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Mesozoic Collection

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Asteroceras, fossil ammonite

Asteroceras, fossil ammonite
A 16 cm diameter specimen of the Jurassic ammonite Asteroceras from the Lower Jurassic of Dorset, England

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Ichthyosaurus acutirostris

Ichthyosaurus acutirostris
A fossil specimen of the extinct fish-like marine reptile Ichthyosaurus acutirostris from Germany. It lived during the Lower Jurassic period 205-180 million years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Archaeopteryx

Archaeopteryx had the same number and arrangement of primary and secondary flight feathers as modern birds. Watercolour on paper by John Doncaster

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Plesiosaurus

Pen and ink annotated drawing by Mary Anning, 1824. This marine reptile lived in Europe during the early Jurassic period about 200 million years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus

Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus
Watercolour painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, (1809-1889). These marine reptiles live in Europe duing the early Jurassic period about 200 millions years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Extinct marine reptiles

Extinct marine reptiles
Sheet 1 of a series of posters called Extinct Animals by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins c. 1862

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Diplodocus

Weighing around 20 tonnes & reaching up to 26 metres in length Diplodocus is one of the longest-known dinosaurs. It lived 155 to 145 million years ago during the Upper Jurassic

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Pteranodon

Pteranodon was a giant flying reptile - a pterosaur - a close relation of the dinosaur. They lived during the Cretaceous period aroun 85 to 75 million years ago. Illustration by Neave Parker

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Continental Drift

Continental Drift
The world 200 million years ago in Upper Triassic times, showing the single continent of Pangaea and the universal ocean, Panthalassa

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Pterodactyl

Drawing of a Pterodactyl, an extinct flying reptile that lived during the Mesozoic era from around 251 millon years ago to 65 million years ago during the time of the K-T extinction

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Kelloways Stone

Kelloways Stone

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era - China

Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era - China
An artificial reconstruction by Neave Parker (with the co-operation of Dr. W. E. Swinton) of Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era found in China especially in the Provinces of Kansu and Szechuan

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton

Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton
A skeleton of the carnivorous dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus rex at the Natural History Museum

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Urogomphus eximus, fossil dragonfly

Urogomphus eximus, fossil dragonfly
A fossil Jurassic dragonfly about 140 million years old, from the Kimmeridgian Lithographic Stone, Solenhofen, Bavaria, Germany

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Lyme Regis

Lyme Regis
The Lower Jurassic cliffs incorporating Lower Lias and Charmouth Mudstone rocks, Charmouth, Dorset, UK

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Belemnotheutis antiquus, squid

Belemnotheutis antiquus, squid
A well-preserved Upper Jurassic squid aged 160 million years. This specimen originates from Christian Malford, Wiltshire

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Cheirotherium footprint

Cheirotherium footprint
Footprints of Cheirotherium stortonense, an extinct reptile, on a slab of Triassic sandstone from Storeton, Cheshire, UK

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Plesiosaur

An illustration by Neave Parker of the extinct marine reptile, Plesiosaur. These lived throughout most of the Mesozoic (MZ) era becoming extinct 65 million years ago at the time of the K-T extinction

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Temnocidaris sceptrifera, fossil echinoid

Temnocidaris sceptrifera, fossil echinoid
Temnocidaris (Stereocidaris) sceptrifera, 5.5 cm in diameter, from the Cretaceous Chalk of Hertfordshire, England, apical view

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Crinoids

Criniods lived during the Lower Jurassic period. Their modern equivalents include echinoderms such as seaurchins, starfish and sea cucumbers

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Libellulium longialata, dragonfly

Libellulium longialata, dragonfly
Fossil dragonfly from the Late Jurassic (150 million years old), Germany. On display in From the Beginning, Gallery 63, Earth Galleries at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Vegetation from the first half of the Mesozoic era

Vegetation from the first half of the Mesozoic era. Colour print after an illustration by Hugo Wolff-Maage from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Extinct giant predatory dinosaur attacking a horned dinosaur

Extinct giant predatory dinosaur attacking a horned dinosaur
Extinct giant predatory dinosaur between 5m and 10m tall, attacking a horned dinosaur, North America, Cretaceous

