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Mediumship Collection

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mediumship / Marriott

Mediumship / Marriott
WILLIAMs MARRIOTT EXPOSES Marriott simulates Polish medium Stanislawa Tomczyks levitation of a glass tumbler in full light

Background imageMediumship Collection: ESPERANCE

Elizabeth Hope, known as Elizabeth d Esperance medium Date: 1855 - 1919

Background imageMediumship Collection: Helen Duncan - Ectoplasm & Teleplasmic hand

Helen Duncan - Ectoplasm & Teleplasmic hand
Piece of card showing two undated photographs of the Scottish medium Helen Duncan blindfolded during a sance, producing " ectoplasm" and a " hand"

Background imageMediumship Collection: Davenport Brothers

Davenport Brothers
Ira Davenport on the left, his brother William on the right : preparing to bind them inside their cabinet are Mr Fay and Mr Cooper, who will ensure that no trickery is involved

Background imageMediumship Collection: Einer Nielsen 1921

Einer Nielsen 1921
Einer Nielsen, Danish medium, producing ectoplasm at Oslo

Background imageMediumship Collection: Goligher Ectoplasm

Goligher Ectoplasm
Kathleen exudes ectoplasm from between her legs; sometimes it would become sufficiently rigid to tilt a small table

Background imageMediumship Collection: Leonora Piper - Medium

Leonora Piper - Medium
Leonora Piper American medium

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mediums / Leonora Piper

Mediums / Leonora Piper
LEONORA PIPER American medium Date: 1859 - 1950

Background imageMediumship Collection: Seance room at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research

Seance room at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research
Undated photograph of corner of the sance room at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, with trumpets on table. HPG/1/2/1 (vi)

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mina Crandon

Mina Crandon
American physical medium, whose authenticity was much questioned but never conclusively disproved

Background imageMediumship Collection: Dd home and Chair

Dd home and Chair
Daniel Dunglass Home, Scottish-American medium, remains the most enigmatic of all spirit mediums, performing extraordinary feats which have never been explained

Background imageMediumship Collection: Medium / Helen Duncan

Medium / Helen Duncan
HELEN DUNCAN Portrait of the spirit medium circa 1940

Background imageMediumship Collection: Fox Sisters & Table

Fox Sisters & Table
THE FOX SISTERS They demonstrate their ability to levitate a table, to the reverend Hammond, who is suitably impressed

Background imageMediumship Collection: Paranormal / Mediumship

Paranormal / Mediumship
How apports are supposed to pass through walls thanks to the agency of the spirits

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mediumship / Seance

Mediumship / Seance
Raphael N Hutter attends a seance with an unnamed French medium

Background imageMediumship Collection: Austrian medium Maria Silbert

Austrian medium Maria Silbert
Photograph of the Austrian medium Maria Silbert, wearing a hat and sitting in a coach outside her home in Graz, 1933. Austrian medium Maria Silbert (died 1936)

Background imageMediumship Collection: Frank Decker & Price

Frank Decker & Price
Harry Price tests Frank Decker, one of Americas most outstanding mediums : he was of Syrian origin. Date: 8 June 1933

Background imageMediumship Collection: Margery Crandon 7

Margery Crandon 7
Spirit photo of controversial American medium Margery, with alleged spirit faces. Few today would attempt a defence of Margery - writes investigator J Gordon Melton

Background imageMediumship Collection: Duncan Ectoplasm 4

Duncan Ectoplasm 4
English medium Helen Duncan ejaculates a trailing flow of ectoplasm for Harry Price. It is very similar to cheesecloth in composition

Background imageMediumship Collection: Seance with Rudi Sch

Seance with Rudi Sch
Artists impression of a seance with Austrian medium Rudi Schneider at London, under the supervision of Harry Price : the reality was seldom if ever as dramatic as this !

