Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by J Mulder, from a visit to Suriname, South America
Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by P Sluyter, from a visit to Suriname, South America
Handpainted plate by Maria Sibylla MerianIllustration from Neues Blumenbuch (New Book of Flowers) by Maria Sibylla Merian, published in 1680
Wild daffodil and snowdropsWild daffodil, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, and snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis
Spring crocus and European peacock butterflySpring crocus, Crocus vernus, and European peacock butterfly, Aglais io
Convolvulus hawk-moth and bindweedConvolvulus hawk-moth, Agrius convolvuli, caterpillar and pupa with field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis LXXV
Dog s-tooth violet and mothDog s-tooth-violet or dogtooth violet, Erythronium dens-canis, and moth
Crown imperial lily, Fritillaria imperialis, and tulips, Tulipa gesneriana
Black-naped monarch and hooded warblerBlack-naped monarch, Hypothymis azurea 1, and hooded warbler, Setophaga citrina 2. Gobe-mouche blue des Philippines, Gobe-mouche de la Louisiane
Menelaus blue morpho, Morpho menelaus, ventral and dorsal, on a pomegranate blossom. Azure blue butterfly, copied from Maria Sibylla Merian
Two perfect knights mountaintop fortress castles in Austria. (Hochosterwitz and Kreuzenstein?) Copied from Matthaeus Merians Topographie von Osterreich, 1649
Veined tree frog, Trachycephalus venulosusVeined tree frog or common milk frog, Trachycephalus venulosus (Merian frog, Rana meriana). With tadpoles and immature frog
White witch moth, Thysania agrippina (Agrippina butterfly, Phalaena agrippina). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder after Maria Sibylla Merian
White witch moth caterpillar, Thysania agrippina (Agrippina butterfly, Phalaena agrippina). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder after Maria Sibylla Merian
Single-spotted butterfly, Papilio spondiae. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder
Cacao or cocoa tree and fruit, Theobroma cacao. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by P
Mulberry leaf and silkworm, Bombyx moriSilkworm moth, Bombyx mori, caterpillar and pupa with mulberry leaf, Morus alba I. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Maria Sibylla Merian from De Europischen Insecten, J.F. Bernard, Amsterdam
Greater burdock with mothGreater burdock, Arctium lappa plant, with moth, caterpillar and pupa LXIII. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Maria Sibylla Merian from De Europischen Insecten, J.F. Bernard, Amsterdam. 1730
Feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium, with moth, caterpillar and pupa, CXX. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Maria Sibylla Merian from De Europischen Insecten, J.F. Bernard, Amsterdam. 1730
Garden orache with mothGarden orache, Atriplex hortensis, with moth, caterpillar and pupa. CXVII. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Maria Sibylla Merian from De Europischen Insecten, J.F. Bernard, Amsterdam. 1730
Gooseberry with mothGooseberry plant, groseille de jardin, Ribes uva-crispa with moth, caterpillar and pupa, Plate XXIX. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Maria Sibylla Merian from De Europischen Insecten, J.F
Second Defenestration of Prague, 1618. Engraving coloration
Thysania agrippina, white witchCaterpillar, cocoon and adults of a white witch moth (Thysania agrippina). Plate 20 from Metamorphosis Insectorum (1705) by Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717)
Morpho menelaus, blue morpho butterflyPlate 53 from Metamorphosis Insectorum (1705) by Maria Sybilla Merian
Printing Example 1644The title-page of Matthew Merians Topographia Bavaria one of the many superb topographical albums produced by the Merian family Date: 1644
Tulip and small tortoiseshellGuache on vellum, c.late 17th century by Maria Sibella Merian (1647-1717). From the collection of Insect paintings by Dutch Artists 17th-19th Century. Held in the Library and Archives
Guinea hog and Merian opossum, Sus scrofa, Didelphys murina.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from Ebenezer Siblys Universal System of Natural History, 1794
Surinam amphisboena or tropical worm lizard, Amphisbaena species
Merian duck, Anas merianae A hybrid betweenMerian duck, Anas merianae. A hybrid between the Muscovy duck and the domestic mallard.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1800
Pineapple with insectsPlate 2 from Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium by Maria Sybilla Merian
Iris germanica (left) and Iris pallida (right), bearded irisIllustration by Anna Maria Sibylla Merian, from the Dutch Collection, late 1600s. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Two species of beetle, with larvae on a Mexican or prickly poppy. Plate 24 from Metamorphosis Insectorum (1705) by Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717)
Insects, plants & shells against landscape
Lucanus cervus, stag beetleAlso, Macrodontia cervicorn, palm weevil beetle & grub, Rhynchophorus palmarum and other unrelated insects. Plate 48 from Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium by Maria Sybilla Merian, 1705
Heliconius riciniButterflies (Heliconius ricini) feed on caster-oil plant (Ricinus communis). Plate 30 from Metamorphosis Insectorum (1705) by Maria Sybilla Merian
Stagmatoptera precaria, mantidLife cycle of the mantid (Stagmatoptera precaria). Reproduced as an engraving after the orginal watercolour from as Plate 66 Metamorphosis Insectorum (1705) by Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717)
Plate from New Book of Flowers (1680)Illustration from Neues Blumenbuch or New Book of Flowers (1680) by Maria Sibylla Merian
Anna Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717)Portrait of Anna Maria Sibylla Merian, a German naturalist. Frontispiece from Erucarum ortus, alimentum et paradoxa metamorphosis by Merian (1717)
Passiflora laurifolia, water lemonIllustration from Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium (1705) by Maria Sibylla Merian, of Type Specimens of plants named by Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)
Chang film presentation, 1927. The Natural History MuseumIn 1925 Merian Cooper and Ernest Schoedsack, later co-directors of King Kong, devised a 70-minute tale, Chang, of a Thai jungle village encountering wild animals, which premiered two years later
Title plate from Neues Blumenbuch by Maria Sibylla MerianTitle plate from Neues Blumenbuch (New Book of Flowers) by Maria Sibylla Merian, published in 1680
Surinaamsche Insecten, Insects of SurinamPlate 57 from Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium of te Verandering der Surinaamsche Insecten by Maria Sibylla Merian
Palliseden bonnFrom Plate 11 Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium of de Verandering der Surinaamsche Insecten (1705) by Maria Sibylla Merian
Merian / Maria / LizarsANNA MARIA SIBYLLA MERIAN Swiss painter, engraver and naturalist