Botocudo men of Brazil with wooden plugs in the lip and earPortraits of Botocudo men of Brazil with their distinctive wooden plugs in the lip and ear. Botocudos. Handcoloured woodcut by L
Matses or Matis warrior of Brazil, with facial tattoos, labrets, and piercings with macaw feathers and snail shells. Maxurunas Indian, Brazil. Maxourounas (Bresil)
Low-class Quechua woman and man of Chuquisaca, Bolivia, South America. She wears a round pleated and embroidered dress, white bodice, and wears her hair in several long braids
Native American woman of Lima, Peru. She wears the manto (cape), saya (dress), embroidered apron, silk stockings and satin shoes. Femme de Lima
Native American gaucho from the region of Buenos-Ayres, Argentina. In sugar-loaf hat, striped poncho, trousers and spurs, holding bolas or boleadoras to hunt on the pampas
Woman of the Pampas lowlands, Argentina. She wears a dress of striped fabrics, necklace and earrings, and carries a feather fan and cord or lasso. Femme Pampas
Native (Inupiat) man of Sarichef Island, Alaska. He wears a hooded parka or anorak, trousers and boots of animal skin, holding a bow and arrow. His mouth has piercings of walrus-ivory rings
Crow people at Fort Clarke
Native of the region of Heroica Veracruz, Mexico. He wears a wide-brimmed hat, charro outfit of bolero jacket, chaps, trousers and boots. Habitant des environs de Vera-Cruz, Mexique
Mayan woman and man of Guatemala. She wears an embroidered tunic, skirt, necklace and earrings, sandals. The man wears a straw hat, cape and tunic. Femme et homme de Guatemala
Young woman of Bogota, Colombia. She wears a black fringed saya (dress), fine mantilla shawl, and small black felt hat. Jeune fille de Bogota. Handcoloured woodcut by T.S
Native American woman and baby of Quito, EcuadorNative American woman of Quito, Ecuador. She wears a check tunic over a full petticoat and carries a baby in a check bandana. Indienne de Quito
Religious man or shaman of the Algonquin town of Secota (Secotan, North Carolina). An Indian priest; hair partly shaven with roach, wearing tunic
Native American prince of North Carolina in war dress or ceremonial costume
Pamlico chief or elder of Roanoke, North Carolina. His head is shaved leaving only a crest, he wears pearls at his ears, a copper plate on a necklace, and a fringed and painted deer-skin skirt
Chief Utina of the Timucuan people, Florida. Principal chef de l'armee. After an engraving by Theodor de Bry from an illustration by Jacques le Moyne. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Woman and child of Roanoke. Wife of a werowance or chief of Pomeioo, with deer-skin skirt, tattoos or painted marks, carrying a child on her back. Costume des femmes de l'ile Virginie
Costume of a Timucua chief, Florida. He wears an eagle head-piece, large disc on his chest, loincloth, bracelets and anklets, large cat tail and carries a large club. Costume de chef
Portrait of the wife of a Powhatan Chief of Pomeoc, North Carolina, with tattoos, necklaces and fringed deer-skin skirt carrying a gourd. A chiefe Herowans wyfe of Pomeiooc
Costume of a Timucua fan bearer, Florida. He wears a long feather in his hair, a loincloth and carries a sunflower fan. Costume des pages
Warrior or chief of the Timucua of Florida. He wears a feather headdress, copper bands on his arms and legs, his body is painted hideously, and he is armed with bow and arrow
Wooden carved idol Kivvasa found in a charnel house in Secoton, North Carolina. In bead necklaces, deer-skin jacket and apron skirt, beaded mocassins
Costume of a Timucua queen of Florida, wife of Chief Satouriona. She wears necklace, bracelets and anklet, a fringed leaf dress and tattoos on her torso, arms and legs
Chief Satouriona of the Ticumua, Florida. He wears a crown, long painted deer-skin cape, , necklaces, bracelets and anklets, body tattoos and red fish-bladder earrings
Costumes of the women of Nicaqua province, Mexico (Nicaragua?)Costumes of the women of Nicaqua province (Nicaragua?). They wear tunics and skirts in striped cotton. Costumes des femmes du Nicaque, Mexique. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Quechua women of Peru, 16th century. The woman spinning yarn with a spindle wears a striped cotton dress and wide belt. Another woman wears a cloak fastened with a brooch at the chest
