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Montgolfier Collection

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier 1st Flight

Montgolfier 1st Flight
The first manned ascent - Pilatre de Rozier and the marquis d Arlandes make history in a hot-air Montgolfiere

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier balloon in flight over Paris

Montgolfier balloon in flight over Paris
First manned balloon ascent, made in the presence of the Dauphin, from the Jardin de la Muette, Paris, under the direction of Montgolfier

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier Ist Manned

Montgolfier Ist Manned
Intrepid pioneers PILATRE DE ROZIER and the marquis D ARLANDES make the first successful manned flight in a Montgolfier balloon (hot air) at Paris

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Balloon ascent on Queen Victorias birthday

Balloon ascent on Queen Victorias birthday

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Balloon ascent, Champ de Mars, Paris

Balloon ascent, Champ de Mars, Paris
Balloon ascent by Montgolfier, d Anonai and Vivarais from the Champ de Mars, Paris. 27 August 1783

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Satirical ballooning image

Satirical ballooning image
A rude satirical image of large and small balloons tied together, lifting a cannon, entitled The Montgolsier. A first rate of the French Aerial Navy. A Fart, an Ass, a Fool, A Monkey, a Nothing. 1783

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: First Manned Balloon

First Manned Balloon
The hot air Montgolfiere carrying de Rozier and d Arlandes, makes the worlds first manned ascent, over Paris

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Conquest of the Air, first hot air balloon by Montgolfier

Conquest of the Air, first hot air balloon by Montgolfier, with a modern airship in the foreground. circa 1923

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: The balloon man, caricature of the balloonist Montgolfier

The balloon man, caricature of the balloonist Montgolfier
The balloon man, l homme aux ballons, caricature of the balloonist Montgolfier by Jean-Baptiste Letourmy of Orleans, 18th century

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Balloon and parachute pioneers, 18th century

Balloon and parachute pioneers, 18th century
Etienne and Joseph Montgolfiers hot-air balloon 1, and brazier a, Professor Jacques Charless balloon and gondola 2, hydrogen-gas mechanism b, and Jean-Pierre Blanchard with his parachute 3

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Pilatre De Rozier

Pilatre De Rozier
JEAN-FRANCOIS PILATRE DE ROZIER Pioneer French aviator, made the first manned balloon ascent in a Montgolfier balloon. Date: 1756 - 1785

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Hot-air balloon from 18th century. Engraving

Hot-air balloon from 18th century. Engraving

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Balloon designs by Charles & Robert and Montgolfier

Balloon designs by Charles & Robert and Montgolfier
Balloon designs by Charles and Robert (1, 5) and the Montgolfier Brothers (2, 3, 4). No. 3 ascended from Versailles. No. 4 ascended from the Chateau de la Muette. No

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Ornate balloon ascending, Paris

Ornate balloon ascending, Paris
A large, ornate Montgolfier balloon ascending over Paris, with two passengers (probably Andre Giroud de Villette and Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier). With people on the launch site below

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier balloon

Montgolfier balloon, built in the garden of Jean-Baptiste Reveillon, Rue de Montreuil, Faubourg St Antoine, Paris, funded by the Academie Royale des Sciences. Depicted here being filled by gas

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier balloon in flight over Lyons, France

Montgolfier balloon in flight over Lyons, France
Third balloon ascent in Lyons, France, under the direction of Joseph de Montgolfier, showing the balloon known as Le Flesselle in flight above the city. Date: 19 January 1784

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: General Alarm of the Inhabitants of Gonese

General Alarm of the Inhabitants of Gonese, occasioned the Fall of the Air Balloon on M. Montgolfier (1783) [C.F.A. Pierce Collection]

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: One of the Montgolfier brothers departing from

One of the Montgolfier brothers departing from England (18th c.). Engraving

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier brothers. Trying a balloon boarded

Montgolfier brothers. Trying a balloon boarded by a duck, a chicken and a sheep in the courtyard of the Palace of Versailles, in the presence of Louis XVI. 19th September, 1873. Illustration 18th c

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Air balloon of the brothers Jacques-ɴienne and

Air balloon of the brothers Jacques-ɴienne and
Air balloon of the brothers Jacques-ɴ ienne and

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Hot-air balloon. 18th c. Engraving

