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Mockery Collection

Background imageMockery Collection: Womens Rights / Mockery

Womens Rights / Mockery
A Womans Mind magnified

Background imageMockery Collection: Suffragette to Prison

Suffragette to Prison
Go home and wash the kid ! is the advice kindly given to a suffragist as she is led to prison by two policemen

Background imageMockery Collection: Old Bill and Co. August 1940

Old Bill and Co. August 1940
" Hey! Mind what yer doin ! Thats the second time you ve got me with that fifth column o yours!" Bruce Bairnsfather pokes fun at rumours of German spies

Background imageMockery Collection: China / Russians & British

China / Russians & British
DR SAMUEL JOHNSON standing for an hour in Uttoxeter market-place in penance for refusing, as a boy, when asked by his father to sell books there

Background imageMockery Collection: Roll out the barrel, cartoon gardener rolling lawn

Roll out the barrel, cartoon gardener rolling lawn, with music playing from a neighbour's house, as if in mockery of the man's efforts

Background imageMockery Collection: The Threshing Ground or Summer, 1786, by Goya

The Threshing Ground or Summer, 1786, by Goya
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828). Spanish painter. The Threshing Ground or Summer, 1786. Detail. Lazaro Galdiano Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background imageMockery Collection: The mockery of the people and soldiers to Jesus. Colored eng

The mockery of the people and soldiers to Jesus. Colored eng
Luke 23. The mockery of the people and soldiers to Jesus. Colored engraving

Background imageMockery Collection: Allegory of the French Revolution

Allegory of the French Revolution. French citizen blindfolded trying to take the liberty, equality and fraternity, which mocked by exposing him to trip over rocks, fall, or meet with death

Background imageMockery Collection: WOMENS RIGHTS / SATIRE

Women sit in judgement on a breach-of-promise case Date: 1849

Background imageMockery Collection: Emancipated women of America, satire 1851

Emancipated women of America, satire 1851
Emancipated women of America, as depicted by the illustrator of Alice. Date: 1851

Background imageMockery Collection: WW1 - Kaiser disappointed with his Zeppelin and U-Boat

WW1 - Kaiser disappointed with his Zeppelin and U-Boat
WW1 - An illustration mocking the German Emperor Wilhelm II. Here he is depicted in his night robes, holding a down-scaled zeppelin in one arm, and a U-Boat in the other

Background imageMockery Collection: A Sydney Larrikin

A Sydney Larrikin. Larrikinism is the name given to the Australian folk tradition of irreverence, mockery of authority and disregard for rigid norms of propriety

Background imageMockery Collection: Beaver by George Studdy

Beaver by George Studdy
Bonzo and his brother spot a King Beaver. Bonzo, the comic canine creation of George Studdy roars (or yelps) with laughter at a passing Griffon breed of dog

Background imageMockery Collection: Abandoned Husband

Abandoned Husband
His wife is at a Womens Rights meeting - the children are next door - his cold supper is in the pantry... this is the price a man must pay when his wife is a suffragette !

Background imageMockery Collection: Alfred Austin (1896)

Alfred Austin (1896)
ALFRED AUSTIN, forgettable and unlikeable poet whose profuse output wins him more mockery than praise from the critics but, astonishingly, gets him appointed Poet Laureate, 1896. Date: 1835 - 1913

Background imageMockery Collection: Alfred Austin (Punch)

Alfred Austin (Punch)
ALFRED AUSTIN, indifferent and unlikeable poet whose profuse output wins him more mockery than praise from the critics but, astonishingly, gets him appointed Poet Laureate, 1896. Date: 1835 - 1913

Background imageMockery Collection: Charles Insulted / 1649

Charles Insulted / 1649
Charles I is mocked and insulted by Cromwells soldiers in the guardroom. Date: 27 January 1649

Background imageMockery Collection: The hunters sleep, Les Images en Musique

The hunters sleep, Les Images en Musique
A hunter sleeps while rabbits dance round him in a ring, illustration in Les Images en Musique, with illustrations by Benjamin Rabier and easy pieces for piano by Jane Vieu. Date: 1908

