Happy BabiesBirds in their little nests agree? Two happy babies. Artist: Anne Anderson Date: circa 1917
Treecreeper, hummingbirds and ravensTreecreeper, Certhia familiaris a, hummingbirds and their nests, Trochilus species b, c, d, raven, Corvus corax e, carrion crow, Corvus corone f and rook, Corvus frugilegus g
Great African white ant, Macrotermes bellicosus (Termes bellicosus). Labourers 1, soldiers 2, king 3, male 4, pregnant female or queen 5, nests 6
Nests of the streaked fantail warbler and reed warblerNests of the streaked fantail warbler, Cisticola juncidis, and reed warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus. Nids de Fauvelles
Woman in white dress, pink fichu and corsage, pink bonnet-chapeau. Handcoloured lithograph by A
Tropical Birds And Their Nests
Worker, soldier and queen termites, Macrotermes bellicosusWorker termite, Macrotermes bellicosus of Guinea 1, head of worker 2, soldier 3, head of soldier 4, female, winged state 5, and pregnant queen 6
Eastern towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmusNest and eggs of the eastern towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Nest and egg of the redwing blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Nest and eggs of the eastern kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Eastern wood pewee and orchard oriolesEastern wood pewee, Contopus virens, and orchard orioles, Icterus spurius
Gray catbird, Dumetella carolinensisNest and eggs of the gray catbird, Dumetella carolinensis. Cat bird, Minus carolinensis
American woodcock, Scolopax minor. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Gray catbird and eastern towheeGray catbird, Dumetella carolinensis, and eastern towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus
American kestrel, Falco sparverius, with nest and egg. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Eastern wood pewee, Contopus virens. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Mourning dove, Zenaida macroura, with nest and egg. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Prairie warbler, Setophaga discolor. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Razorbill or lesser auk, Alca torda. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Golden-crowned kinglet, Regulus satrapa. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Redwing blackbird and red-eyed vireoRedwing blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus, and red-eyed vireo, Vireo olivaceus
Barn swallow, Hirundo rustica, with nest and eggs. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Nest and eggs of the orchard oriole, Icterus spurius. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Chipping sparrow, Spizella passerinaNest and eggs of the chipping sparrow, Spizella passerina. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Spotted sandpiper, Actitis maculariusNest and eggs of the spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularius. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Red-eyed vireo Vireo olivaceus. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A
Eastern kingbird and cedar waxwingEastern kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus, and cedar waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum. Kingbird, Tyrannus carolinensis Cedar bird, Ampelis cedrorum
Varieties of ants and their nests -- nest of the Fuliginous ant, Formica fuliginosa, Yellow ant (Formica flava), Fallow ant (Formica rufa), nest of the Common Yellow ant
Nests of the streaked fantail warbler and reed warblerNests of the streaked fantail warbler, Cisticola juncidis, and reed warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus
COTTAGE PORCHOn a cottage porch, the return of the swallows to their nests heralds the coming summer Date: 1875
Stanley Mill, GloucstershireStanley Mill, Stonehouse, Ryeford, Stroud Valley, Gloucstershire. The chimney smokes. In the foreground is a rookery Date: 1989
Mole - babies in nest
Constantine, Algeria - a stork nest on Perregaux StreetConstantine, Algeria - a pair of storks nest on the top of a brick building on Perregaux Street (Rue Perregaux), while groups of people pass below. circa 1910s
Edwardian slanted cartwheel hats 1905Womens hats were an essential part of fashion in Edwardian times with hair worn high and hats slanted with plumes of bird feathers and sometimes whole bird wings. 1905
Little boy and girl riding in balloon on a birthday cardLittle boy and girl riding in a balloon on a birthday card. The balloon is made from an oval egg, and the basket is made from a birds nest. Date: circa 1890s
Black-Pied Pouter Cock PigeonA portrait of two Black-Pied Pouter, (Pigmy Pouter) pigeons, with two white feathered Brunner Pouters featured in the background. The illustration shows their unsual features as a fancy breed
Blue Pouter Cock PigeonA portrait of a Blue Pouter Cock standing on a loft rooftop with three other pouters featured in the background. The Pouter pigeon is characterised by a its very large, inflatable crop
Red-breasted Goose - female by nest with 5 eggs laid in gooses down - at riverbank cliff (Branta ruficollis). river Maksimovka near Kara sea - near Dikson - Russian Arctic - summer - July
Peregrine Falcon - adult warms a chick after feeding him in the nest (a single chick because of the bad year due to the lack of lemmings as food, a natural fluctuation), (Falco peregrinus)
Siberian Lemming - adult by its burrow in tundra (Lemmus sibiricus ). near Dikson, Russian Arctic. Summer, August