Native American soldier from Peru, 16th century. Holding a shield, spear with hardened palm-wood tip, and wearing in quilted cotton helmet and vest over a tunic, wooden axe
Native American soldier of Peru, 16th century. He wears a quilted cotton bonnet and vest, colorful tunic, and carries slingshot and stones, wooden dagger with copper tip. Soldat du Perou en guerre
Native American nobleman from Cusco, Peru, 16th century. He wears a feather headdress and hacola cloak. Noble de Cusco. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Native American man of Peru, 16th century. He wears a headband, tunic decorated with flowers and birds and checkered design, holds a flask and palm-wood farming tool. Hommes de Perou
Young African girl of the Indies, 16th century. A young Native American woman in feather headdress, necklaces, gold bracelets and anklets. She wears cotton drawers or calecon
Peoples of the worldCaucasian 1, Nubian 2, Dravidian in turban 3, Malay 4, Mongol with chonmage 5, Native American with feather headdress 6, Inuit 7, Australian aborigine 8, African 9, Bantu 10, Khoisan 11
Native American man of Tierra del Fuego, South America. In sealskin cloak and loincloth, leather shoes, his body painted in red. Armed with bow and quiver of arrows
Native American woman of Tierra del Fuego, South America. In sealskin cloak, skirt with belt, necklace and bracelets of shells, leather shoes, her body painted in red. Holding a basket of fish
Native American chief of Patagonia, South America. In feather headdress, necklace, cloak and robe, gaiters and sandals. Holding a hoop decorated with bells used in a ceremonial dance
Native American woman and child of Patagonia, South America. In feather headdress, tunic of guanaco skin with the fur inside, culottes and gaiters. Perhaps of the extinct Yahgan people
Native American hunter of Patagonia with bolasNative American hunter of Patagonia, South America. In feather headdress, tunic of guanaco skin with the fur inside, culottes and gaiters. With bolas or bolases. Perhaps an extinct Yahgan
Huaso (cowboy) hunting wild cattle in Chile, 18th centuryHuaso cowboy hunting wild cattle in Chile, 18th century. He is about to throw a lasso around the bull's horns to subdue it. Chasses des boeufs sauvages au Chile
Warriors of Louisiana creep up on the enemy in single file. The leader carries a large foliage bush as camouflage while the last warrior erases their tracks
Declaration of war by the Quapaw Nation of LouisianaA young warrior or brave paints a crossed arrows in red paint on a tree trunk. He wears a feather headdress and buck-skin robe, and is armed with musket, bow and quiver
Rose acacia, Robinia hispidaRough-stalked robinia or rose acacia, Robinia hispida. Native of Carolina, America
Dance of the Shee Tʼiká people, Sitka, AlaskaDance of the Shee Tʼiká people (Kaluschians), Sitka, Alaska. They wear face paint, stoat-skin clothes, bald eagle feathers in their hair, and chant and dance in a line
Muwekma Ohlone dancers at Mission San Jose, CaliforniaMuwekma Ohlone tribe dancing at Mission San Jose, Fremont, California. Dancers in red, black and white body paint with feathers in their hair. Native American dancers of the west coast
Great Pyramid of Cholula, Puebla, MexicoGreat Pyramid of Cholula or Tlachihualtepetli at Puebla, Mexico. Temple built from the 3rd century BC to the 9th century AD was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl
Pyramid of the Niches at El Tajin, MexicoPyramid of the Niches at El Tajin, Papantla, Veracruz, Mexico. Mexican pyramid in a pre-Columbian site that flourished from the 7th to 13th centuries
Native American swimmer-couriers in Peru, 1800s. Men with letters wrapped in turbans swim in rivers between Quito and Jaen de Bracamoros Province
Mato-TopirnMato-Topi. Plate 14 from Reise in das innere Nord-America in... 1832 bis 1834 by Wied, Maximilian, Prinz von. Date: 1832
Mic-Mac Indians, Halifax 1873A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876), funded by the British Government for scientific purposes
Mic-Mac Indian hut, Halifax (1873)The voyage of H.M.S