Dues on wines, privilege granted to the Chapter of Tournai by King Chilperic. Two clergymen, one carrying the measuring cups and the other a rod to measure the barrels
The bishop of Tournai receiving the tithe of beerRight of the bishopric of Tournai on beer. Originally this tax was paid in kind. The Chapter collector went to the brewers house to collect it
Statue of Dagobert I (c. 603-639), king of Austrasia, all the Franks, Neustria and Burgundy, last king of the Merovingian dynasty. Statue de Dagobert I
Sceptre, seal and throne of Dagobert I, King of Austrasia and alSceptre, seal and throne of Dagobert I (c. 603-639), king of Austrasia, all the Franks, Neustria and Burgundy. Last king of the Merovingian dynasty
FREDEGONDE ACCUSEDBishop Praetextatus accuses Fredegonde, mistress/consort of Chilperic king of Neustria after he murdered his wife Galswinthe, of the death of Sigebert king of Austrasia. Date: circa 580
SIGEBERT MURDEREDThe appalling Fredegonde, mistress of Chilperic king of Neustria and his consort after he murdered Galswinthe, orders the death of his half-brother Sigebert king of Austrasia. Date: 575
Malacosoma franconicum moth and festoon, Apoda limacodes. Phalaena franconica, Phalaena limacodes
Lackey moth, Malacosoma neustria. Phalaena neustria
Lackey moth, Malacosoma neustria, and caterpillar in silken tent on leaf
DAGOBERT I King of Neustria son of Clotaire II the last Merovingian king to rule rather than reign Date: 605 - 639
DAGOBERT I (605-639). Merovingian king of all" DAGOBERT I (605-639). Merovingian king of all the Franks (629-634), and king of Neustria and Burgundy (629-639). Dagobert I watches the construction works of Saint-Denis church
Pepin Le BrefPEPIN LE BREF (the Short) son of Charles Martel, Mayor of the Palaces of Austrasia and Neustria first ruler of the Carolingian dynasty
Charles Martel (Card)CHARLES MARTEL Mayor of the Palaces of Austrasia and Neustria and effective power in the realm. His successors will be kings, though he is not
Clovis II, son of Dagobert, King of Neustria and Burgundy
Clovis II ProclaimedClovis II, son of Dagobert I, is only five years old when he is proclaimed king of Neustria, but he will rule until 657
Fredegonde / Hist. D. PapesFREDEGONDE Wife/Queen of Chilperic I, King of Neustria
CLOVIS III Merovingian king of Neustria and Austrasia, though only for one year
Childeric IICHILDERIC II king of Neustria and of Austrasia - but only for a year
Clotaire IIICLOTAIRE III king of Neustria
Saint BathildaSAINT BATHILDA of Saxony, queen of Clovis II, king of Neustria : her name variously spelt as Baldhild, Baltechildis, Batilde, etc
CLOVIS II king of Neustria, the first of les rois faineants (kings in name only)
BERTRUDE queen of Clotaire II, king of Neustria
Clotaire IICLOTAIRE II king of Neustria, son of Chilperic I
Fredegonde, Q of ChilperFREDEGONDE queen of Chilperic I, king of Neustria
Chilperic ICHILPERIC I Merovingian king of Neustria known as Herod to his contemporaries, and eventually assassinated
BATHILDE ( - 680)Englishwoman who married Clovis II of Neustria, became regent of France, mother of three kings, saint