The Mother-in-Laws dog. A grand (and rather formidable) M-i-L strides out on an Autumnal day with her snooty pug leading the way. Date: 1903
The Adventures of Telemachus by Francois Fenelon (1651-1715)Francois Fenelon (1651-1715). French archbishop, theologian and writer. The Adventures of Telemachus, 1699. Colored engraving depicting Telemachus with MInerva on the island of Calypso. Book One
Francois Fenelon (1651-1715). Colored engravingFrancois Fenelon (1651-1715). French archbishop, theologian and writer. Engraving, 1699. Colored
Fenelon / St AubinFRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE FENELON French prelate, educator and writer ( Telemaque ) Date: 1651 - 1715
Spain (17th c. ). Reapers War (1643)Spain. Catalonia. Guerra dels Segadors (Catalan revolt or Reapers War), 1643. Relacio molt verdadera de la victoria que ha tingut lo excelentisim se mariscal de la Mota (Mothe)
LA Mothe Le VayerFRANCOIS LA MOTHE LE VAYER French churchman, scholar and writer, surrounded by books and instruments. Date: 1588 - 1672
LA Mothe HaudancourtPHILIPPE, comte de LA MOTHE- HAUDANCOURT (La Motte- Hodancourt) French military commander, marechal de France Date: 1605 - 1657