Routemaster BusA No.76 Routemaster bus drives past the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, on its way to Stoke Newington, north London
Advertisement, Bicycles & TricyclesAdvertisement, James Lillywhite, Frowd and Co, Bicycling, Cricket and Athletic Outfitters, Bicycles and Tricycles. 1880s
LCC- MFB Stoke Newington fire stationStoke Newington fire station was one of the last to be built by the MFB in 1886 prior to the creation of the London County Council in 1889
Clissold Park, Stoke Newington, London, 1885Engraving showing a series of scenes of Clissold Park and the surrounding area, 1885. The images show (clockwise from top): Horse-Shoe Field; Church Street; Old Yew Tree; the Old Church
Newington CausewayAn early 20th century view of Newington Causeway, a road in Southwark, London, between the Elephant and Castle and Borough High Street. Date: 1908
Women of Hampshire vs. Women of Surrey Cricket Match, NewingEngraving of a cricket match between the Hamshire and Surrey Lasses for 500 guineas, played at Newington Green, near Balls Pond, Middlesex, 2nd October 1811. The Hampshire team won by 14 notches
Firefighters in costume for an entertaining eveningMen and women in costume for an entertaining evening at Stoke Newington Fire Station, 17 March 1920. Date: 1920
Keycol Hill, Newington near Sittingbourne, Kent. Date: 1917
Rowton House, Newington ButtsA view of the Rowton House, Newington Butts, South London, opened in 1897 as a cheap hostel for men. Date: 1897
Rowton House, Newington Butts - WashroomWashroom at the Rowton House, Newington Butts, South London, opened in 1897 as a cheap hostel for men. Date: 1897
Rowton House, Newington Butts - Dining RoomDining Room at the Rowton House, Newington Butts, South London, opened in 1897 as a cheap hostel for men. Date: 1897
Rowton House, Newington Butts - CubiclesSleeping cubicles at the Rowton House, Newington Butts, South London, opened in 1897 as a cheap hostel for men. Date: 1897
Abney HouseView of Abney Park, Stoke Newington, London, England, situated in a 32-acre park dating from just before 1700, named after Lady Mary Abney and associated with Dr Isaac Watts
Walks of London - London Bridge, Borough, Newington ?Walks of London - London Bridge, Borough, Newington Butts and St Georges Fields
1832 Victorian Map of Southwark
Rowton House, Newington Butts, LondonFeet-Washing Room at the Rowton House, Newington Butts, South London, opened in 1897 as a cheap hostel for men. Date: 1897
Photograph of Royal Oak PH, Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Corner on view of the pub. The back of the print (available on request) details: Trading Record 1920
Photograph of Prince Of Wales PH, Stoke Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Corner on view of the pub
Photograph of Nevill Arms, Stoke Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Corner on view of the pub
Marquis Of Lansdowne PH, Stoke Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Left Face on view of the pub
Photograph of King and Queen PH, Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Face on view of the pub
Photograph of Golden Fleece PH, Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Corner on view of the pub
Photograph of Freemasons PH, Stoke Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Corner on view of the pub
Photograph of Fox PH, Stoke Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Corner on view of the pub
Photograph of Coach & Horses PH, Stoke Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Left Face on view of the pub
Surrey GardensView of Surrey Gardens in 1860. Royal Surrey Gardens opened in 1856, as pleasure gardens in Newington, Surrey, London in the Victorian period, slightly east of The Oval
Music HallView of the Music Hall Surrey Gardens. Royal Surrey Gardens opened in 1856 as pleasure gardens in Newington, Surrey, London in the Victorian period, slightly east of The Oval
Old Newington ChurchSir William Patten, Lord of the Manor, built the present Old Church, bordering Clissold Park on the north side of Church Street, in 1563
Fishmongers AlmshousesThe almshouses were on the area west of Newington Butts and south of St Georges Road. Erected in two phases: firstly St
Semaphore telegraphView of the semaphore tower in 1810. On the south side of St. Georges Road, Stoke Newington, formerly stood a tall boarded structure which served as a semaphore telegraph tower. Date: 1875
Old Rectory Stoke NewingtonView of the Old Rectory, Stoke Newington, London just prior to its demolition. It was a weatherboard building on the south side of Church Street opposite the church. Date: 1875
Stoke Newington ViewsViews in Stoke Newington - Rogers House 1877, Fleetwood House 1750, St Marys Rectory, St Marys New Church, New River at Stoke Newington, Queen elizabeths Walk 1800, Old Gateway. Date: 1875
Stoke Newington ChurchThe Old Church is the only remaining Elizabethan church in London and one of the oldest in the country to have been built as an Anglican church
Rectorial House, Newington Butts. Singular building made of oak, chestnut and cedar, with roof in 14 casts or directions forming a well in the centre
The Gate of the Ancient Abbey of St. Saviours Bermondsey. Founded 1082 by Aylwin Child for Cluniacs from France
New stations on the North London railway 1870Page showing the newly erected stations on the North London railway. Date: 1870
Photograph of Black Bull PH, Stoke Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Right face on view of the pub
Photograph of Albion PH, Stoke Newington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Corner on view of the pub
George GaskinGEORGE GASKIN English churchman : rector of Stoke Newington, prebendary of Ely, secretary of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. Date: 1751 - 1829
Isaac Watts - Abney houseIsaac Watts (1674 - 1748) Abney House, Stoke Newington, home of the divine and writer
Advertisement, Arrow Hill-Climbing Tricycle. 1883
Stoke Newington Public Library borrowers card, valid for one year, from September 1900 to September 1901, made out to Edward H Marsh, Paradise House School. Date: 1900
The Vagabond King by W H Post and Brian HookerPromotional postcard for The Vagabond King by W. H. Post and Brian Hooker; music Rudolf Friml. First produced at the Winter Garden Theatre, 19th April 1927
Newington ButtsThe church and its churchyard at Newington Butts, Southwark - a good example of an inner- city cemetery. (At this date it was in Surrey.) Date: 1807
Settlement Certificate from Newington, OxfordshireA 1747 settlement certificate relating to Alecksander and Marcy Chalk of Newington, Oxfordshire
London Fire Brigade wheeled escape ladder and crewA London Fire Brigade wheeled escape ladder and crew. The caption reads: London Fire Brigade motor escape competition G. District winners, Stoke Newington, 1925
LCC-LFB Aftermath of a property fire, Stoke NewingtonAn internal view of the extensive fire damage to 90 Stoke Newington High Street, North London
The Devils StoneThe historic Devils Stone, situated near the church at Newington, Kent, England. This is probably an ancient mark- stone. Date: BC
Miss Helen Wills, American Tennis Player and ArtistMISS HELEN WILLS in 1927, American tennis player and artist, seen here in mufti, ie ordinary clothes rather than her tennis gear
Newington, LondonBirds eye view of the Fishmongers Almshouses, Newington, north east London -- an omnibus, a carriage and a cart are passing
London Birdseye 19Bird s-eye view of London at the end of the 19th century : from London Bridge through the Borough, to Newington Butts and St Georges Fields
Dryden Simpsons OfficeERNST DRYDEN Photograph of the advertising department of Simpsons, Stoke Newington, at work, working from Drydens originals
Kentish SceneryEvery spring the cherry orchards around Newington, near Sittingbourne, Kent, England, exhibit a wonderful display of blossom