Sac spider, two-clawed hunting spider, diving bell spider, etc
Sac spider, Clubiona subtilis 82, Anyphaena accentuata 83, Liocranum rupicola 84, two-clawed hunting spider, Cheiracanthium erraticum 85, 86, and diving bell spider, Argyroneta aquatica 87
Prowling, jumping and ladybird spiders
Prowling spider, Zora spinimana 21, lynx spider, Oxyopes lineatus 22, ladybird spider, Eresus sandaliatus 23, zebra jumping spider, Salticus scenicus 24, jumping spider, Sitticus pubescens 25
Woodlouse hunter, green-fanged tube web spider, etc
Woodlouse hunter, Dysdera crocata 266, 267, Harpactea hombergi 268, green-fanged tube web spider, Segestria florentina 269, and snake-back spider, Segestria senoculata 270. D. erythina, D
Wolf spiders, nursery web spider, fishing spiders, etc
Wolf spider, Pardosa amentata 9, Pardosa saltans 10, Pardosa pullata 11, pin-stripe wolf spider, Pardosa monticola 12, Pardosa agricola 13, Arctosa leopardus 14, wolf spider, Pirata latitans 15
Sheetweaver spiders, dwarf spiders, etc
Comb-footed spider, Robertus lividus 169, sheetweaver spider, Porrhoma errans 170, sheetweb spider, Microneta viaria 171, Meioneta rurestris 172, 178, Tiso vagans 173, dwarf spider
Daddy long-legs, filmy dome spider, sheet weaver spider, etc
Daddy long-legs, Pholcus phalangioides 137, Linyphia triangularis 138, filmy dome spider, Neriene radiata 139, sheet weaver, Neriene montana 140, Linyphia hortensis 141, Microlinyphia pusilla 142
Sheetweb spider, invisible spider, cavity spider, etc
Sheetweb spider, Megalepthyphantes nebulosus 146, invisible spider, Drapetisca socialis 147, cavity spider, Nesticus cellulanus 148, dwarf spider, Bolyphantes luteolus 149, sheet weaver