Background imageMediumship Collection: Rudi Schneider Seance

Rudi Schneider Seance
Rudi Schneider (centre) - Austrian physical medium - and Harry Price (second right) re- enact their session - London

Background imageMediumship Collection: Handkerchief Knot Test

Handkerchief Knot Test
Test at the National Psychical Laboratory on Rudi Schneider the Austrian spiritualist physical medium. Here, a knot has allegedly been tied paranormally in a handkerchief

Background imageMediumship Collection: Margery and Ectoplasm

Margery and Ectoplasm
Margery, with her hands tightly clasped by sitters, nevertheless manages to exude ectoplasm from her nostrils

Background imageMediumship Collection: Palladino at Genova

Palladino at Genova
Eusapia raises a table while controlled by Morselli, at Genova, 12 July 1906 picture 2 of 2

Background imageMediumship Collection: Spirit Photo Mumler

Spirit Photo Mumler
Photo by William Mumler, showing Mrs Lincoln with the spirit of her husband, Abraham Lincoln

Background imageMediumship Collection: Fox Sisters

Fox Sisters
The Fox family respond to mysterious rappings in their home at Hydesville, New York, which they attribute to spirits; this leads to the creation of spiritualism

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mediumship / Table Turning

Mediumship / Table Turning
A table turning seance gets out of hand in Lyon, France

Background imageMediumship Collection: Rev Francis Ward Monck and William Oxley, spiritualists

Rev Francis Ward Monck and William Oxley, spiritualists
Rev Francis Ward Monck (right, c. 1842-?)) and William Oxley (1823-1905), spiritualists. Oxley was a Methodist, Swedenborgian, spiritualist and writer based in Manchester

Background imageMediumship Collection: Gladys Osborne Leonard, trance medium

Gladys Osborne Leonard, trance medium
Gladys Osborne Leonard (1882-1968), British trance medium. Date: 20th century

Background imageMediumship Collection: Harry Prices investigations into Helen Duncan

Harry Prices investigations into Helen Duncan
Photograph of Esson Maude recreating where she sat during sitting with the Scottish medium Helen Duncan at the sance venue in Edinburgh, January 1933

Background imageMediumship Collection: Danish medium Anna Rasmussen

Danish medium Anna Rasmussen
Undated photograph of the Danish medium Anna Rasmussen (1898 - ?), author of automatic scripts

Background imageMediumship Collection: Alleged Abnormal levitation of a table

Alleged Abnormal levitation of a table
Undated photograph of the alleged abnormal levitation of a table (inverted), photographed at a sance with Mrs Poole of Winnipeg. HPG/1/7/25

Background imageMediumship Collection: The method of linking up hands and feet of sitting mediums

The method of linking up hands and feet of sitting mediums
Undated photograph showing the method of linking up hands and feet of sitting mediums by means of electrical control. This is one of series of photographs documenting Harry Prices investigations into

Background imageMediumship Collection: Kluski Spirit Glove

Kluski Spirit Glove
Cast of a spirit glove made at Warsaw by Franek Kluski (pseudonym) (1874 - ?) in the presence of Richet, Geley and others

Background imageMediumship Collection: Rudi Schneider Tested

Rudi Schneider Tested
Austrian medium Rudi Schneider is tested in London by Harry Price and colleagues. The findings suggest psychic powers but are controversial

Background imageMediumship Collection: Duncan Ectoplasm

Duncan Ectoplasm
HELEN DUNCAN, tested by Harry Price, exudes a sheet of ectoplasmic material which closely resembles cheesecloth

Background imageMediumship Collection: Goligher Structure

Goligher Structure
At the Goligher circle, Belfast, Kathleen creates a psychic structure, supposedly from ectoplasm (the crack is in the original glass plate which was dropped)

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mediumship / Carancini

Mediumship / Carancini
Italian physical medium Francesco Carancini demonstrates table-lifting, though bound and seemingly in full light; he was however widely accused of trickery

Background imageMediumship Collection: Crandon & Houdini

Crandon & Houdini
Margery in a fraud-proof box devised by Richardson and Houdini; the latter is holding her left hand, her other hand is held by Walter Prince

Background imageMediumship Collection: Margery Seance - 4

Margery Seance - 4
Margery, in trance and her wrists held by sitters, exudes ectoplasm which spreads right across her face

Background imageMediumship Collection: Home, Resting Head

Home, Resting Head
American spirit medium

Background imageMediumship Collection: Kluski and Bird

Kluski and Bird
At Warsaw, in the presence of Colonel Okolowicz and others, though searched before and after, Kluski materialises a huge bird

