FALL / MASTIFF / PAIR / 1976FOREFOOT REX MUNDI and BRIALLEN ONANTYNYDO Owned by Cowe. One sits and the other stands. Date: 1976
Chart by Juan de la Cosa (1450-1510). Spain. Madrid. Mavy Museum
VALDɓLEAL, Juan de (1622-1690). Finis GloriaeVALDɓ LEAL, Juan de (1622-1690). Finis Gloriae Mundi. 1672. SPAIN. Sevilla. Church of San Jorge at the Hospital de la Caridad. Baroque art. Oil on canvas
Rosa gallica Versicolor (Rosa Mundi), a popular rose of the Rosaceae family. Seen here in close-up, with an open flower and two buds. The petals are variegated, with pink and purple markings