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Munitionettes Collection

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Sterling Ladies munition workers football team, WW1

Sterling Ladies munition workers football team, WW1
The Sterling Ladies (munitioneers) football team, pictured having just defeated the Handley Page Ladies Football Club in a match at Cricklewood in 1918. Date: 1918

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Lloyd Georges Munition Girls

Lloyd Georges Munition Girls
Front cover of a book describing womens experiences in a munitions factory during the First World War with a detailed account by an anonymous female shell-maker

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Group photograph of munitionettes, WW1

Group photograph of munitionettes, WW1
Group photograph of munitionettes with shells at their feet during the First World War inside a munitions factory, in the north east of England. Front and centre is Marion McNeill. Date: ww1

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Harlene hair tonic advertisement, WW1

Harlene hair tonic advertisement, WW1
First World War advertisement for Harlene hair products, discussing in great detail the alarming epidemic of hair troubles resulting from war conditions

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: The Munition Girls by Bernhard Hugh

The Munition Girls by Bernhard Hugh
Two former munitions workers recognise themselves in a painting of a factory during the First World War, now hanging at the Royal Academy Exhibition at Burlington House. Date: 1919

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Pears Soap Advertisement, WW1 - munitions worker

Pears Soap Advertisement, WW1 - munitions worker
Advertisement for the famous Pears soap, the first in their Womanhood in War-Time series. No. 1 is My Lady of Munitions and features a munitions worker or munitionette in uniform at a wash bowl. 1917

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: WW1 cartoon on postcard - munition worker

WW1 cartoon on postcard - munition worker
Expecting a rise shortly. Humorous, First World War postcard depicting a female munition worker jauntily sitting on a barrel of dynamite with a cigarette. A health and safety nightmare. Date: c.1916

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Munition workers guard of honour at Percy wedding, WW1

Munition workers guard of honour at Percy wedding, WW1
Munition workers forming a guard of honour at the wedding of Miss Stella Drummond to Lord Eustace Percy (third son of the late Duke of Northumberland) at St. Margaret s, Westminster

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Munitions Girl by Helen McKie

Munitions Girl by Helen McKie
Look at the girls who REALLY work To strafe the German and the Turk - The girls who slave at making shells And scorn the screeds of H. G

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Illustrated War News - King decorates munition worker

Illustrated War News - King decorates munition worker
Front cover of The Illustrated War News with a photograph of King George V decorating Miss Lizzie Robinson, a munitions worker from Glasgow, for excellent conduct and attendance at her work

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Munitions workers waiting for the tea hooter, WW1

Munitions workers waiting for the tea hooter, WW1
Women munitions workers outside the National Control Canteen, run by female volunteers, waiting for the tea hooter to sound

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Tea Time in Dining Hall of National Control Canteen, WW1

Tea Time in Dining Hall of National Control Canteen, WW1
Female munitions workers in the dining hall of the National Control Canteen, run by voluntary lady workers to provide cheap, nutritious meals for employees. Date: 1916

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Munition workers watch Royal Investiture on Clydeside, WW1

Munition workers watch Royal Investiture on Clydeside, WW1
Female munitions workers of the National Projectile Factory on Clydeside, dressed in their work clothes, fill the stands at the Ibrox Stadium in Glasgow where they watched King George V carry out a

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Royal Vinolia Cream advertisement, munition worker, WW1

Royal Vinolia Cream advertisement, munition worker, WW1
Advertisement for Royal Vinolia Cream from 1917 featuring a female munition worker - the ideal candidate for as dirty and rough work may be in your service for the nation...but Royal Vinolia cream is

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Signing on for Munition Work, WW1

Signing on for Munition Work, WW1
Women signing up for work in munitions factories during the First World War. Date: 1914-18

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: A Munitionette, Munition worker, WW1

A Munitionette, Munition worker, WW1
A woman operating an automatic cartridge machine in a munition factory during the First World War. Date: 1917

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Royal Vinolia Cream advertisement, 1918

Royal Vinolia Cream advertisement, 1918
Advertisement for Royal Vinolia Cream from the First World War period, the ideal toilet cream for munition workers. Date: 1918

Background imageMunitionettes Collection: Pomeroy skin food advertisement, skincare for munition worke

Pomeroy skin food advertisement, skincare for munition worke
Advertisement for Pomeroy skin food, ideal for vanquishing the complexion ills of Munition work during the First World War. 1917

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