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Midsummer Collection

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Fairy and Frogs, by Hilda T Miller

Fairy and Frogs, by Hilda T Miller - Up and down, up and down, I will lead them up and down (A Midsummer Night's Dream) Date: circa 1930s

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Puck and Titania

Puck and Titania
Scene from A Midsummer Nights Dream (Sommernachtstraum) depicting Puck sprinkling fairy dust on Titania.(German) Date: 1900

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Cartoon, Bottoms Dream (Republicanism)

Cartoon, Bottoms Dream (Republicanism)
Cartoon, BOTTOMS DREAM -- Nick Bottom (the working-man): I have a dream

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Midsummer Nights Dream

Midsummer Nights Dream. Scene from Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream in Art Deco style. There sleeps Titania Date: circa 1924

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Wild Thyme, Oxlips, Violet, Woodbine, Musk-roses

Wild Thyme, Oxlips, Violet, Woodbine, Musk-roses and Eglantine (Midsummer Nights Dream)

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Common Glow-worm - female - glowing on a cut grass stalk to attract males - late in

Common Glow-worm - female - glowing on a cut grass stalk to attract males - late in the dusk - midsummer - June (Lampyris noctulica ). meadow in Ural Mountains - Tchelyabinsk region - Russia

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Barbara Hepworth discusses with Michael Tippett

Barbara Hepworth discusses with Michael Tippett
Sculptor Barbara Hepworth discussing the object she had designed for the dancers in the opera, A Midsummer Marriage, composed by Michael Tippett and premiered on 27 January 1955. Date: 1955

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Brownies in camp by Florence Mary Anderson

Brownies in camp by Florence Mary Anderson
" Brownies in camp by Florence Mary Anderson. An illustration entitled " Midsummer Night" depicting brownies in camp, by Florence Mary Anderson (1889-1945)." 1927

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Titania, Queen of The Fairies, Ethel Gabain

Titania, Queen of The Fairies, Ethel Gabain
Titania - Queen of The Fairies, colour illustration

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Midsummer Flowers

Midsummer Flowers
Still life watercolour painting showing a very colourful display of flowers, including poppies and sweet williams. Date: circa 1931

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Regent's Park Open Air Theatre

Regent's Park Open Air Theatre
Sketch depicting a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre. Date: 1939

Background imageMidsummer Collection: This picture shows a couple enjoying a romantic moment in Venice. Date: 1926

This picture shows a couple enjoying a romantic moment in Venice. Date: 1926

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Bottom the Weaver

Bottom the Weaver
An artists interpretation of Botom the Weaver from Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Puck

Pen and ink sketch of Puck for A Midsummer Nights Dream. Artist: Helen Jacobs Date: 1920

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Villagers dancing around the bonfire for

Villagers dancing around the bonfire for the feast of St. John the Baptist, midsummer

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Love-in-Idleness (Midsummer Nights Dream)

Love-in-Idleness (Midsummer Nights Dream). Handcoioured botanical illustration drawn and lithographed by Jane Elizabeth Giraud from The Flowers of Shakespeare, Day and Haghe, London, 1845

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Crimson Rose (Midsummer Nights Dream)

Crimson Rose (Midsummer Nights Dream). Handcoioured botanical illustration drawn and lithographed by Jane Elizabeth Giraud from The Flowers of Shakespeare, Day and Haghe, London, 1845

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Woodbine, Honeysuckle, Ivy and Elm

Woodbine, Honeysuckle, Ivy and Elm (Midsummer Nights Dream)

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Oberon

Illustration of Oberon in A Midsummer Nights Dream. Artist: Hans Fischer

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Illustration, Bottom as Pyramus

Illustration, Bottom as Pyramus
Illustration, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Bottom as Pyramus in the play within a play. 19th century

Background imageMidsummer Collection: SHAKESPEARE / BOTTOM

Act III, Scene I Bottom translated: O Bottom, thou art changd/What do I see on thee? Date: 1773

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Puck - Robin Goodfellow - A Midsummer Nights Dream

Puck - Robin Goodfellow - A Midsummer Nights Dream
Puck, a sprite

Background imageMidsummer Collection: ROBIN GOOD-FELLOW

Robin Good-fellow

Background imageMidsummer Collection: ELIZABETHAN PLAYHOUSE

A performance of Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream in an Elizabethan playhouse Date: 16th century

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Puck on spiders thread

Puck on spiders thread
Puck seated on a spiders thread. Date: 1920

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Robin Goodfellow, a sprite

Robin Goodfellow, a sprite (also known as Puck). Date: 1911

Background imageMidsummer Collection: A Midsummer-Nights Dream by William Shakespeare

A Midsummer-Nights Dream by William Shakespeare
Cast list from promotional flyer for A Midsummer-Nights Dream by William Shakespeare at the Royal Court Theatre, Sloane Square, London in 1915. Date: circa 1915

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Common Glow-worm - female - climbed on top of a

Common Glow-worm - female - climbed on top of a cut grass stalk in the dusk - attracts males by glowing and waving abdomen from side-to-side - late in the dusk - midsummer - June (Lampyris noctulica)

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Common Glow-worm - female - attracts males by glowing

Common Glow-worm - female - attracts males by glowing - holds to top of a cut grass stalk - dusk - midsummer - June (Lampyris noctulica ). meadow in Ural Mountains - Tchelyabinsk region - Russia

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Oberon and Titania - Silhouette

Oberon and Titania - Silhouette by the brilliant German cutter Paul Konewka. Date: circa 1860s

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Backstage at Drury Lane, 1926

Backstage at Drury Lane, 1926
A vast set makes the cast members of Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream look tiny, in this view from the wings at Drury Lane Theatre, London, 1926 Date: 1926

Background imageMidsummer Collection: St Johns Fires

St Johns Fires
SAINT JOHNs NIGHT Midsummer Eve is celebrated in Bretagne with song, dance and the traditional bonfire Date: 1893

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Midsummer customs in Sweden

Midsummer customs in Sweden
Swedish countryfolk dance on Midsummers Eve by the light of the Midnight Sun. Date: 1901

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Birch Forest near river Sinara - trees trunks bear

Birch Forest near river Sinara - trees trunks bear traces of frequent wild fires - evening - midsummer - June (Betula sp.). South Ural Mountains - Russia

Background imageMidsummer Collection: River Sinara bend - birch trees on the high bank

River Sinara bend - birch trees on the high bank bear traces of wild fires - evening - midsummer - June. South Ural Mountains - Russia

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Russia - a small Russian Orthodox Church monastery

Russia - a small Russian Orthodox Church monastery among agricultural fields - potatoes field on foreground - midsummer - June

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Womens Freedom League Fund-Raiser Play

Womens Freedom League Fund-Raiser Play

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Bonzos Midsummer Day-dream

Bonzos Midsummer Day-dream. Cartoon strip from Bonzos Annual, 1935. 1935

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Illustration, A Midsummer Nights Dream

Illustration, A Midsummer Nights Dream -- probably not connected to the Shakespeare play, but depicting a sailor asleep on a ship, dreaming of a mermaid in the water. Date: July 1914

Background imageMidsummer Collection: Silhouette Calendar -- June

Silhouette Calendar -- June, Midsummer Day. Showing a girl cooling her hand at a fountain. Date: 20th century

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