Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by William McLarenKing Arthur welcomes the Green Knight into the Banqueting Hall and invites him to dismount and eat with the company
Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, sees his beloved BeatriceDante Alighieri, Italian poet, best known for his long narrative poem, the Divine Comedy, sees his beloved Beatrice Portinari on the Lung Arno, Florence
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by William McLarenThe Green Knight rides over the bridge into Camelot Castle on New Years Day
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by William McLarenSir Gawain takes up the challenge. As instructed by the Green Knight, he swings the battleaxe and cuts off the Green Knights head. The head falls off and rolls towards the banqueting guests
Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, best known for his long narrative poem, the Divine Comedy
Odysseus returns to his wife PenelopeOdysseus returns to his wife, Penelope, and his dog, Argos
Odysseus returns to his wife, Penelope
Little girl at a window -- No Walk TodayA little Victorian girl stands at a window, watching the rain -- a black and white reproduction of a painting by Sophie Anderson entitled No Walk Today
Arrival at St Paul Island in South Indian Ocean - 1857Arrival at St Paul Island in South Indian Ocean 19th Nov. 1857 - Book of Narrative of Circumnavigation of the Globe by Austrian Frigate Novara, Vol. I, by Karl Ritter von Scherzer. Date: 1857
Illustration, La Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland), Battle of Roncevaux (778). Charlemagne hears Rolands horn, calling for help, but they will arrive too late to save the hero. Date: 778
Music cover, Glowing Embers by Evan Marsden, Narrative-Intermezzo, piano solo Date: 1924
Ulysses and His Companions escaping the Sirens, passing between Scylla and Charybdis. Date: circa 1790
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- Knight and SquireChaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- the Knight and the Squire. Date: 14th century
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- Canons Yeomans TaleChaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Canons Yeomans Tale, a two-part story about alchemists
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Nuns Priests Tale, a mock heroic story about a cockerel named Chanticleer (Chauntecleer), his wife Pertelote, and a wily fox. Date: 1845
The British Valhalla -- The Wars and Conquests in France
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Franklins Tale, a romantic story set in Brittany, about a couple, Dorigen and Arveragus, who decide that their marriage will be an equal one
The British Valhalla -- Magna Carta. Showing the Barons taking the Oath on the altar at Bury St Edmunds, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton, showing the Charter at St Paul s. Date: 1214
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Squires Tale, an unfinished (interrupted) story in the form of an epic romance about Genghis Khan (named here Cambuscan or Cambyuscan)
The British Valhalla -- Our Crusading Kings. Showing King Richard I of England (the Lionheart) viewing Jerusalem, and Richard with King Philip II of France, during the Third Crusade (1189 - 1192)
The British Valhalla -- Archbishop Thomas BecketThe British Valhalla -- Bishop of Exeter at Northampton, supplicating Archbishop Thomas Becket to submit to King Henry II, and the reconciliation at Montmirail in France
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Friars Tale, showing the corrupt Summoner, the Devil and the Widow. Date: 1845
The British Valhalla -- William the Conqueror (his funeral and burial), a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes. Date: 1087
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Wife of Baths Tale (left). Also including the Knight solving the riddle (centre) and the Knight on his travels (right). Date: 14th century
The British Valhalla -- King Canute (Cnut) the Great, a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Man of Laws Tale, about the life of Constance, or Custance, Christian daughter of the emperor of Rome
