CANOVA, Antonio (1757-1822). The Graces and Venus dancing in front of Mars. Circa 1798. Neoclassicism. Tempera. ITALY. Possagno. Museum of Antonio Canova
Denmark, Gentofte. Bernstorff Palace. Engraving, 1898Denmark, Gentofte. Bernstorff Palace, the royal summer residence where Queen Louise (1817-1898) died. Neoclassical building completed in 1765. Engraving by Matute
Telemachus and Mentor. 1770. Made by Royal Fabric" Telemachus and Mentor. 1770. Made by Royal Fabric " Buen Retiro" from Madrid. Neoclassicism. China / Porcelain. SPAIN. Madrid. National Museum of Archaeology."
CAMUCCINI, Vincenzo (1771-1844). The Death of Julius Caesar. 1793-1798. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Naples. National Museum of Capodimonte
LANDON, Charles Paul (1760-1826). Daedalus and Icarus. 18th c. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Alen篮. Alen篮 Museum of Fine Arts and Lace
MADRAZO, Jos頨1781-1859). Jos頤e EsproncedaMADRAZO, Jos頨 1781-1859). Jos頤 e Espronceda. ca. 1840. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
MENGS, Anton Raphael (1728-1779). Portrait of Charles III. 1761. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
MENGS, Anton Raphael (1728-1779). Ferdinand IV, King of Naples. 1760. Portrait in 1760, at the age of nine. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
ALVAREZ CUBERO, Jos頨1768-1827). Cupid. NeoclassicismALVAREZ CUBERO, Jos頨 1768-1827). Cupid. Neoclassicism. Sculpture on marble. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
INGRES, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780-1867). Portrait of Count Nikolay Guryev. 1821. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. RUSSIA. Saint Petersburg. State Hermitage Museum
MENGS, Anton Raphael (1728-1779). Maria Amalia of Saxony, Queen of Spain. 1761. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
MENGS, Anton Raphael (1728-1779). Maria Carolina
GERARD, Fran篩s (1770-1837). Joachim Murat. 1801. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Versailles. National Museum of Versailles
INGRES, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780-1867). The Valpin篮 Bather (La baigneuse, dite La baigneuse de Valpin篮 ). 1808. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Paris. Louvre Museum
David, Jacques-Louis (1748-1825). Madame Recamier
CAMPENY, Damiᮠ(1771-1855). Lucretia. 1804CAMPENY, Damiᮠ (1771-1855). Lucretia. 1804. SPAIN. Barcelona. Llotja (Exchange) Palace. Neoclassicism. Sculpture on marble
BELLOTTO, Bernardo (1720-1780). View of Turin from the Gardens of the Palazzo Reale. 1745. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Turin. Galleria Sabauda (Sabauda Gallery)
David, Jacques-Louis (1748-1825). The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of the Empress Josephine by Pope Pius VII, 2nd December 1804. 1806-1807. Central detail
CANOVA, Antonio (1757-1822). Apollo. end 18th c. Neoclassicism. Sculpture. ITALY. Venice. Gallerie dell Accademia (Academy Gallery)
RAMOS Y ALBERTOS, Francisco Javier (1744-1817)
GERARD, Fran篩s (1770-1837). Portrait of Joseph Bonaparte. s.XIX-. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Versailles. National Museum of Versailles
APPIANI, Andrea (1754-1817). The Chariot of Apollo. 18th c.-19th c. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Milan. Pinacotheca of Brera
APPIANI, Andrea (1754-1817). Portrait of the
MOCCHI, Bernardino (1741-1812). Camillo Borghese. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Turin. Galleria Sabauda (Sabauda Gallery)
GERARD, Fran篩s (1770-1837). Madame Recamier. beg. 19th c. Detail. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Versailles. National Museum of Versailles
ADAN, Juan Antonio (1741-1816). Charles IV. Bust. Neoclassicism. Sculpture on marble. SPAIN. Madrid. St. Fernando Royal Academy Museum
BELLOTTO, Bernardo (1720-1780). Vienna Viewed from the Belvedere Palace (Veduta di Vienna dal Belvedere). 1758 - 1761. Neoclassicism. Oil on wood. AUSTRIA. Vienna
SCHMIDT, Johan Heinrich (1749-1829). Portrait of Isabella Angela Colbran. 1817. Portrait playing the lyre. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Milan. La Scala Theatre Museum
BREE, Mathieu Ignace Van (1773-1839). Portrait of Cuvier. 1798. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Paris. Natural History Museum
HANSEN, Theophil (1813-1891); KUNDMANN, Carl (1838-1919). Autrian Parliament. 1874-1883. AUSTRIA. Vienna. In foreground, the monumental fountain of Pallas Athena. Neoclassicism. Architecture