Background imageMediumship Collection: Cook / Katie King Photo 4

Cook / Katie King Photo 4
Katie King manifests at the home of Sir William Crookes, though neither of the two sitters seems particularly interested in the spirit

Background imageMediumship Collection: Seance, Leipzig

Seance, Leipzig
Spiritualism comes to Germany - a table-lifting seance at Leipzig in the early days

Background imageMediumship Collection: Paranormal / Psychokinesis

Paranormal / Psychokinesis
STANISLAWA TOMCZYK Polish medium, demonstrates PK while under hypnosis, to Ochorowicz at Wisla, Poland, raising small objects

Background imageMediumship Collection: Stanislawa P

Stanislawa P
Polish psychic Stanislawa P. produces ectoplasm at Munchen in the presence of Schrenck- Notzing; in 1930 Osty accused her of systematic deception

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mediumship / Satirical

Mediumship / Satirical
THE PLEASURES OF HAT-MOVING To perform this scientific experiment, the experimenters must touch hands for 20 minutes or so

Background imageMediumship Collection: Margery Crandon 4

Margery Crandon 4
Controversial American medium Margery in trance. She was exposed by Houdini but many believe her genuine

Background imageMediumship Collection: Stella Cranshawe

Stella Cranshawe
Spirit medium discovered by Harry Price, who seems to have believed her genuine, in contrast to Helen Duncan

Background imageMediumship Collection: Testing Rasmussen

Testing Rasmussen
Apparatus used by Christian Winther to test Danish medium Anna Melloni Rasmussen (born 1898) at Copenhagen : positive results were obtained

Background imageMediumship Collection: Schneider Handkerchief

Schneider Handkerchief
In a seance with Harry Price, Austrian medium Rudi Schneider causes a handkerchief to move paranormally by psychokinesis

Background imageMediumship Collection: Spirit Photo Boddington

Spirit Photo Boddington
H Boddington and a female spirit form, photographed under test conditions

Background imageMediumship Collection: Levitation Seance

Levitation Seance
At a dramatic seance, one of the sitters finds himself levitated while all kinds of trickery is in progress

Background imageMediumship Collection: Jan Guzyk, Medium

Jan Guzyk, Medium
Polish medium, in 1922 or 1923

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mrs Leonard

Mrs Leonard
GLADYS OSBORNE LEONARD English spirit medium

Background imageMediumship Collection: Flower Apports

Flower Apports
Supernormal flowers which were apported during a seance with the medium Miss X (the one standing)

Background imageMediumship Collection: Eglinton & Figure

Eglinton & Figure
Full materialisation of a spirit entity at a seance with Eglinton as medium

Background imageMediumship Collection: Stainton Moses

Stainton Moses
The Rev. W STAINTON MOSES (1839-1892), English spirit medium

Background imageMediumship Collection: Kluski Figure

Kluski Figure
A mysterious figure, swathed in a white shroud, appears behind Kluski at a Warsaw seance

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mediumship / Demange

Mediumship / Demange
A table is levitated even though it is separated from the medium by a screen

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mediumship / Gazzera

Mediumship / Gazzera
Female figure evoked by Italian physical medium Linda Gazzera (who was subsequently exposed by Schrenck-Notzing) Date: 1911

Background imageMediumship Collection: But it was only young from next door, larking with the bust out of the library;

But it was only young from next door, larking with the bust out of the library; and it being the fashion to make fun of dear old Shakespeare just now, the joke took immensely. Date: 1864

Background imageMediumship Collection: Opening of Julia's Bureau, with W T Stead and staff

Opening of Julia's Bureau, with W T Stead and staff
Group photo at the opening of Julia's Bureau, a seance circle, with W T Stead (far right) and staff. The Bureau was based in Mowbray House, Norfolk Street, London

Background imageMediumship Collection: Spirit head and shoulders sketch of D. D. Home

Spirit head and shoulders sketch of D. D. Home
Daniel Dunglas Home (pronounced Hume') (March 20, 1833 June 21, 1886) was a Scottish Spiritualist, famous as a physical medium with the reported ability to levitate to a variety of heights

Background imageMediumship Collection: Ethel Beenham, Harry Price's secretary, demonstrates how a skilful medium can perform any number

Ethel Beenham, Harry Price's secretary, demonstrates how a skilful medium can perform any number of psychic phenomena even though her hands and feet are tied. Date: 1930s ?