The British Valhalla -- King Alfred reading to his mother, Queen Osburh or Osburga, a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes. 9th century
The British Valhalla -- King Alfred, coming to the Danish camp as a minstrel, and (right) hailed as the saviour of his people (meeting with the Welsh monk, Asser, who wrote a biography of the King)
The British Valhalla -- conversion to ChristianityThe British Valhalla -- the conversion to Christianity of the Anglo-Saxon people (Paulinus before Edwin), a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes
Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Knights Tale. Palamon in the Temple of Mars, Arcite in the Temple of Venus. Date: 1845
The British Valhalla -- two knights reading history bookThe British Valhalla -- two knights reading a history book of Britain, a suggestion for the scheme to decorate the newly built Houses of Parliament with frescoes
Hudibras, mock-heroic poem by Samuel Butler -- Hudibras and the astrologer Sidrophel. Date: 1845
Great white shark and suckerfishGreat white shark, Carcharodon carcharias (vulnerable), and suckerfish, Remora remora
Cacao, cocoa or chocolate tree, Theobroma cacaoSprig of the cacao, cocoa or chocolate tree, Theobroma cacao, with bean, fruit and seed
Green banded urania moth, rattlesnake and snail-eater snakeGreen banded urania moth, Urania leilus, rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus, and snail-eater snake, perhaps Dipsas catesbyi
South American tapir and manatiSouth American tapir, Tapirus terrestris, young with spotted hide, and manati or West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus
Four-eyed opossum and false vampire batFour-eyed opossum, Philander opossum, and false vampire bat, Vampyrum spectrum. (Marine oppossum of Terra Firma and Vampire or Spectre of Guiana.) Copperplate engraving by A
Freshwater barracuda and wolf fishRed-tailed freshwater barracuda, dago fissee or dagoefisi, Acestrorhynchus falcatus, and wolf fish or anjumara, Hoplias aimara
Red acouchi and crab-eating raccoonRed acouchi or wood rat, Myoprocta acouchy, and crab-eating raccoon, crabbodago or grisson, Procyun cancrivorus
Great tinamou and orange-winged parrotGreat tinamou or anamoe, Tinamus major major, and common or orange-winged parrot, Amazona amazonica, with hanging nests
Sprig of the anchiote tree, Bixa orellana. The flavoring and dye annatto is derived from its seeds
Red-faced spider monkey and red-handed tamarinRed-faced spider monkey, Ateles paniscus, kwata or quato (vulnerable), and red-handed tamarin, Saguinus midas, sagoewenki or saccawinkee
Tucuma and pomelo fruitTucuma or avoira palm nuts, Astrocaryum aculeatum, and pomelo or shaddock apple, Citrus maxima
Plantain tree and banana tree, Musa paradisiaca
White-lipped peccary and collared peccaryWhite-lipped peccary, Tayassu pecari, and collared peccary, Pecari tajacu
Wattled jacana and scarlet ibisWattled jacana, Jacana jacana, and red curlew or scarlet ibis, Eudocimus ruber
Guiana white-tailed deer and brown brocketGuiana white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus cariacou, and brown or grey brocket, Mazama nemorivaga
Menelaus blue morpho, Morpho menelaus, ventral and dorsal, on a pomegranate blossom. Azure blue butterfly, copied from Maria Sibylla Merian
Grey-winged trumpeter and crested curassow (vulnerable)Agamy or grey-winged trumpeter, Psophia crepiteans, and powese or crested curassow, Crax alector (vulnerable) in tree
Armadillo and tree porcupineNine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus, or Kapplers armadillo, Dasypus kappleri and South American tree porcupine, Coendou prehensilis
Sprig of the cotton plant, Gossypium hirsutum, with bolls and leaves
Blue and yellow macaw and scarlet macawBlue and yellow macaw, Ara ararauna, and scarlet or Amazon macaw, Ara macao
Brown capuchin monkey and squirrel monkeyBrown capuchin monkey or mecoo, Cebus apella, and squirrel monkey or kishee kishee, Saimiri sciureus
Two-toed sloth and pale-throated three-toed slothTwo-toed sloth or unau, Choloepus didactylus, and pale-throated three-toed sloth, Bradypus tridactylus
Iguana, Iguana iguana, and caiman, Caiman crocodilus
Toco toucan and sunbitternToco toucan, Ramphastos toco, and sunbittern or flycatcher, Eurypyga helias
