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Mordantdelaunay Collection

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Tea, Camellia sinensis, native to China

Tea, Camellia sinensis, native to China

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Flame lily, Gloriosa superba

Flame lily, Gloriosa superba

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Blueberry ash, Elaeocarpus reticulatus, native to Australia

Blueberry ash, Elaeocarpus reticulatus, native to Australia

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Stiff jasmine, Jasminum simplicifolium subsp Australiense

Stiff jasmine, Jasminum simplicifolium subsp Australiense
Stiff jasmine, Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. Australiense

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Honeybell, Freylinia lanceolata, native to South Africa

Honeybell, Freylinia lanceolata, native to South Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Aztec lily, Sprekelia formosissima

Aztec lily, Sprekelia formosissima

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Belladonna lily or naked lady, Amaryllis belladonna

Belladonna lily or naked lady, Amaryllis belladonna

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Loquat tree or Japanese medlar, Eriobotrya japonica

Loquat tree or Japanese medlar, Eriobotrya japonica

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Mayflower or trailing arbutus, Epigaea repens

Mayflower or trailing arbutus, Epigaea repens

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Bigarade bitter orange, Citrus x aurantium

Bigarade bitter orange, Citrus x aurantium

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Ceylon hill gooseberry, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa

Ceylon hill gooseberry, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, native to Asia

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Lychee tree, Litchi chinensis

Lychee tree, Litchi chinensis

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Gum cistus, wavy leaved variety, Cistus ladaniferus

Gum cistus, wavy leaved variety, Cistus ladaniferus undulatus

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Black ironwood or olive tree, Olea capensis

Black ironwood or olive tree, Olea capensis, native to Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Orchid cactus, Disocactus speciosus

Orchid cactus, Disocactus speciosus

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Franklin tree, Franklinia alatamaha, extinct in the wild

Franklin tree, Franklinia alatamaha, extinct in the wild

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Little gem daffodil, Narcissus minor

Little gem daffodil, Narcissus minor

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Golden flame lily, Pyrolirion aureum, native

Golden flame lily, Pyrolirion aureum, native to Peru and Chile

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Autumn daffodil, Sternbergia lutea

Autumn daffodil, Sternbergia lutea

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Guernsey lily, Nerine sarniensis, native to South Africa

Guernsey lily, Nerine sarniensis, native to South Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Narrowleaved cyrtanthus, Cyrtanthus angustifolius

Narrowleaved cyrtanthus, Cyrtanthus angustifolius

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Southern Indian azalea, Azalea indica

Southern Indian azalea, Azalea indica

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Cats claw flower, Martynia speciosa

Cats claw flower, Martynia speciosa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Pompom tree, Dais cotinifolia

Pompom tree, Dais cotinifolia

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Many-flowered russelia, Russelia multiflora

Many-flowered russelia, Russelia multiflora, native to Mexico

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Mask flower, Alonsoa meridionalis, native to South America

Mask flower, Alonsoa meridionalis, native to South America

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Cheiridopsis denticulata, succulent native to South Africa

Cheiridopsis denticulata, succulent native to South Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Heavenly or sacred bamboo, Nandina domestica

Heavenly or sacred bamboo, Nandina domestica

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Everlasting rose of India, Rosa semperflorens var du Bengale

Everlasting rose of India, Rosa semperflorens var du Bengale
Everlasting rose of India, Rosa semperflorens var. du Bengale

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Billbush or mutton porridge, Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus

Billbush or mutton porridge, Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Creeping snapdragon or chickabiddy, Maurandya scandens

Creeping snapdragon or chickabiddy, Maurandya scandens

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Chrysanthemum, Anthemis artemisiaefolia, native to China

Chrysanthemum, Anthemis artemisiaefolia, native to China

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Mosquito flower or pink brush, Lopezia racemosa

Mosquito flower or pink brush, Lopezia racemosa, native to Mexico

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Michaelmas daisy, Aster calendulaefolius, native to Europe

Michaelmas daisy, Aster calendulaefolius, native to Europe

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis, native

Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis, native to North America

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Chinese hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, native

Chinese hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, native to East Asia

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Japanese privet, Ligustrum japonicum

Japanese privet, Ligustrum japonicum

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Bigflower pawpaw tree, Asimina obovata, native to America

Bigflower pawpaw tree, Asimina obovata, native to America

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Coral tree, Erythrina americana, native to

Coral tree, Erythrina americana, native to the American tropics

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Sea mango, Cerbera manghas

Sea mango, Cerbera manghas

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Splint spike-thorn, Gloveria integrifolia

Splint spike-thorn, Gloveria integrifolia, native to South Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Velvet groundsel, Roldana petasitis