OSTRICH - male on nest with eggs (Stuthio camelus)
Ostrich - eggs at nest (Struthio camelus)
The Tailor Bird
15th Century CarrackA sailing ship known as a carrack with its three masts, crows nests and anchor
Little boys birds nesting on a Christmas card, with a warning about greed. Date: circa 1890s
Village Weaver Spotted-backed Weaver Black-headed Weaver adult male seats on a branch between an old woven nest
White Carrier Cock PigeonA portrait of a White Carrier Cock standing in full-length with one other of its kind nesting in the background
Bobak / Steppe Marmot - fat adult - ready for hibernation - feeds on grasses near a burrow (Marmota bobak). common in steppes of Orenburg region - South Russia - morning - July
Bobak / Steppe Marmot - fat adult - observes and sniffs surroundings for a potential danger near a burrow (Marmota bobak). common in steppes of Orenburg region - South Russia - morning - July
Bobak / Steppe Marmot - adult - observes surroundings for a potential danger near a burrow (Marmota bobak). common in steppes of Orenburg region - South Russia - early morning - July
Bobak / Steppe Marmot - adult - observes and sniffs surroundings for a potential danger near a burrow (Marmota bobak). common in steppes of Orenburg region - South Russia - early morning - July
Bobak / Steppe Marmot - a pair of fat adults near a burrow - marmot on the left stretches after just coming out of a burrow - catching the first sun (Marmota bobak)
Bobak / Steppe Marmot - a burrow complex in steppe (Marmota bobak). typical in steppes of Orenburg region - South Russia
Bobak / Steppe Marmot - adult, ready for hibernation - observe surroundings for danger and catches the morning sun near a burrow (Marmota bobak)
Bobak / Steppe Marmot - adult - whistles warning others - near a burrow in steppe - observes an intruder from a distance (Marmota bobak). steppes of Orenburg region - South Russia - June
Peregrine Falcon - adult feeds a chick in the nest (a single chick because of the bad year due to the lack of lemmings as food, a natural fluctuation) (Falco peregrinus)
Siberian Lemming muzzle adult nibbles grass by the entrance of the burrow (Lemmus sibiricus ). tundra near Dikson, Russian Arctic. Summer, August
Siberian Lemming - adult near its burrow in tundra (Lemmus sibiricus ). near Dikson, Russian Arctic. Summer, August
Black-faced Spoonbill - adults on nest (Platalea minor)
Hazel Hen / Hazel Grouse - female sits on nest (Tetrastes bonasia). near river Negustyah, a tributary of river Bolshoi Ugan, near Ugut settlement; Uganskii Nature reserve, Siberia, Russia; spring
Forest dormouse, adult, climbs out of its shelter (a tree-hollow) (Dryomys nitedula). in deciduous forests of South Ural Mountains, nocturnal; South Russia, summer
Pacific Swallow (adult) in its nest, built in a niche, carved by sea waves, under a huge volcanic boulder on a beach (Hirundo tahitica). Tioman Island, Malaysia; June
Siberian Lemming - young pops out at the entrance of its burrow. This particular individual has greyish colour (Lemmus sibiricus). tundra near Dikson, Russian Arctic. Summer, August
Siberian Lemming - adult near its burrow (the shape of moss indicates that some entrances were used by generations of lemmings) (Lemmus sibiricus ). tundra near Dikson - Russian Arctic
Peregrine Falcon - chick in the nest (a single chick because of the bad year due to the lack of lemmings as food, a natural fluctuation (Falco peregrinus)
Egypt - Crater-shaped entrance of a termites termitarium, typical in an uninhabited oasis on a salt water spring in Arabian desert. approx. 50 km from Hurghada town
Russian Desmans - in the burrow (Desmana moschata). Okskii Biospheric Nature Reserve; river Oka valley, Central Russia
Common Sandpiper - on nest (Totanus hypoleucos)
Common Sandpiper - on the nest; common but difficult to find on taiga forest floor near river Negustyah, (Totanus hypoleucos)
Hazel Hen / Hazel Grouse - eggs in typical nest (Tetrastes bonasia)
Sand Martins - quarrel over nest holes in a sand wall of a ravine near river Bolshoi Ugan (Riparia riparia). near Ugut settlement; Uganskii Nature reserve, Siberia, Russia; spring
Nest of Black-tailed Godwit - one egg is hatching (Limosa limosa). marsh near river Bolshoi Ugan, near Ugut settlement; Uganskii Nature reserve, Siberia, Russia; spring
Acacia Ants - Whistling Thorn and Stinging Ants, on Acacia Gall Plant (Acacia drepanolobiun)
Termite MoundsTERMITE MOUNDS. Australia
Red Panda / Lesser Panda / Red Cat-bear Nest
Asiatic Black Bear - young. Japanese sub species (Selenarctos thibetanus japonicus). Gunma Prefecture, Kanto Region on Honshu Island, Japan
PEREGRINE FALCON - feeding chicks on nest, typical nest on river rocks (Falco peregrinus Faolco peregrinnus). Taimyr, Russian Arctic
Red-Breasted GOOSE - chicks on nest on riverbank (Branta ruficollis). Taimyr, Russian Arctic, Europe
RED-BREASTED GOOSE - and chicks on nest (Branta ruficollis). Riverbank in Taimyr, Russian Arctic
Red-breasted Goose - on nest at riverbank (Branta ruficollis). Taimyr near Kara Sea - Russian Arctic
Horned / Shore Lark - fledgling juvenile (Eremophila alpestris). July - Taimyr tundra - near Dickson - Russian Arctic
RINGED PLOVER - typical nest in a pebble beach (Charadrius hiaticula ). Taimyr, Russian Arctic
Pacific Golden PLOVER - nest with eggs (Pluvialis fulva). Tundra, Taimyr Peninsula, Russian Arctic
Siberian Lemming muzzle adult at the entrance of a burrow. Front teeth are visible. (Lemmus sibiricus ). tundra near Dikson, Russian Arctic. Summer, August