Alhambra. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. Granada. Alhambra. Patio of the Lions. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Architecture
Alhambra. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. Comares Palace. Court of the Myrtles. Mosaics. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Mosaic
The Alhambra. Nasrid dynasty. Tower of the Princesses. RoyalThe Alhambra. Moorish. Nasrid dynasty. Tower of the Princesses. Royal Palace. 15h century. Granada. Andalusia. Spain
Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th century. Nasrid kings and warrior. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th century. Nasrid kings and two warriors. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Granada, Andalusia, Spain. The Generalife. 19th-centuryGranada, Andalusia, Spain. The Generalife. Palace built between the 12th and 14th centuries. It was used as a resting place by the Nasrid kings. Engraving. Glorias Espanolas (Glories of Spain)
Granada, Andalusia, Spain. The Alhambra. Comares Palace. Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles). Engraving. Glorias Espanolas (Glories of Spain). Volume II. Published in Barcelona, 1890
Spain, Andalusia. Panoramic view of the Alhambra of GranadaHistory of Spain. Andalusia. Granada. Panoramic view of the Alhambra. Engraving by Geoffroy. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume IV, 1856
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Alhambra. Palace and fortress rebuilt in the 13th century. Emirate of Granada. Nasrid dynasty. Tower of the Princesses (Torre de las Infantas)
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Alhambra. Water Tower (Torre del Agua). Three-floor tower, located next to the aqueduct that takes water from the Generalife to the Alhambra
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Alhambra. The Alcazaba. The construction of the complex was commissioned by Mohammed I in 1238
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Alhambra. Gate of Arms. North side of the Alcazaba
Spain, Andalusia, Granada, The Alhambra. Entrance door to the Garden of the Ramparts (Jardines de los Adarves), enclosure of the Alcazaba
Spain, Andalusia, Granada. The Generalife. Occupied the slopes of the Hill of the Sun (Cerro del Sol)
Legend of the Moor's Last Sigh. After the conquest of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada, the Muslim king Boabdil and his entourage were exiled from the city in 1492
Granada War - Taking of Loja by King Ferdinand the CatholicGranada War (1482-1492). Taking of Loja by King Ferdinand the Catholic (1452-1516) in 1486. Chromolithography. Historia General de Espana (General History of Spain), by Miguel Morayta. Volume III
Conquest of al-Andalus by Ferdinand the SaintSiege of the city of Jaen by King Ferdinand III the Saint (1199/1201-1252). Muhammad I surrendered the city of Jaen to King Ferdinand, signing a treaty of vassalage with him
Spain. The Alhambra. Royal PalaceSpain. Granada. The Alhambra. Royal Palace. View of the walls, the Tower of the Ladies and the Oratory of Partal. 14th century
Spain. Granada. The Alhambra. Hall of the Two SistersSpain. Granada. The Alhambra. Palace of the Lions. Hall of the Two Sisters. 14th century. Detail of the wall decorated with poems by Ibn Zamrak (1333-1394)
Spain. The Alhambra. The Mexuar-OratorySpain. Granada. The Alhambra. The Mexuar-Oratory. Interior. 14th century
Spain. Granada. The Alhambra. Royal Palace. Detail of the wall decoration
Vase of the Gazelles. Islamic art. Detail. 14th centuryVase of the Gazelles. Glazed pottery. Nasrid Period (1301-1400).14th century. Detail depicting two gazelles facing. Alhambra Museum. Granada. Spain
Coffer of scribe. SpainCoffer of scribe. Made of wood with mother-of-pearl inlay work. Granadine Circle. 14th century. National Archaeological Museum. Madrid. Spain
Islamic Art. Spain. 14th century. Nasrid era. The Alhambra
The Alhambra. 14th Century. Mexuar. Granada. Andalusia. SpaiThe Alhambra. 14th Century. Nasrid period. Mexuar. Initiated by Abu-LWalid Isma il and rebuilt by Yusuf I and Mohammad V, between 1333 and 1391. Granada. Andalusia. Spain
Alhambra. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. The Nasrid kings, painting that decorates the wooden dome of the Hall of the Kings or the Hall of the Court. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Fresco
Muhammad I ( -1273). King of Granada (1237-1273)" Muhammad I ( -1273). King of Granada (1237-1273), founder of the Nasrid dynasty. Engraving by Dolfino. Litography. ITALY. Milan
The Alhambra. Nasrid dynasty. Ladies Tower. Royal Palace. 14The Alhambra. Moorish. Nasrid dynasty. Ladies Tower. Royal Palace. 14th century. Partal Garden. Granada. Andalusia. Spain
