The Witchs Frolic by Alfred BestallThe witchs frolic, taking place on Hallowe en, the date when Saman, Lord of Death
Studdys Nightmare by George StuddyBonzo and Co. get their own back on the artist, after the Christmas pudding
Diseases of the Brain, Dreams, Delusions, Hallucinations and Nightmares Date: 1888
Confusion at Plane-ParkCar parks can be nightmares, but they are nothing to the confusion that will come when we all go to the shops in our private planes ! Date: 1927
Exit tango: satire on the end of a dance craze, 1914Satirical comment from Punch Magazine on the end of the tango craze
Joseph Chamberlain dream of Paul Kruger feeding him medicineThe Story of Cruel Joseph (cont.) - Joseph Chamberlain (1836-1914) dreams of being doctored (fed medicine) by a smiling South African Transvaal Republic leader Paul Kruger (1825-1905). Date: 1899
A NightmareHo(a)rse laughter - a study in a horses facial expressions and a bit of a nightmare. Date: 1930s
His Dual Obsession by BairnsfatherHis Dual Obsession Owing to the frequent recurrence of this dream
The latest thing in nightmares
Forty Warm WinksBonzo, the canine cartoon character created by George Studdy and hugely popular during the 1920s, is pictured getting closer and closer to the fire and on drowsing off
Summer NightmaresA Good Suggestion For Stuffy Summer Nights. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans
Mona Lisa NightmareM. Homelle, director of Frances Musees Nationaux, suffers nightmares when the Mona Lisa is stolen from the Louvre !