Paracyclotosaurus was a large prehistoric amphibian that lived during the Triassic period around 235 million years ago. It grew to over 2 metres in length. Illustation by Neave Parker
Scleromochlus were bipedal reptiles that grew to around 3 feet long. They lived around 200 million years during the end of the Triassic period. Illustration by Neave Parker
PolacanthusThis dinosaur was from the family of armoured skinned dinosaurs, the Ankylosaurs. It was around 14 feet in length living around 125 million years ago. Fossils have been found in the Isle of Wight, UK
OrnithosuchusAn illustration by Neave Parker of the Ornithosuchus, a thecodont, an extinct bipedal reptile closedly related to the dinosaur. It lived around 185 million years ago
PterodactylDrawing of a Pterodactyl, an extinct flying reptile that lived during the Mesozoic era from around 251 millon years ago to 65 million years ago during the time of the K-T extinction
PlesiosaurAn illustration by Neave Parker of the extinct marine reptile, Plesiosaur. These lived throughout most of the Mesozoic (MZ) era becoming extinct 65 million years ago at the time of the K-T extinction