Background imageMockery Collection: WW1 - Hindenburg in the saddle

WW1 - Hindenburg in the saddle
WW1 - Depicting Paul Von Hindeburgs (1847 - 1934), Germanys Chief of the General Staff, commanding loyal co-operation from the Austrian armies on the Eastern Front

Background imageMockery Collection: WW1 - Mocking the Boche

WW1 - Mocking the Boche
WW1 - The enemy seen here captured by a British soldier. The soldier represented as a stereotyped Englishman, Cockney Tommy. The name Tommy was commonly ascribed to the British private soldier

Background imageMockery Collection: The Old Curiosity Shop, Quilp mocks the figurehead

The Old Curiosity Shop, Quilp mocks the figurehead
The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens, first published in the weekly serial Master Humphreys Clock from 1840 to 1841 and then as its own book in 1841

Background imageMockery Collection: The Girl of the Period

The Girl of the Period
A comment on a media debate over the dress & manners of The Girl of the Period sparked by a censorious article in the Saturday Review. Date: April 1868

Background imageMockery Collection: Ambitious Women

Ambitious Women
Some want to catch a coronet, others a millionaire, a few sail with Lady Fawcett seeking emancipation : but chorus girls or aristocrats, all are shamelessly after SOMETHING... Date: 25 December 1908

Background imageMockery Collection: Irish Nationalist Mocked

Irish Nationalist Mocked
An Irish nationalist writer mocked as Mr G-O Rilla of the Young Ireland Party exulting over insults to England; Shouldn t he be extinguished at once? asks Punch

Background imageMockery Collection: Farming for Ladies

Farming for Ladies The scene in the farmyard when the ladies, bless em, take a fancy to farm management

Background imageMockery Collection: Women / Mockery / Voting

Women / Mockery / Voting
And if you vote for me you get six pairs of stockings and a lipstick

Background imageMockery Collection: Female / Ladies Converse

Female / Ladies Converse
CONVERSAZIONE OF LADIES Fashionable dress - overfed pets - handsome manservants - female accomplishments - these are the things that women talk about when they gather

Background imageMockery Collection: Moses and Pharaoh

Moses and Pharaoh
He asks permission from Pharaoh to take the Hebrews into the desert to sacrifice to their God : but Pharaoh refuses the request with mockery

Background imageMockery Collection: Female Enfranchisement

Female Enfranchisement
Cruikshanks satirical projection of the effects of female enfranchisement

Background imageMockery Collection: All-Purpose Feminist

All-Purpose Feminist
A useful all-purpose card for feminists of all persuasions - just write your own slogan on the board, and you re in the protest business !

Background imageMockery Collection: LA Valse, Circa 1830

LA Valse, Circa 1830
Two dancers perform the valse in a French outdoor dance- hall. The lithograph is from a series Les Ridicules - the waltz was a subject for much mockery and derision

Background imageMockery Collection: Thomas Birch, Writer

Thomas Birch, Writer
THOMAS BIRCH Prolific historian and biographer whose works, though dull, are full of valuable information, despite the mockery of Horace Walpole

Background imageMockery Collection: The Simple Life

The Simple Life
THE SIMPLE LIFE - Dinner time in the barely furnished home of a formidable New Woman - she reads Votes for Women to her sandalled hubbie while snow blows into the room

Background imageMockery Collection: Shuttng up Suffragette

Shuttng up Suffragette
What I would do with the Suffragists a somewhat unsympathetic approach to the problem of womens rights

Background imageMockery Collection: Formidable Woman 2

Formidable Woman 2
What ARE men, WHO are they, WHERE are they &c &c

Background imageMockery Collection: Formidable Woman

Formidable Woman
Now, Madam, will you go quietly or shall I have to use force ?

Background imageMockery Collection: ERASMUS MONTANUS

Holbergs satire Erasmus Montanus derides the intellectual pretensions of college-educated scholars. It is still produced today, its mockery as apposite as ever

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