Yusuf III (1374-1417). Sepulchral stele. La Rauda cementeryYusuf III (1374-1417). 13th Nasrid Nasrid ruler or the Moorish Emirate of Granada, Al-Andalus. Sepulchral stele. La Rauda cementery, Alhambra. Alhambra Museum. Granada. Andalusia. Spain
Muhammed II al-Faqih (1234-1302). Sepulchral steleMuhammed II al-Faqih (1234-1302) Second Nasrid ruler of the Emirate of Granada in Al-Andalus. Sepulchral stele. La Rauda cementery, Alhambra. Alhambra Museum. Granada. Andalusia. Spain
Spain. Granada. Alhambra. NIght viewSpain. Granada. Alhambra. Night view from Generalife Gardens
Spain. Granada. Alhambra. The Ladies Tower (Torre de las Damas). Garden of the Partal
Capital. Palace of Infantes. Granada. SpainSpain. Granada. Palace of Infantes or Cetti Meriem. 15th century. Capital, Detail
Spain. The Alhambra. Wine GateSpain. Granada. The Alhambra. Wine Gate. 14th century
Spain. Granada. The Palace of the Generalife, the Albaicin aSpain. Granada. The Palace of the Generalife. 12th-14th century. Muslim Oratory of the viziers. In the background, the Albaicin and the Sacromonte
Spain. The Alhambra. Tower of the Ladies and Partal gardensSpain. Granada. The Alhambra. Tower of the Ladies and Partal gardens. 14th century
Spain. The Alhambra. Tower of the LadiesSpain. Granada. The Alhambra. Tower of the Ladies. 14th century. Night view
Spain. Granada. The Alhambra. The Infants Tower. Window. DeSpain. Granada. The Alhambra. The Infants Tower. 14th-15th centuries. Detail of the twin windows of the courtyard upstairs
Spain. Granada. The Alhambra. Hall of the Two Sisters. DetaiSpain. Granada. The Alhambra. Palace of the Lions. Hall of the Two Sisters. 14th century. Detail
Arab baths. 14th century. The Alhambra. SpainSpain. Granada. The Alhambra. Arab baths. 14th century. Courtyard entrance
Stela of Nasrid ruler Yusuf III (1376-1417). Alhambra. SpainSepulchral stela in marble of Yusuf III (1376-1417). From the Rauda cemetery. Alhambra Museum. Granada. Spain
Renaissance. Spain. Vigarny or Bigarny, Philip (1475-1543). Spanish architect and sculptor of Burgundian origin, known as Philip of Burgundy. Boabdil gives the keys of Granada to the Catholic Kings
SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. Plasterwork decoration at the entrance to the Hall of Comares or Embajadores. Arabesque detail, 14th c. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Relief on stucco
Generalife. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. Generalife. Patio de la Acequia (The Court of the Main Canal). Detail of plasterwork. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Architecture
Vase of 14th c. type Alhambra decorated with plant, geometric and zoomorphic motifs (gazelles). Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Ceramics. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. Granada
Spain - The GeneralifeBlack and white lantern slide of the Palacio de Generalife, the summer palace and country estate of the Nasrid Emirs (Kings) of the Emirate of Granada
YUSUF I of Granada ( -1354). Funerary stele. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra Museum or Museum of Hispanic-Muslim art
Madrasah of Granada. 1349. SPAIN. Granada. Madrasah. Roof. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Architecture
Alhambra. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. Ladies Tower
Alhambra. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. SaleAlhambra. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. Sal e Embajadores (Hall of the Ambassadors). Detail of the decoration with geometric, vegetables motifs and stucco inscriptions. Hispano-Moresque art
Alhambra. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. Mirador de Daraxa (Daraxa viewpoint). Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Architecture
Alhambra. SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. Baths. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Architecture
SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. GRANADA. Granada. Fa硤e of" SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. GRANADA. Granada. Fa硤 e of the Corral del Carb ancient Arabian " fundaq" (15th c.). Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Architecture."
Generalife. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. Granada. Alhambra. Generalife. Patio de la Acequia (Courtyard of the Water Channel). Fountain. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty. Architecture
Alhambra. Torre de la Cautiva (Tower of the Captive). SPAIN. Granada. Alhambra. Hispano-Moresque art. Nasrid dynasty
Granada - Dancers of the GitanosGitanos (Spanish Gypsies) dancing at Granada, Spain. A Moorish people originally from North Africa, who settled in Andalusia during the last century of the Muslim reign of the Nasrid Dynasty
Spanish Gain GranadaThe end of Arab rule in Spain: Boabdil, the last Nasrid king, surrenders the keys of Granada to the Spanish Date: 2 January 1492