Coats of arms with crests and supporters
Jean IV de Melun, governor of Ghent, 1396-1484
Jean Fouquet (1420-1481). Melun Diptych, 1452. GemaldegaleriRenaissance Art. France. Jean Fouquet (1420-1481). French painter. Melun Diptych, oil painting about 1452 by order of Etienne Chevalier. Left wing depicting Etienne Chevalier with his patron St
SNECMA C-400 P1 ATAR volonteThe Atar Volonte Prototype, Being Prepared for Another Flight, on the Ground in the Tethered Test-Rig with Engineers Working Date: 1950s
Melun, Seine-et-Marne department, France - Aerial View. Its inhabitants are called Melunais. Date: circa 1930s
Janne De RohanJEANNE PELAGIE CHABOT de ROHAN, dame de Montlieu, second wife of Alexandre, prince de Melun Date: 1653 - 1698
Fouquet, Jean (1420-1481). Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels. 1451-1452. Central detail. Renaissance art. Oil on wood. BELGIUM. Antwerp. Royal Museum of Fine Arts. Proc: FRANCE. Melun
Vaux Le Vicomte(aka Vaux-Praslin) The magnificent chateau built by Fouquet near Melun, 60 km SE of Paris, which inspired Louis XIV, not to be outdone by his minister, to build Versailles