the Natural History Museum, London
Plesiadapis fodinatus, primateLeft section of a mandible of the primate, Plesiadapis fondinatus. Specimen dates from the Late Paleocene, silver coulee Quarry, Park County, Wyoming, USA
CeratosaurusAnterior skeleton of the bipedal carnivorous dinosaur, Ceretosaurus, mounted for display at the US National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC. This dinosaur lived 150 to 144 million years ago
Tringa nebularia, common greenshank
Pontosphaera japonica. A coccolithophore with relatively large, flat, coccoliths. Collected from off Hawaii. Specimen diameter 22m. False-coloured SEM image
Dizgocrinus mon, fossil crinoidThis fossil crinoid or sea-lily originates from the limestones of Keokuk, Lowa, USA
Grus canadensis, sandhill crane
Calidris fuscicollis, white-rumped sandpiperPlate 278 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1834-35), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London