Hot-air balloon. 18th c. Engraving

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Balloon. Engraving. It leaved in 14th January

Balloon. Engraving. It leaved in 14th January, 1784

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Hot-air balloon from 18th century. Drawing

Hot-air balloon from 18th century. Drawing

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: TENRE, Henry Charles (1864-1926). Launching of

TENRE, Henry Charles (1864-1926). Launching of a Montgolfier in 1809. Illustration from a 19th century manifesto. Engraving

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: First flight of a hot-air balloon on 22th December

First flight of a hot-air balloon on 22th December 1783 in Defsessebruk (Wales)

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: CARNICERO, Antonio (1748-1814). The Ascent of

CARNICERO, Antonio (1748-1814). The Ascent of the Montgolfier Balloon at Aranjuez. 1792. It is supposed to be Vicente Lunardis ascent in the Retiro. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: CARNICERO, Antonio (1748-1814); CARNICERO, Antonio (1748-181

CARNICERO, Antonio (1748-1814); CARNICERO, Antonio (1748-1814). The Ascent of the Montgolfier Balloon at Aranjuez; The

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Balloon ascent over Lyons, France

Balloon ascent over Lyons, France
Balloon ascent over Lyons

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier balloon ascent, Versailles

Montgolfier balloon ascent, Versailles

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier balloon, ascent over Lyons, France

Montgolfier balloon, ascent over Lyons, France
The Montgolfier balloon, Le Flesselle, which ascended over Lyons, France. 19 January 1784

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier balloon in flight over Lyons, France

Montgolfier balloon in flight over Lyons, France
General view of Lyons, France, taken from the top of the Faubourg de la Guillotiere, showing the Montgolfier balloon Le Flesselle in flight above the city. 19 January 1784

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Return of a balloon, Paris

Return of a balloon, Paris
The ceremonial return of a balloon to Paris, with various people of distinction. Charles and Robert made the ascent from the Tuileries Gardens the previous day. 2 December 1783

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Ballooning celebration for Queen Victorias birthday

Ballooning celebration for Queen Victorias birthday
Front page of The Penny Satirist - A cheap substitute for a weekly Newspaper

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier balloon, Champ de Mars, Paris

Montgolfier balloon, Champ de Mars, Paris
Montgolfiers air balloon above the Champ de Mars, Paris, watched by a large crowd. 27 August 1783

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Balloons and ballooning scenes

Balloons and ballooning scenes

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Ornate Montgolfier balloon

Ornate Montgolfier balloon
An ornate Montgolfier balloon, Le Flesselles, measuring 126 feet high and 100 feet wide. Montgolfier and six others ascended in this balloon above Lyons, France, on 19 January 1784. 1784

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Descent of Montgolfier balloon

Descent of Montgolfier balloon
The descent of the Montgolfier balloon, landing in countryside to the consternation of local farmers. 1783

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier balloon, Gonesse, near Paris

Montgolfier balloon, Gonesse, near Paris
General alarm of the inhabitants of Gonesse, near Paris, resulting from the fall of Montgolfiers air balloon. 1783

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Book cover, La Conquete de l Air

Book cover, La Conquete de l Air

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Le ballon de Lyon, nomme le de Flesselles de 120 pieds de ha

Le ballon de Lyon, nomme le de Flesselles de 120 pieds de haut sur 102 diametre, d apres les dimensions donnees par Mr

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Etienne & Joseph Montgolfier Etienne & Joseph Montgolfier

Etienne & Joseph Montgolfier Etienne & Joseph Montgolfier
Etienne & Joseph Montgolfier. Bust-length double profile portrait of the Montgolfier brothers, French ballonists. After the gold medal designed by Houdon. Date between 1820 and 1880

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Jos. de Montgolfier, chevalier de l ordre de St. Michel, inv

Jos. de Montgolfier, chevalier de l ordre de St. Michel, inventeur de l art aerostatique. Head-and-shoulders profile portrait of French balloonist, Joseph Montgolfier. Date between 1780 and 1810

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Blank sheet of stationery with elaborate watermark for the F

Blank sheet of stationery with elaborate watermark for the French papermakers Canson & Montgolfier, including an 1883 calendar surrounded by a decorative border

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: A Etienne de Montgolfier, cooperateur et inventeur de l art