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Aptyxiella portlandica (Sowerby), Portland screwstone

Aptyxiella portlandica (Sowerby), Portland screwstone
A gastropod steinkern or internal cast of a Portland screwstone (Aptyxiella portlandica) from the Jurassic Portland Stone, Top Roach, Portland

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Oviraptor skeleton

Oviraptor skeleton
This dinosaur is belived to have been an egg thief. It lived during the Upper Cretaceous period, 85 to 75 million years ago. Fossils have been found in Mongolia. Illustration by Jo Konopelko

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Stegosaurus skeleton

Stegosaurus skeleton
A herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Upper Jurassic period, 155 to 144 million years ago. It has distinctive large plates which run from its neck to its tail. Illustration by Jo Konopelko

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Ankylosaurus

An animatronic model of the dinosaur Ankylosaurus created by Kokoro Dreams of Japan. This model was on display in the T-Rex Killer Question temporary exhibition from 1st August 2002 to 3rd May 2003

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Compsognathus

Outline illustration of a Compsognathus

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Cycadeoidea marylandica, fossil cycad

Cycadeoidea marylandica, fossil cycad
144-149 million year old specimen of a cycad from the Early Cretaceous, Maryland, USA

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Oviraptor

A model head of an Oviraptor. These dinosaurs are believe to have fed on eggs or shell fish due to the shape of their mouths. They lived 85-75 million years ago and fossils have been found in Mongolia

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Triceratops horn

Triceratops horn
Triceratops which lived during the Upper Cretaceous period, 67 to 65 million years ago had three horns. It grew up to 9 metres in length and fossils have been discovered in USA

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Daspletosaurus teeth

Daspletosaurus teeth
Fossil teeth from the Daspletosaurus, a large carnivorous dinosaur closely related to, but not as big as, the Tyrannosaurus

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Megalosaurus tooth

Megalosaurus tooth
A typical carnosaur tooth belonging to Megalosaurus. It is curved in shape, pointing backwards and has sharp, serrated edges for cutting meat. The Megalosaurus lived during the Middle Jurassic period

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Magnolia sp. fossil magnolia leaf

Magnolia sp. fossil magnolia leaf
A fossil magnolia leaf from the Upper Cretaceous, Senonian, leaf from Harz, Saxony. Specimen 240 mms long

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Clypeus ploti, fossil echinoid

Clypeus ploti, fossil echinoid
Fossil echinoid also known as a poundstone from the Jurassic period Trigonia Grit, Aylworth, U.K

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Diplodocus skeleton

Diplodocus skeleton
Weighing around 20 tonnes & reaching up to 26 metres in length Diplodocus is one of the worlds longest dinosaurs to have been discovered. It was first described by Marsh in 1878

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Thecosmilia trichotoma, a fossil coral

Thecosmilia trichotoma, a fossil coral
Thecosmilia trichotoma (Goldfuss). Scleractinian coral. Jurassic (Bathonian); Nattheim, Germany; BMNH 55859

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Lepidotes sp. wealden fish

Lepidotes sp. wealden fish
Fosillised scales and teeth of the wealden fish (Lepidotes) found inside the ribs of the dinosaur Baryonyx walkeri, Surrey

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Zamites gigas

Zamites gigas
Jurassic leaves of the extinct cycad like bennettitalean gymnosperm from York, England. Specimen held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Nipponites mirabilis, ammonite

Nipponites mirabilis, ammonite
This ammonite from the Upper Cretaceous of Japan displays a loose, tangled coil

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Carnotaurus

This was a carnivore that lived during the Lower Cretaceous period, around 70 million years ago. Fossil evidence in the unusual form of skin has been discovered in Argentina

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Brachyphyllum princeps, fossil plant

Brachyphyllum princeps, fossil plant
This specimen of Brachyphyllum princeps is from Solenhofen Limestone, Bavaria, Germany

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Pachycephalosaurus skull

Pachycephalosaurus skull
A fossil skull that once belonged to the dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus. It features a huge dome of bone which may have protected the brain. The skull is also covered in decorative bony studs

