NOLLET EXPERIMENT 7The Abbe Nollet demonstrates the electrical conductivity of the human body to a fashionable Paris audience Date: circa 1750
NOLLET LECTURES 1754JEAN-ANTOINE (abbe) NOLLET gives a course in physics at the College de Navarre, Paris, where he is professor Date: 1754
JEAN-ANTOINE NOLLET known as the Abbe Nollet, French professor of physics who carried out important early electrical experiments Date: 1700 - 1770
NOLLET MACHINEThe electrical machine of Jean-Antoine Nollet, abbe and professor of experimental physics at the University of Paris. Date: circa 1750
Nollet Experiment 3Nollet investigates the effects of electricity on living subjects - plants, a cat and a bird. Date: 1754
Nollet Experiment 2Nollet, at the College de Navarre, Paris, demonstrates how electricity can be generated by stroking a glass globe, and then passed from one person to another
Nollet LecturingThe Abbe Nollet lectures on electricity at the College de Navarre, Paris
Nollet and Gold LeafJean-Antoine Nollet demonstrates how an electrical charge can be passed from one person to another, enabling the second to attract pieces of gold leaf
Nollet ExperimentJean-Antoine Nollet stands beside some of the apparatus with which he researches how electricity can be generated and transferred
Nollet Experiment 6The Abbe Nollet demonstrates the electrical conductivity of the human body, at the College de Navarre, Paris
Nollet and SoldiersNollet demonstrates electrical force at Versailles, sending a current through soldiers who stand with linked hands; in one experiment he does this with 240 soldiers
Science / NolletThe electrical experiments of Jean-Antoine NOLLET, abbe and professor physics at Paris; demonstrating how electricity is conducted by the human body