SPAIN. Madrid. Congress of Deputies. Neoclassicism. Architecture
BAYEU Y SUBIAS, Francisco (1734-1795). Picnic in countryside. 2nd half 16th c.II. SPAIN. San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas
BOILLY, Louis Leopold (1761-1845). The Conscripts of 1807 Marching Past the Gate of Saint-Denis. 19th c. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Paris. Mus饠 Carnavalet (Carnavalet Museum)
BATONI, Pompeo Girolamo (1708-1787). Kaiser Joseph II and the Grand Duke Leopold of Tuscany. 1769. Portrait commemorating the meeting held between the two brothers in Rome. Neoclassicism
GERARD, Fran篩s (1770-1837). Louis XVIII, King of France and Navarre (1755-1824). 1823. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Versailles. National Museum of Versailles
GROS, Antoine Jean, Baron (1771-1835). Claude-Victor Perrin, Duke of Bellune, Marshal of Francia. 1812. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Versailles. National Museum of Versailles
FLAUGIER, Joseph (1757-1813)
Ferdinand-Philippe, duke of OrleansINGRES, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780-1867). Ferdinand-Philippe, duke of Orleans. Portrait of King Louis Philip of Orleans son. Neoclassicism
Portrait of Joseph Bonaparte
SALVADOR CARMONA, Manuel (1734-1820). Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. Neoclassicism. Etching
LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas (1769-1830). The Duchess of Sussex. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas
BARTOLINI, Lorenzo (1777-1850). Tsar Alexander I. FRANCE. Versailles. National Museum of Versailles. Neoclassicism. Sculpture
REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792). Studio portrait of a young woman. Neoclassicism. Oil
MENGS, Anton Raphael (1728-1779). The Adoration of the Shepherds. 1770. On the left side, behind Saint Joseph there is the self-portrait of the artist. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid
MAXIMILIAN I Joseph (1756-1825). Prince-elector (Kurf of the Holy Roman Empire and first ruler of Baviera (1806-1825). Painting from 18th century. Austrian school. Neoclassicism
BELLOTTO, Bernardo (1720-1780). View of Venice. 18th c. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Bilbao. Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
BAYEU Y SUBIAS, Francisco (1734-1795). The Paseo de las Delicias in Madrid. 1785. Made for a tapestry. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
VIGNON, Pierre Alexandre (1763-1828). The Madeleine Church. FRANCE. Paris. Neoclassicism. Architecture
Portrait of Madame DevauayINGRES, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780-1867). Portrait of Madame Devauay. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas
Cybeles Fountain, MadridCybeles Fountain (1782), designed by Ventura Rodriguez. Sculpture on marble
PILLEMENT, Jean (1728-1808). Landscape. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas
David, Jacques-Louis (1748-1825)
BOILLY, Louis Leopold (1761-1845). A Game of Billiards. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas
MADRAZO, Raimundo (1841-1920). Gypsy Woman. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas
ADAN, Juan Antonio (1741-1816). Bust of Manuel Gody. Neoclassicism. Sculpture on marble
URRIES PIGNATELLI, Mariana (18th century-1806). Archer Love. 18th c. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. St. Fernando Royal Academy Museum
MAELLA, Mariano Salvador (1739-1819). Self-portrait. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. St. Fernando Royal Academy Museum
GONZALEZ VELAZQUEZ, Zacar(1763-1834). DonGONZALEZ VELAZQUEZ, Zacaric; (1763-1834). Don Ventura Rodr ez. Copy of an original work of Francisco de Goya, 1784. Rodr ez with a plan of the palace of Boadilla del Monte. Neoclassicism
BAYEU Y SUBIAS, Ram1746-1793). The card playersBAYEU Y SUBIAS, Ram 1746-1793). The card players. SPAIN. San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Tapestry placed in the former Emperorss anteroom
MENGS, Anton Raphael (1728-1779). Maria Luisa of Parma, Princess of Asturias. 1765. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
ROUGET, Georges (1784-1869); David, Jacques-Louis (1748-1825). The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of the Empress Josephine, 2nd December 1804. 1808. Central detail
AGREDA, Esteban de (1759-1842). Faun. Neoclassicism. Terra-cotta