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North Africa Collection

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: The Nakhla meteorite

The Nakhla meteorite fell as a shower of stones in Egypt in 1911. SNCs (Sherogtty, Nakhla and Chassigny) are a group of stony meteorites thought to come from Mars

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Scarab beetles

Scarab beetles
The largest shown here, (Scarabaeus sacer), was regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt. Today the species are important to agriculture for their dung burying activities

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Rich woman and woman of the people, Cairo, Egypt, 19th century

Rich woman and woman of the people, Cairo, Egypt, 19th century

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Costume of an African woman of the Kingdom of Tlemcen, 16th cent

Costume of an African woman of the Kingdom of Tlemcen, 16th cent
Costume of an African or Berber woman of the Kingdom of Tlemcen, Ottoman Empire (Algeria), 16th century. Cape over a robe with large sleeves, attached with a buckle of gold or silver, gold earrings

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Costume of an African man, 16th century

Costume of an African man, 16th century. Arab or Berber inhabitant of the desert of North Africa. In animal skin robe, with bow and arrows. Within a decorative frame engraved by H

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Costume of a lower-class African woman, 16th century

Costume of a lower-class African woman, 16th century. Cape of black toile worn over a robe, gold earrings, necklace of precious stones. Within a decorative frame engraved by H

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Costumes of Algeria, 1858

Costumes of Algeria, 1858

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Carthaginian warrior. Engraving, 19th century

Carthaginian warrior. Engraving, 19th century
Carthaginian warrior. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Aegyptopithecus zeuxis

Aegyptopithecus zeuxis
Illustration of an Egyptian Ape by Maurice Wilson. The forerunners of both monkeys and apes. These small arboreal primates lived 35-32 million years ago in the tropical rain forests of northern Egypt

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Walter Rothschild & collecting party, Algeria

Walter Rothschild & collecting party, Algeria
Rothschild (second from right) undertook three separate ornithological collecting expeditions to Algeria in 1908, 1909 and 1911, along with Ernst Hartert

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Nummulites gizehensis, nummulites

Nummulites gizehensis, nummulites
These fossils are embedded in Eocene limestone from 2km north-east of Gizeh, west of Cairo. Nummulites were single celled animals that lived on the sea bed

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Fossil Wood

Fossil Wood
Fossilised palm from the North African desert that supposedly carries a curse

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Arsinotherium skeleton

Arsinotherium skeleton
Mounted skeleton of an Oligocene, 35 million year old rhinoceras-like ungulate from Egypt. Complete mounted skeleton

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Bones of Achondroplastic Dwarf

Bones of Achondroplastic Dwarf. From the tomb of King Mersekha around the fourth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Fibula of Achondroplastic Dwarf

Fibula of Achondroplastic Dwarf
Bones of Achondroplastic Dwarf. From the tomb of King Mersekha around the fourth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Humerus of Achondroplastic Dwarf

Humerus of Achondroplastic Dwarf
Bones of Achondroplastic Dwarf. From the tomb of King Mersekha around the fourth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Femur of Achondroplastic Dwarf

Femur of Achondroplastic Dwarf
Bones of Achondroplastic Dwarf. From the tomb of King Mersekha around the fourth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Falco cherrug, saker falcon

Falco cherrug, saker falcon
X-ray image of an Ancient Egyptian bird mummy, identified as a Saker Falcon. Catalogue reference - CRW-4119

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Nummulites gizehensis, giant foraminiferan

Nummulites gizehensis, giant foraminiferan
Shown here is a giant foraminiferan originating from the Eocene of Egypt. Foraminifera are amoeba-like, single-celled protistids and can still be found in abundance today

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Cassia Lanceolatat

Cassia Lanceolatat
Plate from Hipolyte Nectouxs Voyage dans la haute Egypte, au dessus des cataractes, avec des observations sur les diverses espcces de sene qui sont repandues dans le commerce. Paris, Garnery 1808

Background imageNorth Africa Collection: Peridot group

Peridot group
Fine cut peridot of 146 carats (centre) with crystals and rough mass (right) from Zebirget, and Hawaiian basalt containing olivine crystals (left)

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