Background imageMediumship Collection: DAVENPORT POSTER 2

Poster for Ira Davenport, who returned to the stage after the death of his brother William : pretending to be spirit mediums they were skilful stage magicians. Date: 1894

Background imageMediumship Collection: MARGERY AND BIRD

Margery's dead brother Walter mischievously pulls down a strongly-secured cabinet on Malcolm Bird, the intrepid investigator of Scientific American Date: 1924

Background imageMediumship Collection: WALTER T STINSON

Mina Crandon's dead brother Walter Stinson, who ostensibly gave strong evidence for his survival after death during his sister's seances

Background imageMediumship Collection: French spirit photographer Edouard Isidore Buguet (1840-1901) is cleared of evil fluids by a medium

French spirit photographer Edouard Isidore Buguet (1840-1901) is cleared of evil fluids by a medium, before he takes a spirit photograph: he was convicted of fraud in 1874 Date: circa 1874

Background imageMediumship Collection: Home Spirit World Paranormal Mediumship 1887

Home Spirit World Paranormal Mediumship 1887
home, spirit, world, paranormal, mediumship, 1887, happy, dead, enjoy, picking, flowers, reading, pious, literature, lovely, gardens, never, rains, the, and, in, it, so, at, 10026156

Background imageMediumship Collection: HARE'S APPARATUS

Robert Hare's device for communicating with the dead Picture 1 of 2 Date: circa 1854

Background imageMediumship Collection: SPIRIT PHOTO HUDSON

A male sitter reads a book, unaware that a female spirit - possibly his dead mother - is hovering behind him. Date: circa 1872

Background imageMediumship Collection: EGLINTON & WRITING

Slate writing by the spirits of the dead is demonstrated at an Eglinton seance Date: 1886

Background imageMediumship Collection: Spirits materialise at a seance organised by Achille Borgnis ; they are illuminated by luminous

Spirits materialise at a seance organised by Achille Borgnis ; they are illuminated by luminous plaques Date: circa 1920

Background imageMediumship Collection: IVY CARTER BEAUMONT known as Rosemary medium who recalled past life in Ancient Egypt Date

IVY CARTER BEAUMONT known as Rosemary medium who recalled past life in Ancient Egypt Date: 1893 - 1961

Background imageMediumship Collection: The Materialisation of a Dead Son

The Materialisation of a Dead Son
Charles Victor Miller at Paris, 18th June, 1909, produces figure claiming to be the dead son of M & Mme Benezech, who duly recognise him. Date: 18 June 1909

Background imageMediumship Collection: Mediumship - a spirit perplexed 1853

Mediumship - a spirit perplexed 1853
A spirit perplexed. A woman visiting a medium requests she asks the spirit of her deceased husband Augustus where he put the receipt for a repaid claim. Date: 1853

Background imageMediumship Collection: Controversial American medium Margery is presented with a loving cup by admirers at

Controversial American medium Margery is presented with a loving cup by admirers at the Psychic College. Date: 1920s

Background imageMediumship Collection: WEBBER LIFTS TABLE

Jack Webber (1907-1940), English physical medium, raises a table above shoulder height, by manipulating gravity and etheric forces Date: 1939

Background imageMediumship Collection: MEDIUMSHIP / WEBBER

Jack Webber (1907-1940), English physical medium, uses ectoplasm to send objects round the seance-room Date: 1939

Background imageMediumship Collection: Elizabeth Hope, known as Elizabeth d Esperance, materialises the spirit of Leila

Elizabeth Hope, known as Elizabeth d Esperance, materialises the spirit of Leila Date: 1855 - 1919

Background imageMediumship Collection: CRANDON SEANCE

A scene at one of Margerys seances : ectoplasm is emerging from somewhere, to the amazement of all those present Date: circa 1925

Background imageMediumship Collection: MARGERY SEANCE - 5

Margery, in trance and her wrists held by sitters, exudes ectoplasm which drips from her face Date: circa 1924

Background imageMediumship Collection: SUNNY ISLAND

Life in the Summer Land : an excursion to Sunny Island Date: 1887

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