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Hippurites radiosus, rudist mollusc shell

Hippurites radiosus, rudist mollusc shell
Rudist mollusc shells are elongated molluscs and were also reef builders. Specimen dates from the Late Cretaceous, Des Moulins, Charente, France

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Euoplocephalus

A model of Euoplocephalus, one of the armoured plated dinosaurs from the family Ankylosauria. It lived during the Upper Cretaceous period 76 to 70 million years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Palaeocoma egertoni, a fossil ophiuroid

Palaeocoma egertoni, a fossil ophiuroid
Palaeocoma egertoni, with arms 4.5 cm long, from the Jurassic of Dorest, England

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Asterias gaveyi, a fossil starfish

Asterias gaveyi, a fossil starfish
Asterias gaveyi, the oral surface, with an arm stretch of 18 cm, from the Jurassic of Gloucestershire, England

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Ailsacrinus prattii

Ailsacrinus prattii, 3.4 cm wide, from the Jurassic of Bath, England, showing the underside of the calyx and arms

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Isocrinus robustus, a fossil crinoid

Isocrinus robustus, a fossil crinoid
The stalked crinoid Isocrinus robustus, 14 cm tall, from the Lower Jurassic of Gloucestershire, England, showing the calyx and arms

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Hypsilophodon skull

Hypsilophodon skull
Hypsilophodons narrow mouth would have been suitable for picking out soft shoots and leaves. Narrow mouths allow animals to select food with more care. This specimen lived 125 million years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Plesiosaurus macrocephalus

Plesiosaurus macrocephalus
Plate 15 from Geology and Inhabitants of the Ancient World, by Sir Richard Owen, (1854). This marine reptile could be found during the Jurassic period between 200 and 145 million years ago. Date: 1854

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Hypsilophodon foot

Hypsilophodon foot
Hypsilophodons upper foot bones were long and the lower foot thin and flexible, very like todays running birds

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Magyarosaurus sp. & Cetiosaurus oxoniensis

Magyarosaurus sp. & Cetiosaurus oxoniensis
Magyarosaurus was a titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Transylvania, Romania. Cetiosaurus was an early sauropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of England

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Calyptrella tenuissima

Calyptrella tenuissima
Glass sponge fossil which died on the seabed 80 million years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Cynognathus crateronotus

Cynognathus crateronotus
A fossil skull that belonged to the extinct mammal-like reptile, Cynognathus. It lived during the Triassic period, 245 to 208 million years ago. Typical length of entire creature 1.8 metres

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Belemnotheutis antiquus

Belemnotheutis antiquus
A well-preserved Upper Jurassic squid aged 160 million years. This specimen originates from the famous clay deposits in Wiltshire

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Ichthyosaur

A plastic toy model of the extinct marine reptile, Ichthyosaur, created by Invicta Ltd. These reptiles lived during the Jurassic and Triassic periods, becoming extinct around 90 million years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Fish Dapedium

Fish Dapedium
Well preserved Dapedium fish from the Jurassic period

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Heterodontosaurus

This dinosaur whose name means different-toothed lizard is a member was an Ornithopod. It lived during the Lower Jurassic period around 205-180 million years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Opalised snails and clam

Opalised snails and clam
Found in the South Australia town of Coober Pedy, these ancient snail and clam shells have been preserved in semi-precious opal

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Protocaratops skull from Mongolia

Protocaratops skull from Mongolia
This dinosaur lived during the Cretaceous period about 80 million years ago. This skull

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Tyrannosaurus rex eye

Tyrannosaurus rex eye
Graphic of Tyrannosaurus rex eye. It is believed that the eye sight of this dinosaur was well adapted to hunting. It also had a large olfactory cavity creating a strong sense of smell

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Fossilised Mesturus verrucosus

Fossilised Mesturus verrucosus
Fossilised fish from upper Jurassic lithographic limestone, Eichstadt, Germany. 150 million years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Steneosaurus bollensis

Steneosaurus bollensis
A replica fossil specimen of Steneosaurus bollensis, an extinct reptile that looked similar to the modern day crocodile. It lived during the Upper Jurassic period