Velvet groundsel, Roldana petasitis

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Adams needle, Yucca filamentosa, native to North America

Adams needle, Yucca filamentosa, native to North America

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Narrowleaf bottle brush, Callistemon linearis

Narrowleaf bottle brush, Callistemon linearis

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Victorian Christmas bush, Prostranthera lasianthos

Victorian Christmas bush, Prostranthera lasianthos

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Bushy triggerplant, Stylidium glandulosum

Bushy triggerplant, Stylidium glandulosum

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Narrowleaf ginger, Hedychium angustifolium

Narrowleaf ginger, Hedychium angustifolium

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: New Zealand flax, Phormium tenax

New Zealand flax, Phormium tenax

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Chinese fairy bells, Disporum cantoniense, native to China

Chinese fairy bells, Disporum cantoniense, native to China

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Chinese hawthorn, Crataegus sinensis, native to China

Chinese hawthorn, Crataegus sinensis, native to China

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Platylobium lanceolatum, native to Australia

Platylobium lanceolatum, native to Australia

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Lady Banks rose, Rosa banksiae, native to China

Lady Banks rose, Rosa banksiae, native to China

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Sterculia balanghas, native to Africa, America and Asia

Sterculia balanghas, native to Africa, America and Asia

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Dendrium buxifolium, native to America

Dendrium buxifolium, native to America

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Nivenia corymbosa, native to South Africa

Nivenia corymbosa, native to South Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Lachnaea eriocephala, native of South Africa

Lachnaea eriocephala, native of South Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Phylica orientalis, native to South Africa

Phylica orientalis, native to South Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Clamshell orchid, Epidendrum cochleatum

Clamshell orchid, Epidendrum cochleatum

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Lady of the night, Brunfelsia americana

Lady of the night, Brunfelsia americana

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Pickerel weed, Pontederia cordata

Pickerel weed, Pontederia cordata

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Fiddlehead jatropha, Jatropha pandurifolia

Fiddlehead jatropha, Jatropha pandurifolia

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Latin American lady orchid, Stenorrhynchos speciosus

Latin American lady orchid, Stenorrhynchos speciosus

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Indigofera juncea

Indigofera juncea.. Handcolored stipple copperplate engraving by Barrois from a botanical illustration by Pancrace Bessa from Mordant de Launays Herbier General de l Amateur, Audot, Paris, 1820

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: White lady, Thunbergia fragrans, native to Australia

White lady, Thunbergia fragrans, native to Australia

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Cats claw, Martynia speciosa, native to Brazil

Cats claw, Martynia speciosa, native to Brazil

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Blanket flower, Gaillardia aristata, native to America

Blanket flower, Gaillardia aristata, native to America

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Klapperbos or Chinese lantern tree, Nymania capensis

Klapperbos or Chinese lantern tree, Nymania capensis

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Dagger hakea, Hakea teretifolia

Dagger hakea, Hakea teretifolia

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Cupids bower, Achimenes erecta

Cupids bower, Achimenes erecta

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Pink azalea, Rhododendron nudiflorum

Pink azalea, Rhododendron nudiflorum

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Atamasco lily, Zephryanthes atamasco

Atamasco lily, Zephryanthes atamasco

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Cape anemone, Anemone tenuifolia, native to South Africa

Cape anemone, Anemone tenuifolia, native to South Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Perfume passionflower, Passiflora violacea

Perfume passionflower, Passiflora violacea

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: French or yellow flax, Linum trigynum

French or yellow flax, Linum trigynum

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Christmas camellia, Camellia sasanqua, native to Japan

Christmas camellia, Camellia sasanqua, native to Japan

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Oxlip, Primula elatior

Oxlip, Primula elatior.. Handcolored stipple copperplate engraving by Barrois from a botanical illustration by Pancrace Bessa from Mordant de Launays Herbier General de l Amateur, Audot, Paris, 1820

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Purple velvet bush, Lasiopetalum purpurascens

Purple velvet bush, Lasiopetalum purpurascens

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Pompom tree, Dais cotinifolia, native to South Africa

Pompom tree, Dais cotinifolia, native to South Africa

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: New South Wales waratah, Telopea speciosissima

New South Wales waratah, Telopea speciosissima

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Singapore holly, Malpighia coccigera

Singapore holly, Malpighia coccigera

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Cretan crownvetch, Securigera cretica

Cretan crownvetch, Securigera cretica

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Winged-stem passion flower, Passiflora alata

Winged-stem passion flower, Passiflora alata

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Chinese hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa sinensis

Chinese hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa sinensis

Background imageMordantdelaunay Collection: Waterfall gladiolus, Gladiolus cardinalis

Waterfall gladiolus, Gladiolus cardinalis

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