Musical instruments of the ancient Hebrews. Harp, lyres, flute, psaltery, organ, horn, panpipes, bagpipes, drum, trumpet, bell, sistrum, triangle, rattle, etc. Strumenti musicali
Women of the Persian harem, 1800s
Princess 7, gentleman 8, slave 1, bajadera or dancer 5, and other ladies in a Persian harem 2, 3, 4, 6, . Women drinking tea, playing music, looking in a mirror, playing with a bird, etc
Ancient Persian musical instruments
Baglama or tanbur 1, sciehizdeh 2, kemancheh or rebab 3, setar 4, scienk 5, 7, psalter 6, nefir 8, carhana 9, sciak-nefir or horn 10, sorna 11, musicar 12, dembal 13, dohol drum 14