Common heath, Epacris impressaCommon heath or Pitted epacris, Epacris impressa. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Long-leaved euthales, Euthales macrophylla or Velleia macrophylla. Australia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Vine lilac or waraburra, Hardenbergia violacea (One-leaved hardenbergia, Hardenbergia monophylla). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Shooting stars, Hoya multiflora (Abundant flowering cyrtoceras, Cyrtoceras floribundum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Salmon correa or neat correa, Correa pulchella. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Hawthorn-scented boronia, Boronia pinnata. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
White calochortus, Calochortus albus. Oxidized handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Acrophyllum australe. Vulnerable. (Veined acrophyllum, Acrophyllum venosum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mills from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Gavilea longibracteata orchid (Long-bracted chloraea, Chloraea longibracteata). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Priscilla Bury from Benjamin
Lobelia tenuior (Branching lobelia, Lobelia ramosa). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Strawflower, Helichrysum macranthumStrawflower or large-flowered helichrysum, Helichrysum macranthum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Rocky gesnera, Gesnera rupestris. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Large-flowered barrenwort, Epimedium grandiflorum (Large-flowered epimedium, Epimedium macranthum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Heart-leaved chorizema, Chorizema cordatum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Tree dahlia, Dahlia excelsa. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Heart-leaved manettia, Manettia cordifolia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
African lily, Agapanthus africanus (white-flowered agapanthus, Agapanthus umbellatus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Hibbertia cunninghamii (Mr Cunninghams candollea, Candollea cunninghamii). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Maund from Benjamin Maund
Mrs Marryatts kennedya, Kennedya marryattiana. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Pachira alba (White carolinea, Carolinea alba). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Long-leaved wattle or long-leaved acacia, Acacia longifolia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mills from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Justicia lindaviana (Shewy justicia, Justicia speciosa). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Strobilanthes persicifolia (Equal-leaved goldfussia, Goldfussia isophylla). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Maund from Benjamin Maund
Rice flower, Calyptrostegia intermedia (Intermediate pimelea, Pimelea intermedia). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Hybrid climbing lophospermum, Lophospermum erubescente-scandens (Lophospermum erubescens x Lophospermum scandens). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Siebolds clematis, Clematis florida. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Thellusons portulaca, Portulaca thellusonii. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Black-eyed Susan vine or winged thunbergia, Thunbergia alata. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Errembaults hybrid alstroemeria, Alstroemeria x errembaultii. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Begonia minor (Shining begonia, Begonia nitida). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Duke of Devonshires galeandra orchid, Galeandra devoniana. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Jane Taylor from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Nodding epidendrum orchid, Epidendrum nutans. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Jane Taylor from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Spiny triptilion, Triptilion spinosum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Moritz Indian cress, Tropaeolum moritzianum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Sweet-scented mallow, Malva odorata. South Africa. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Dreges begonia, Begonia dregei. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Umbellated epidendrum orchid, Epidendrum umbellatum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Jane Taylor from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Stylidium affine (Drummonds stylidium, Stylidium drummondii). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
White-flowered lotus, Lotus albidus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Flatface calicoflower, Downingia pulchellaFlatface calicoflower and valley calicoflower, Downingia pulchella (Pretty clintonia, Clintonia pulchella). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Plata ipomoea, Ipomoea platensis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Podalyria glauca (Box-leaved podalyria, Podalyria buxifolia). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Blue stars, Nivenia corymbosa (Corymbose witsenia, Witsenia corymbosa). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Drummonds rudbeckia, Rudbeckia drummondii (Drummonds obeliscaria, Obeliscaria drummondii). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Mr Herberts cypella, Cypella herbertii. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Five-flowered jacquemontia, Jacquemontia pentathos. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Wedge-leaved chascanum, Chascanum cuneifolium. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Intermediate cattleya orchid, Cattleya indermedia. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Crimson-flowered comparettia orchid, Comparettia coccinea. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Jane Taylor from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Cape pavetta, Pavetta capensisPavetta capensis (South African pavetta, Pavetta caffra). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Clothed solanum, Solanum vestitum. Mexico. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Indigofera alpina (Large-stipuled indigofera, Indigofera stipularis). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Narrow-leaved solanum, Solanum angustifolium. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Fuchsia parviflora (Cylindrical fuchsia, Fuchsia cylindracea). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Hawtaynes meyenia, Meyenia hawtayneana. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Thysanotus multiflorus (Proliferous thysanotus, Thysanotus proliferus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Carrot fern, sekkoku, or necklace-like dendrobium orchid, Dendrobium moniliforme. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Blue morning glory, Ipomoea indica (Pharbitis learii). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Kennedia carinata (Large-keeled physolobium, Physolobium carinatum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Fragrant columbine, Aquilegia fragrans. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Sweet-scented airplant, Aerides odoratum. EndangeredSweet-scented airplant orchid, Aerides odoratum. Endangered. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Miss Sara Maund from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Toothed acacia, Acacia dentifera. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Blue trumpet, Brunoniella australis (New Holland ruellia, Ruellia australis). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Great flowered stanhopea orchid, Stanhopea grandiflora. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Silverleafed princess flower, Tibouchina heteromalla (Heteromallous pleroma, Pleroma heteromalla). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Eulophia parviflora orchid (Small-flowered lissochilus, Lissochilus parviflorus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Poro poro, Passiflora pinnatistipula. EndangeredPoro poro, Passiflora pinnatistipula (Feather-stipuled tacsonia, Tacsonia pinnatistipula). Endangered. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Calochortus barbatus lily (Yellow calochortus, Calochortus flavus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Five eyes, Chamaesaracha viscosa (Schraders physalis, Physalis schraderiana). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Parasitic aeschynanthus, Aeschynanthus parasiticus.Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Epidendrum macrocarpum orchid (Schomburgks epidendrum, Epidendrum schomburgkii). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin
Devils pins or pungent hovea, Hovea pungens. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Azalea or brick-coloured Indian rhododendron, Rhododendron indicum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Indian coleus, Plectranthus barbatus (Bearded coleus, Coleus barbatus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Japanese lily or sukashiyuri, Lilium maculatum (Thunbergs lily, Lilium thunbergianum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Spotted cycnoches orchid, Cycnoches maculatum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mills from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Strobilanthes glomerata (Clustered goldfussia, Goldfussia glomerata). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Snake creeper, Ceropegia stapeliiformisSnake creeper or stapelia-like ceropegia, Ceropegia stapeliiformis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund
Pimelea nivea (Hoary pimelea, Pimelea incana). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Red five-corner or crimson styphelia, Styphelia tubiflora. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Wake robin or stinking benjamin, Trillium erectum (rhomboidal trillium, Trillium rhomboideum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S
Moth orchid, Phalaenopsis amabilis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mrs Augusta Withers from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Erica holosericea (Andromeda-flowered heath, Erica andromediflora). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mills from Benjamin Maund and the Rev
Rockrose, Halimium lasianthum subsp. formosum (Beautiful helianthemum, Helianthemum formosum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S