Sprig of the tamarind tree, Tamarindus indica, with leaves and pod
View of Constable Rocks off Cayenne, and sawfishView of the Constable Rocks off Cayenne, Dutch ship in foreground, and sawfish, Pristis pristis, critically endangered, with underside of head
Great anteater and South American coatiGreat anteater or tamandua, Myrmecophaga tridactyla tridactyla (vulnerable), and South American coati or coatimundi, Nasua nasua
Sprig of the coffee tree, Coffea arabica, with drupes D, coffee beans F and leaves B, C
Sprig of the indigo plant, Indigofera tinctoria, and square of indigo ready for use as dye
Four stages of sugar cane, Saccharum officinarum. Shoot A, half mature B, fully ripe C, and harvested D
Roseate spoonbill and American wood ibisRoseate spoonbill, Platalea ajaja, and American wood ibis or wood stork, Mycteria americana (Spoonbill or shoveler and jabiru or crane of Guiana)
Flying fish and dolphinFlying fish, Exocoetus volitans (Harangus volans) and dorado or dolphin, Coryphaena hippurus
Black-tailed trogon and chestnut woodpeckerBlack-tailed trogon or wood-louse fowl, Trogon melanurus, and chestnut or yellow woodpecker, Celeus elegans
Musk melon, watermelon and pineappleMusk melon, Cucumis melo, watermelon, Citrullus vulgaris, and pineapple, Ananas comosus. Copperplate engraving by A
Red-rumped agouti and spotted pacaRed-rumped agouti or Indian coney, Dasyprocta leporina leporina, and spotted paca or spotted coney, Cuniculus paca
Jaguar and ocelotJaguar or tiger of terra-firma, Panthera onca, and tiger-cat of Surinam, ocelot or dwarf leopard, Leopardus pardalis melanurus
Minnehaha Falls, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, with a quotation from Hiawatha, Longfellows long narrative poem. Date: 1935
Illustration, Selim and Zuleika, The Bride of AbydosIllustration, Selim and Zuleika, in The Bride of Abydos, a poem by Lord Byron (1813). 1844
Illustration to Rokeby, narrative poem by Sir Walter ScottIllustration to Rokeby, a narrative poem by Sir Walter Scott. early 19th century
Lalla Rookh, oriental romance by Thomas MooreIllustration to Lalla Rookh, an oriental romance by Thomas Moore. 1817
Illustration, Hilda, Lalla RookhIllustration, Hilda, in Lalla Rookh, a narrative poem by Thomas Moore. 19th century
Works of Homer, First Edition translated by ChapmanTitle page of the First Edition of The Whole Works of Homer translated into English by George Chapman, the main two works being The Iliad and The Odyssey. Date: 1616
Hartmann von Aue, German poetHartmann von Aue, leading poet of the Middle High German period. He also took part in the Crusade of 1196-97. Date: c 1170 - c 1210
Fuegian (Yapoo Takeenica)
Signing the Treaty of Peace at Vienaa [sic]. Coloured aquatint by J C Stadler after William Heath, published by Thomas Tegg, 1 April 1818
Zelica, a character in Lalla Rookh by Thomas MooreZelica - But there was one, among the chosen Maids, Who d blush d behind the gallerys silken shades - a character in The Veiled Prophet, Lalla Rookh, a long narrative poem by Thomas Moore
Lalla Rookh, long narrative poem by Thomas MooreShe found that the short dream of happiness was over -- the title character of Lalla Rookh, a long narrative poem by Thomas Moore, first published in 1817. 19th century
Hinda, a character in Lalla Rookh by Thomas MooreHinda - Tis she, the Emirs blooming child, All truth and tenderness and grace - a character in The Fire Worshippers, Lalla Rookh, a long narrative poem by Thomas Moore, first published in 1817
Utopia, 1516, by Thomas More (1478-1535). Tittle cover. FrenThomas More (1478-1535). English politician and humanist. Utopia, 1516. Tittle cover. French edition. Printed in Amsterdam by Jean Blaeu, 1642. Colored engraving
Circa turning men into beastsCirce, a powerful magician and daughter of the Sun, turns men into beasts, as described in Homers epic poem, The Odyssey. Date: BCE
Illustration, Tam O ShanterIllustration to Tam O Shanter, a poem by Robert Burns. Date: 1866
The Ashanti War (1873-74) The 42nd Highlanders in the frontThis shows the soldiers from the 42nd Highlanders engaged in the front of the battle against the Ashantis during the 2nd Ashanti War towards the end of 1873