The Underwriter Who Missed The Total Loss, by H. M. BatemanThe inside of Lloyds and the Lutine bell, which is rung to announce a total loss, one stroke for bad news and two for good. Date: 1933
The Man Who Missed The Ball On The First Tee At St. AndrewsGolfer spinning around after an overly violent swing. 1925
Hanging Gardens BabylonAllegedly built by Nebushadnezzar II for his wife Amyitis, who missed her homeland, Iraq. They were grown on terraces & used water from the Euphrates River
Hanging Gardens / BabylonAllegedly built by Nebushadnezzar II for his wife Amyitis, who missed her homeland, Iraq. They were grown on terraces & used water from the Euphrates River
The card that upset IrelandThis card headed Great Britain missed out Ireland which caused political uproar and was corrected and replaced from 1 October 1879. Brown printing on buff card
Postcard design - Missing you! A chap fails to catch a butterfly in his red net. Date: circa 1937
French Post BoxA Parisienne posts a letter in a public letter box, and a gent hurries up hoping he hasn t missed the post, while the postman waits to make his collection. Date: circa 1818
They ve evidently seen me by Bruce BairnsfatherThey ve evidently seen me. A British soldier, precariously peering out the top of a chimney pot, binoculars in hand, is narrowly missed by an enemy shell
Enemy aeroplanes attack British steamer by G. H. DavisEnemy aeroplanes attacking a British steamer. Bombs and bullets from above -- the Avocet attacked by three German planes during the First World War
Billiards Illustrated - A Little Too FineA fisherman fly fishing in a Scottish Loch is thwarted in his attempts to land a sprightly salmon by his choice of fishing line, which appears to be far too thin
Tennis Humour - PostcardI can see you do try to keep your end up! Date: circa 1930s
Policeman dragging away a criminal at ChristmasA Policeman dragging away a criminal at Christmas toward the Black Maria. His woebegone expresion is the perfect accompaniment to the caption
Addled Ads - Living in a HORSEAddled Ads - WANTED: " AT ONCE. Man wanted to look after horse, to live in." 1905
The Civil war in America: Midnight storm on the MissippiFederal flotilla at anchor, off Fort Pillow. The storm occurred on the night of May 20th 1862, when lightning just missed hitting the amunition boat with 25, 000 pounds of gun powder on board
Hanging Gardens / MunsterAllegedly built by Nebushadnezzar II for his wife, Amyitis who missed her homeland, Iraq. They were grown on terraces & used water from the Euphrates River
Art Deco Style RoomA fine example of how some interiors missed the Art Deco mark! A cumbersome mirror and unattractive pouffe, plus a dreadful drinks trolley which looks like an old pram!
7 Wonders / Babylon / WondeAllegedly built by Nebushadnezzar II for his wife Amyitis, who missed her homeland, Iraq. They were grown on terraces & used water from the Euphrates River
7 Wonders / Babylon / ParrAllegedly built by Nebushadnezzar II for his wife, Amyitis who missed her homeland, Iraq. They were grown on terraces and used water from the Euphrates River
7 Wonders / Babylon / PicartAllegedly built by Nebushadnezzar II for his wife Amyitis, who missed her homeland, Iraq. They were grown on terraces & used water from the Euphrates River