Thomas Davies, mineralogistThomas Davies (1837 - 1892), Mineralogist at the British Museum and Fellow of the Geological Society. Date: C.1890
Woulfes apparatus for washing gases or saturating liquids. Peter Woulfe (1727-1803) was an Irish chemist, mineralogist and alchemist
Woulfes alchemical apparatus for distilling the elixir. Peter Woulfe (1727-1803) was an Irish chemist, mineralogist and alchemist
Franz Ernst BruckmannFRANZ ERNST BRUCKMANN German doctor and mineralogist Date: 1697 - 1753
Edward D Clarke SilhouetteThe revd. EDWARD DANIEL CLARKE, traveller and mineralogist, professor of mineralogy at the university of Cambridge. Date: 1769-1822
Sir Abraham HumeSir ABRAHAM HUME Geologist, mineralogist and antiquary Date: 1749 - 1838
William BabingtonWILLIAM BABINGTON Medical and mineralogist Date: 1756 - 1833
Robert JamesonROBERT JAMESON Scottish naturalist and mineralogist, professor of natural history at Edinburgh University Date: 1774 - 1854
H K Escher Von Der LinthHans Konrad ESCHER VON DER LINTH (or Jean Conrad) Swiss botanist, geologist, mineralogist Date: 1767 - 1823
Edward Daniel Clarke, (1769-1822) traveller & mineralogist
Rene Just Hauy - 2RENE JUST HAUY French mineralogist Date: 1743 - 1822
Valentine Rene HauyVALENTIN HAUY French educator, inventor of a script for the blind, with behind him his brother Rene Just Hauy, mineralogist. Date: 1745 - 1822
Frederick Noel Ashcroft (1878-1949)Frederick Noel Ashcroft, a mineralogist, in Sedrum. Ashcroft collected swiss minerals which are now housed at the Natural History Museum, London
Thomas Allan (1777-1833)Portrait of Thomas Allan, an important figure in the history of mineralogy. This is the only known portrait of him
Paul G HautefeuillePAUL GABRIEL HAUTEFEUILLE French chemist and mineralogist, member of the Institut
Rene Just HauyRENE JUST HAUY French mineralogist
Vicomte D archiacEtienne-Jules Adolphe, Desmier de Saint-Simon, vicomte d ARCHIAC French geologist and mineralogist
Abraham Gott. WernerAbraham Gottlieb WERNER German geologist and mineralogist