John of NepomukSAINT JOHN OF NEPOMUK Bohemian priest who quarrelled with king Wenzel IV, who had him tortured then murdered and thrown into the Moldau
Crantzia tigrina (Heintzia tigrina). Native to Caracas, Venezuela
SANTIN-AICHEL, Johann Blasius (1667-1723). Sanctuary of Saint John of Nepomuk. CZECH Rep.. Zelen᠈ ora
John of Nepomuk (1345-1393). National saint of the Czech Republic. Statue at Charles Bridge in Prague, by baroque sculptor, Jan Brokoff (1652-1718). 1683
St. John of Nepomuk (1345-1393). Relief. Prague. Czech RepuSt. John of Nepomuk (1345-1393). National saint. Relief indicating the place where was thrown into the river by order of King Wenceslas IV of Bohemia. Charles Bridge. Prague. Czech Republic
Statue of St. John of Nepomuk (1345-1393). Copy. Prague. CzStatue of St. John of Nepomuk (1345-1393). National saint. Bronze. By Volfgang Jeronym Heroldt, 1683. Decorates the Charles Bridge. Prague. Czech Republic
Johann Nepomuk HummelJOHANN NEPOMUK HUMMEL German pianist and composer Date: 1778 - 1837
Johann Neomuk VoglJohann Nepomuk Vogl (1802 - 1866) Austrian poet
The Czech Republic, Nepomuk: St. Johann of Nepomuk Church. Date: 2013
Johann Nepomuk TrivaJOHANN NEPOMUK herzog von TRIVA German military Date: 1755 - 1827
CZECH Rep Zelen᠈ora. Sanctuary of Saint JohnCZECH Rep.. Zelen᠈ ora. Sanctuary of Saint John of Nepomuk (1667-1723), by Johann Blasius Santin-Aichel (1667-1723). Pentagonal chapel
Joh. Nep. CzermakJOHANN NEPOMUK CZERMAK Czech physiologist from Prague, worked in Pesth where he invented the laryngoscope