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Nineveh Collection

Background imageNineveh Collection: Ancient Mesopotamia. Nineveh. Panoramic view of

Ancient Mesopotamia. Nineveh. Panoramic view of
Ancient Mesopotamia. Nineveh (near the present-day Mosul, Iraq). Panoramic view of the city alongside the Tigris River. Engraving by Aubert

Background imageNineveh Collection: Art from Nineveh and Persepolis, ancient Assyria

Art from Nineveh and Persepolis, ancient Assyria
Art from ancient Assyria. Painted sculptures and enamelled bricks from the Palace of Khorsabad, Nineveh, 1-23, and Persepolis, 24-33

Background imageNineveh Collection: Coat of arms of mythological figures King Ninus and Queen Semira

Coat of arms of mythological figures King Ninus and Queen Semiramis of Nineveh, Assyria. Babylon. Ninus & Semiramis, Roy & Royne de Babylone

Background imageNineveh Collection: Max Mallowan and Agatha Christie

Max Mallowan and Agatha Christie
Max Mallowan and his wife, Agatha Christie, in 1933

Background imageNineveh Collection: The Nineveh Room at the British Museum. Date: 1853

The Nineveh Room at the British Museum. Date: 1853

Background imageNineveh Collection: Arrival of the Nineveh Sculptures at the British Museum 1852

Arrival of the Nineveh Sculptures at the British Museum 1852
The arrival of one of the Nineveh Sculptures at the British Museum, London. The Nineveh lion, supported by a wooden frame, being winched up the stairs at the front of the museum. Date: 1852

Background imageNineveh Collection: Great Queens of the Past No 2 - Semiramis of Nineveh

Great Queens of the Past No 2 - Semiramis of Nineveh
Semiramis of Nineveh pictured arriving at the military camp before the city of Bactra which had been defying the Assyrian forces for some time

Background imageNineveh Collection: Tell Nebi Yunus - Nineveh, Iraq

Tell Nebi Yunus - Nineveh, Iraq
The site of Nineveh on the Eastern bank of the River Tigris in Iraq - viewed here from Mosul, across the River

Background imageNineveh Collection: Pontoon Bridge over the Tigris at Mosul, Iraq

Pontoon Bridge over the Tigris at Mosul, Iraq
Temporary pontoon bridge over the Tigris at Mosul, Iraq, connecting to a more solid construction further across the flow

Background imageNineveh Collection: Jonah & Ninivites

Jonah & Ninivites
God sends him on a missionary journey to Nineveh, to tell the people their city will be destroyed 40 days later : they believe and convert and, lo !, their city is not destroyed !

Background imageNineveh Collection: Kings stele with inscription and a relief depicting King Se

Kings stele with inscription and a relief depicting King Sennacherib praying in front of the divine symbols. 705-681 BC. Detail. Limestone. From Nineveh. Archaeological Museum

Background imageNineveh Collection: Orthostates from the Palace of Nineveh. Alabaster. 704-689 B

Orthostates from the Palace of Nineveh. Alabaster. 704-689 B
Mesopotamian art. Assyrian. Orthostates with reliefs in the side walls of a ramp from the Palace of Nineveh. Alabaster. 704-689 B.C. It shows Assyrian officers and courtiers carrying a mobile throne

Background imageNineveh Collection: Ninevites Repent

Ninevites Repent
The prophet urges the people of Nineveh to repent of their sinfulness, which they do, whereupon God doesn t inflict on them the disasters he had planned for them

Background imageNineveh Collection: Iraq / Archaeology / Various

Iraq / Archaeology / Various
A whole variety of artifacts, and reliefs, both in situ and alone, from many of the major sites of ancient Iraq. These include Kalhu (Tell Nimrud) and Nineveh (Tell Kuyunjik)

Background imageNineveh Collection: Nineveh Sacked by Medes

Nineveh Sacked by Medes
Nineveh sacked by the Medes Date: 612 BC

Background imageNineveh Collection: Iraq / Archaeology / Nineveh

Iraq / Archaeology / Nineveh
Iron artifacts found in excavations at the site of ancient Nineveh. These include a chain, a socketed pick head and ring-mounted hooks. Date: 1874

Background imageNineveh Collection: Iraq / Archaeology / Mosul

Iraq / Archaeology / Mosul
Excavations in progress at the site of ancient Mosul. Around 400 AD, the city of Mosul began to eclipse the dominant city of Nineveh, on the other side of the Tigris

Background imageNineveh Collection: Hunting scenes Assyrian relief

Hunting scenes Assyrian relief
Hunting scenes of Ashurbanipal. Assyrian art. Relief on rock. UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND. London. The British Museum. Proc: IRAQ. NINEVEH. Kuyunjik. Nineveh. Palace of Ashurbanipal

Background imageNineveh Collection: Fall of Nineveh

Fall of Nineveh
The Fall of Nineveh. circa late 19th century

Background imageNineveh Collection: Nineveh Sculpture at the British Museum, London

Nineveh Sculpture at the British Museum, London
Winged bull Nineveh sculpture, from Nimroud, exhibited at the British Museum, London, in 1850. Two visitors, in Victorian dress, are shown viewing the sculpture. Date: 1850

Background imageNineveh Collection: Nineveh Sculpture at the British Museum, London, 1850

Nineveh Sculpture at the British Museum, London, 1850

Background imageNineveh Collection: Dogs of the chase, 500BC

Dogs of the chase, 500BC. Marble slabs found in the ruins of Nineveh, depicting hunting dogs of Assur-bani-pal, the grand monarque of Assyria, on leashes with their handlers Date: 500BC

Background imageNineveh Collection: Mr George Smith of The British Museum

Mr George Smith of The British Museum
George Smith had explored the site of ancient Nineveh adding to our knowledge of the Assyrian Empire. He also translated the Gilgamesh epic

Background imageNineveh Collection: Jonah at Nineveh

Jonah at Nineveh
After his ordeal with the whale, Jonah reaches Nineveh and tells its people the city will be destroyed 40 days later, but they mend their ways and the city is spared

Background imageNineveh Collection: Nineveh is Taken

Nineveh is Taken
NINEVEH, chief city of the Assyrian empire, is taken by the Babylonians, Medes and Scythians after a three-month siege

Background imageNineveh Collection: 7 Wonders / Nineveh / Parr

7 Wonders / Nineveh / Parr
The Temple of the Sun at Nineveh

Background imageNineveh Collection: Iraq / Nineveh / Reconstr

Iraq / Nineveh / Reconstr
A reconstruction of the elaborate exitway to the Kings Palace at Nineveh. This is a reconstruction of the Palace of Sennacherib (c 8BC) or Ashurbanipal (c 7BC)

Background imageNineveh Collection: Jonah Preaches

Jonah Preaches
Jonah preaches to the people of Nineveh, who take it in good part

Background imageNineveh Collection: Lecture / British Museum

Lecture / British Museum
A lecture in the Assyrian Gallery of the British Museum. The speaker points towards one of the massive carved Lion supports removed by Layard from excavations at Nineveh

Background imageNineveh Collection: Nineveh / Calmet

Nineveh / Calmet
NINEVEH - A plan of the city according to Diodorus Siculus and Father Kircher

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