Theatre, Mercenary Mary 1925, NermanMercenary Mary, a successful comedy, playing at the London Hippodrome, staring Mr A. W. Baskcomb, Frank Masters, Peggy O Neil (Mary) Lew Hearn, June and Sonnie Hale
Artificial hand of Goetz von BerlichingenProsthethic hand and arm of Gottfried (Goetz) von Berlichingen (1480 1562), also known as Goetz of the Iron Hand, a German Imperial Knight and mercenary. Date: 1868
The Lansquenets Battle, 16th century. SoldiersThe Lansquenets Battle. Soldiers of the German infantry. They also fought alongside the Spanish tercios during the reign of the House of Austria. Engraving
Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878). Ottoman irregular troops, the bashi-bazouk. Engraving. La Guerra de Oriente (The Russo-Turkish War). Volume I. 1877
Defence of Byzantium against the Ottomans. RogerDefence of Byzantium against the Ottomans. The leader of the Great Catalan Company or Almogavars (1303-1305), Roger de Flor (ca)
Niklaus Manuel, Swiss artist, c.1484-1530Niklaus Manuel of Bern, Swiss artist, draftsman, writer, mercenary and Reformed politician, c.1484-1530. Nicolaus Manuel Bernensis
Portrait of a standard bearer, Germany, 15th century. In the flamboyant costume of a landsknechts, with plumed hat, slashed doublet, codpiece, hose, beribboned boots
Blaise de Monluc, professional soldier, 1570Blaise de Monluc, seigneur de Montluc, c. 1502-1577. Professional soldier appointed Marshal of France in 1574. In large ruff, short cape, doublet and breeches, hose, armed with sword and cane
German mercenary soldier, 16th centuryGerman mercenary soldier or Landsknecht, 16th century. In felt hat, black doublet, long slashed culottes in pink and white, ruff collar, armed with halberd and sword. Soldat Allemand
German fifer, 16th centuryGerman Landsknechte fifer, 16th century. In plumed cap, red and green doublet with slashed puff sleeves, codpiece, striped culottes and hose. Fifre, Costume Allemand
German Landsknechte drummer, 16th century. In blue felt hat with plumes, slashed buff justaucorps, puff sleeves adorned with ribbons, parti-coloured breeches and hose. Allemagne, Tambourin
Valtein, German Landsknechte halberdier, 16th centuryValtein, GermanLandsknechte halberdier, 16th century. Swordsman who fought in Denmark. In plumed hat, gold full-sleeved doublet, striped stockings, garters, carrying a sword and halberd
German pikeman and servant girl, 16th centuryGerman Landsknechte pikeman and servant girl, 16th century
German arquebusier, 16th centuryGerman Landsknechte arquebusier, 16th century. In slashed, wide-sleeved justaucorps, chainmail collar, bandoliere with cartridges, codpiece, parti-coloured breeches and hose, puffed garters
Ancient history. Majorcan slinger. Engraving, 1852Ancient history. Balearic slingers. Mercenary warriors armed with slingshots in the service of the Roman and Carthaginian armies. Majorcan slinger. Engraving
Skeleton of Death about to spear a Swiss soldier on a battlefield, as another skeletal drummer advances behind them
Mercenary Mary, New Theatre, CambridgeMercenary Mary, a musical comedy at the New Theatre, Cambridge, previously at the London Hippodrome. circa 1925
Mercenary soldiers. Landsknechte. Engraving after etching by Daniel Hopfer, 1530. Museo Militar, 1883. Later colouration. Date: 2020
Modern era. Mercenary soldiers: Swiss. Engraving. Museo Militar, 1883. Later colouration. Date: 2020
Almogavars. 13th-14th centuries. EngravingThe Christian Kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula. Almogavars. 13th-14th centuries. Engraving. Museo Militar, 1883. Later colouration. Date: 2019
A scene from Mercenary Mary at the London Hippodrome (1925) Date: 1925
A scene from Fallen Angels at the Globe Theatre, London (1925) with Tallulah Bankhead and Edna Best Date: 1925
Peggy O Neill to star in Mercenary Mary at London HippodromePeggy O Neill (1898-1960), Irish-born theatre actress and entertainer pictured with a Pekingese puppy in The Sketch at the time she was appearing in Mercenary Mary at the London Hippodrome. Date: 1926
German soldiers wearing harem pants, late 16th century. Chief sutler with his arms raised, and infantry chief in armour and helmet with short staff. From color pen drawings in the possession of C
London health club 1926A group of Hippodrome women from Mercenary Mary enjoying a sun bath, opened in Albemarle Street, London Date: 1926
Portrait of a Condottiere by Giovanni BelliniPortrait on wood of a Condottiere (a leader or member of a troop of mercenaries, especially in Italy) by Giovanni Bellini (circa 1430-1516) Date: circa 1485
Arnaut soldier, Ottoman EmpireAn Arnaut Soldier, viewed from the rear, with a musket slung over his shoulder. He carries a tobacco pipe with a very long stem in his right hand
The Cook, c. 1570, by Giuseppe ArcimboldoGiuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593). Italian painter. The Cook, c. 1570. National Museum. Stockholm. Sweden
Gottfried Goetz von Berlichingen, died 1562.. Chromolithograph from Jakob Heinrich von Hefner-Altenecks Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 17th Century, Frankfurt, 1889
Mercenaries embarking from Hesse to America. 1776. Copperplate engraving of the time
Gotz Von BerlichingenGOTZ VON BERLICHINGEN German mercenary knight. Date: 1480 - 1562
Sword of a German mercenary, early 16th century.. Chromolithograph from Jakob Heinrich von Hefner-Altenecks Costumes, Artworks and Appliances from the Middle Ages to the 17th Century, Frankfurt, 1889
Crucified mercenary from Frankfurt Cathedral, 16th century
Italian man of arms, 16th century
Filippo ScolariFILIPPO SCOLARI Italian condottiere (mercenary) who sided with emperor Sigismund against the Hussite rebellion. Date: 1369 - 1426
COLLEONI, Bartolomeo (1400-1475). Italian condottiero. Painting. ITALY. Florence. Pitti Palace
Programme cover for Mercenary Mary, 1925Programme cover for Mercenary Mary staged at the London Hippodrome, 1925. Artwork by Paul Chesney. Date: 1925
Costume / Men / Mercenar1530A mercenary soldier, possibly German, in stripy costume with sword, relaxing in an inn with a large tankard of beer: the dice on the floor show that he has been gambling
Sir John HawkwoodSIR JOHN HAWKWOOD English mercenary soldier in Italy, serving sometimes in the White Company, or in the Holy Company, or freelance for or against the Pope