Spain, Galicia, Ourense province, Banos de Molgas, Santa Eufemia. Pre-Romanesque Church of Santa Eufemia de Ambia. 9th century
Spain, Galicia, Ourense province, Celanova. Chapel of San Miguel de Celanova. Founded by Froila and built in 940, in the gardens of Celanova monastery (Monastery of San Salvador)
Asturias, Pola de Lena. Chapel of Santa Cristina de LenaSpain, Asturias, Pola de Lena. Chapel of Santa Cristina de Lena. Erected during the Ramirense period, during the reign of Ramiro I (842-850) or that of his successor Ordono I (850-866)
Beatus of Liebana. Sheet 150. Death of the Beast and the enemies of God. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. Proc: SPAIN
Mozarabic art. 10th century. Codex Vigilanus or Albeldensis, (976). The nine portraits. Page showing three visigothic kings, three kings of Navarre and three scribes of the codex
Codex Aemilianensis. 992-994. Council of Hispanic bishops during the Visigothic domination. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Beatus of Girona. 976. Depiction of the Heaven described in six concentric circles
Codex Aemilianensis, s. X. Visigoth BishopsCodex Aemilianensis. 992-994. Five Hispano-Visigoth bishops. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Beatus of Li颡na. 1047. The Four Horsemen ofBeatus of Li颡 na. 1047. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Mozarabic art.; Romanesque art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library. Proc: SPAIN
Codex Aemilianensis 46. 964. Council of Hispanic bishops during the Visigothic domination. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Madrid. Royal Academy of History. Proc: SPAIN
Coffer of agates. SpainCoffer of agates. 11th century. Made in silver and decorated with agates. From the Collegiate Church of Saint Isidore of Leon. National Archaeological Museum. Madrid. Spain
Mozarabic art. Window from the Hermitage of St. Mary. MelqueMozarabic art. Window from the Hermitage of St. Mary, built between the 12th and 14th centuries. Melque. Toledo province. Castilla-La Mancha. Spain
ASARFATI, Josef or Joseph (ca. 1299). Jewish Cervera Bible. ca. 1299. Animal musicians. It belongs to the grammatical treatise Sefer mikhlol by David Qimhi (ca 1160 -1235). Folio 440. Text in Hebrew
Hunter. ca. 1150. Right detail of the dogs. Mozarabic art. Fresco. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Prado Museum. Proc: SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. SORIA. Caltojar. Casillas de Berlanga
Liber ordinum maior, 11th c Mozarabic chantLiber ordinum maior. Ms 4. 1052. Tradition A Castilian-Leonese of Old Hispanic or Visigothic chant. Biblical codex to the lecture of religious services. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN
Small chest of the agates. 11th c. Made of silver, agate and wood. Mozarabic art. Jewelry. SPAIN. Madrid. National Museum of Archaeology. Proc: SPAIN
Beatus of Liebana. 10th c. Sheet 150. Death of the Beast and the enemies of God. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Royal Library of the Monastery of El Escorial
Vigilian or Albelda Codex. 10th c. Council of Hispanic bishops during the Visigothic domination. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Beatus of Valcavado. 970. Page painted by Oveco monk. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Valladolid. Santa Cruz Historical Library of the University of Valladolid
Mozarabic Bible. 10th c. Transporting the Ark of the Covenant. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Le Library of the Royal Colegiate Church of Saint Isidoro
Little deer. 10th c. Mozarabic art. Sculpture
Biblia Hispalense. 10th c. Board of rules. 13 / 1Biblia Hispalense. 10th c. Board of rules. 13/1. 271. Preromanesque art.; Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
SPAIN. Santo Domingo de Silos. Monastery of Santo" SPAIN. Santo Domingo de Silos. Monastery of Santo Domingo (St. Dominic). " De la virginidad de Mar quot; " (On Virgin Marys Virginity), by Ildefonso de Toledo. Codex of 1059
Vigilian or Albelda Codex. 10th c. Constantine receives consuls Paulinus and Julianus. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Norms codex (9th c. ). Mozarabic monks. 1872Norms codex (9th c.). Mozarabic monks. 1872. 238R. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
Chalice. 1040. SPAIN. Santo Domingo de Silos. Monastery of Santo Domingo (St. Dominic). Made of golden silver. Mozarabic art. Jewelry
Book of Daniel. 10th c. Dreaming of the Nebuchadnezzar sBook of Daniel. 10th c. Dreaming of the Nebuchadnezzars tree. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Le Library of the Royal Colegiate Church of Saint Isidoro
Beatus of Valcavado. 970. The reaping and the grape harvest. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Valladolid. Santa Cruz Historical Library of the University of Valladolid
Alfonso X, Called The
Mozarabic Bible
Vigilian or Albelda Codex. Council of Hispanic bishops during the Visigothic domination. Mozarabic art. Miniature Painting
Beatus of Li颡na. 1047. Representation of theBeatus of Li颡 na. 1047. Representation of the Locust Plague. Mozarabic art.; Romanesque art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library. Proc: SPAIN