A Etienne de Montgolfier, cooperateur et inventeur de l art aerostatique. Head-and-shoulders profile portrait of French balloonist, Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier. Date between 1780 and 1810

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Etienne et Joseph Montgolfier, freres. Nes e Annonay en Viva

Etienne et Joseph Montgolfier, freres. Nes e Annonay en Vivaraes i.e. Vivarais, inventeurs en Societe du globe aerostatique

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Melle. de Montgolfier (Collection de MA Goupil)

Melle. de Montgolfier (Collection de MA Goupil). Full-length portrait of Adelaide Montgolfier, seated on a wall with balloons in the background. Date between 1880 and 1900

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Model of a statue dedicated to French balloonists, Joseph an

Model of a statue dedicated to French balloonists, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier, featuring a double profile portrait from a gold medal designed by Houdon and an inflated balloon

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Double profile portrait of the Montgolfier brothers, French

Double profile portrait of the Montgolfier brothers, French balloonists, with view of their birthplace, Annonay, and two other scenes from France pittoresque. Date between 1790 and 1850

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Apotheosis of Montgolfier

Apotheosis of Montgolfier. Allegorical print shows the elevation of the Montgolfier brothers, French balloonists, to divine status

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Les freres Montgolfier Les freres Montgolfier

Les freres Montgolfier Les freres Montgolfier
Les freres Montgolfier. Bust-length double profile portrait of the Montgolfier brothers, French ballonists. After the gold medal designed by Houdon. Date between 1790 and 1850

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Joseph Montgolfier de l Academie des sciences, belles lettre

Joseph Montgolfier de l Academie des sciences, belles lettres, et artes de Lyon, inveniteur de la machine aerostatique ou ballon

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Giuseppe Michele Montgolfier

Giuseppe Michele Montgolfier. Date between 1790 and 1850

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Man posting an advertisement for La publicite en France par

Man posting an advertisement for La publicite en France par Emile Mermet on a city wall between a poster of two people captioned les femmes and a poster of a Montgolfier hot-air balloon

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier Cartoon

Montgolfier Cartoon
Peasants at Gonesse, near Paris, France, attacking and destroying the experimental balloon of the Montgolfier brothers with pitchforks, for being the devils work! Date: 27 August 1783

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: FAN / BALLOONS / 1785

A silk folding fan with decorative carved sticks depicting various balloons and other attempts at flight, including those by Dollfus and Montgolfier

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier Brothers

Montgolfier Brothers

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: J. F. Pilatre De Rozier

J. F. Pilatre De Rozier
JEAN-FRANCOIS PILATRE DE ROZIER French physicist and aeronaut. First human being to ascend in a balloon, with Montgolfier

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: E De Montgolfier / Bruel

E De Montgolfier / Bruel
ETIENNE DE MONTGOLFIER French scientist and aviation pioneer

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier Bros / Miniatu

Montgolfier Bros / Miniatu
THE MONTGOLFIER BROTHERS French balloonists, Etienne and Joseph

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Mongolfier Manned Flight

Mongolfier Manned Flight
First manned flight by Pilatre de Rozier and D Arlandes in Mongolfiere, Paris

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: First Manned Flight

First Manned Flight
Pilatre de Rozier and le marquis d Arlandes make the first manned flight, in a hot- air Montgolfiere, over Paris

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier / Manned

Montgolfier / Manned
Balloon of de Rozier and d Arlandes makes its first manned ascent

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Balloon Attacked / 1783

Balloon Attacked / 1783
The unmanned balloon is attacked on landing at Gonesse after a successful flight from Paris

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: First Montgolfiere 1783

First Montgolfiere 1783
THE FIRST PRACTICAL BALLOON Montgolfiers first air balloon, unmanned, was launched at Annonay, rose to 2000 metres; the Academie Royale des Sciences paid for the venture

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: Montgolfier Unmanned

Montgolfier Unmanned
A montgolfiere (hot air) flies from Versailles to Vaucresson carrying a sheep, a cock and a hen - the first aerial passengers !

Background imageMontgolfier Collection: First Montgolfier / Cig Cd

First Montgolfier / Cig Cd
PILATRE DE ROZIER and the MARQUIS D ARLANDES make the first successful manned flight in a Montgolfier balloon (hot air) at Paris

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