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Proganochelys quenstedti (Baur, 1887) skull

Proganochelys quenstedti (Baur, 1887) skull
A fossil skull that once belonged to the oldest known extinct turtle, Proganochelys quenstedti. This specimen is from the Keuper at Wurttemberg. Cast on the right, original specimen on the left

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Rhomdeosaurus cramptoni [Kettleness specimen]

Rhomdeosaurus cramptoni [Kettleness specimen]
Close-up of of a section of foot belonging to the Pliosaur, Rhomdeosaurus cramptoni

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Sabatinca perveta, moth

Sabatinca perveta, moth
Shown here is a moth belonging to the living pollen-feeding family Micropterygidae, preserved in Burmese amber of Late Cretaceous age

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Brasilia bradfordensis, ammonite

Brasilia bradfordensis, ammonite
This Middle Jurassic ammonite has been sectioned to show its chambers with calcite crystals formed in some and hardened mud in others. The body chamber is missing

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Parkinsonia dorsetensis, ammonite

Parkinsonia dorsetensis, ammonite
This ammonite has an evolute shell and is displaying complex suture lines. Specimen originates from the Middle Jurassic

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Aegocrioceras quadratus, ammonite

Aegocrioceras quadratus, ammonite
This Lower Cretaceous crytocone ammonite displays whorls which do not touch each other but form an open spiral

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Platanus latifolia, fossil plane tree leaf

Platanus latifolia, fossil plane tree leaf from the Upper Cretaceous from Greenland. Specimen 170 mms left to right

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Homoeosaurus maximiliani

Homoeosaurus maximiliani
A fossil specimen of Homoeosaurus maximiliani, a Sphenodontid lizard which dates back to the Triassic period. This specimen was discovered at the Kimeridgian Lithographic stone, Kelheim, Bavaria

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Baryonyx fossil remains

Baryonyx fossil remains
Plan of the crazy paving of blocks containing Baryonyx bones at the brick pit excavation site at Ockley, Surrey, UK

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Titanopteryx philadelphiae wing bones

Titanopteryx philadelphiae wing bones
From a pterodactyloid pterosaur from the late Cretaceous in Jordan. Upper bones are fragments of the elbow joint. The lower from a finger bone which formed a wing support

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Sauropod excavation, 1982

Sauropod excavation, 1982

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Chrysobotris, fossil beetle

Chrysobotris, fossil beetle
An early Cretaceous fossil beetle from the Lithographic Limestone, Lerida, Spain

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Ardeosaurus brevipes, a Jurassic lizard

Ardeosaurus brevipes, a Jurassic lizard
A cast of the type skeleton of Ardeosaurus brevipes a fossil reptile from the Lithographic Limestone, Kimmeridgian, Workerstzell, Bavaria, Germany. Dating back the Upper Jurassic period about 150 mya

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Dicroidium sp. seed fern

Dicroidium sp. seed fern
Fossil Triassic plant from Queensland, Australia

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Rhamphorynchus longiceps

Rhamphorynchus longiceps
A fossil Jurassic pterosaur from the Lithographic Stone, Eichstatt, Germany

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Pelorosaurus teeth

Pelorosaurus teeth
These robust chopping teeth from Pelorosaurus, a sauropod, show where the outer enamel has been worn away by constant chopping at plants. This dinosaur lived 130 to 112 million years ago

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Excavating a Mosasaur skull

Excavating a Mosasaur skull
Title page picture from Histoire Naturelle de la Montagne de St Pierre de Maestricht by Faujas de Saint Fond, 1799. Mosasaur was a carnivorous marine reptile from the Cretaceous period

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Geosaurus gracilis

Geosaurus gracilis
The fossil skeleton of the Geosaurus gracilis, an extinct aquatic crocodylian which lived during the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous periods

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Hastings amber

Hastings amber
This amber is from the Lower Cretaceous rocks of Hastings, East Sussex. Amber is fossilised tree resin

Background imageMesozoic Collection: Oxynoticeras oxynotum, ammonite

Oxynoticeras oxynotum, ammonite
Shown here is the ventral view of this Lower Jurassic oxycone ammonite

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