Water Storage Tank at Vauxhall Motors Plant, DunstableA Horton Ellipsoidal Steel water storage tank (which can hold 500, 000 gallons), built by Motherwell Bridge and Engineering Company Limited of Motherwell
Advert, John Marshall & Co, Motherwell, ScotlandAdvert for John Marshall & Co, Clyde Boiler Works, Motherwell, Scotland. 1905
Advert, Etna Iron & Steel Co, Motherwell, ScotlandAdvert for the Etna Iron & Steel Co, Motherwell, Scotland. 1905
Adverts, John Marshall & Co, The Eclipse Tool Mfg CoAdverts for John Marshall & Co, Clyde Boiler Works, Motherwell, and The Eclipse Tool Manufacturing Co, Linwood, near Glasgow, Scotland. 1905
Design, Motherwell, Scotland. 1905
Advert, Hurst, Nelson & Co Ltd, Motherwell, ScotlandAdvert for Hurst, Nelson & Co Ltd, builders of Railway Train Carriages and Wagons, Motherwell, Scotland. 1905
Railway strike in Scotland 1891The strikers attack Motherwell Station, Glasgow. Date: January 1891
British Ballad, Elfinland WudELFINLAND WUD. British ballad of Scottish origin by William Motherwell (1797-1835)