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Master Painter Collection

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century fiddler with woman reading music score and man drin

17th century fiddler with woman reading music score and man drinking in a Dutch tavern. Violin Player and a Singing Man And Woman

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Trade card of David Deuchar, 1743-1808, Scottish engraver

Trade card of David Deuchar, 1743-1808, Scottish engraver and stone cutter. Lapidary, Edinburgh

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Rustic scene with two women, a baby in swaddling clothes, and a

Rustic scene with two women, a baby in swaddling clothes, and a
Rustic scene with two women talking, one breastfeeding a baby in swaddling clothes, and a lamb, 17th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Allegorical scene with man seducing a woman as she plays guitar

Allegorical scene with man seducing a woman as she plays guitar, 18th century. They wear classical robes and seat at a table decorated with platter, fruit, vase and urn

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch shoemaker in a small shop in front of his hou

17th century Dutch shoemaker in a small shop in front of his house. The cobbler repairs shoes for a peasant waiting on a stool. A sleeping dog lies on the low roof of the ivy-clad store

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Butcher sharpening his knife before slaughtering a pig, 18th cen

Butcher sharpening his knife before slaughtering a pig, 18th cen
Butcher sharpening his knife before slaughtering a pig in front of a house, 18th century. A group of peasants watch holding wheat sheafs

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century monk reading a Bible at a desk in his cell

17th century monk reading a Bible at a desk in his cell. A quill pen and ink and hourglass on the table, a human skull on the window sill, crucifixion scene on the wall

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 18th century Flemish peasant eating at a barrel table in a taver

18th century Flemish peasant eating at a barrel table in a taver
18th century Flemish peasant seated at a barrel table in a tavern, biting into a sausage, holding a stone jug. Food for the Body

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Family saying grace before a large bowl of stew in a rustic home

Family saying grace before a large bowl of stew in a rustic home, 18th century. Two men and a child hold their hands in prayer, while a woman feeds a baby with a spoon

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Rustic banquet scene with large group at a table, 17th century

Rustic banquet scene with large group at a table, 17th century. A man grabs a roast chicken, others drink ale, a couple embrace, a child eats a large biscuit

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: A group of peasants drinking in a tavern, 17th century

A group of peasants drinking in a tavern, 17th century. Two men seated on barrel chairs raise their jugs and tankards in a toast. Women stand in front of a hearth behind them

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch pedlar with straw box of wares seated by a ro

17th century Dutch pedlar with straw box of wares seated by a ro
17th century Dutch itinerant pedlar with straw box of wares seated by a roadside. Engraver's signature on lid of open box

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch peasants outside a large farmhouse

17th century Dutch peasants outside a large farmhouse

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Dutch man skating on a frozen river on ice skates with hat and s

Dutch man skating on a frozen river on ice skates with hat and staff, 17th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Man writing graffiti on a tower wall from a staircase, 17th cent

Man writing graffiti on a tower wall from a staircase, 17th cent
Man writing graffiti on a tower wall from a staircase, watched by two peasants near a large stone tomb, 17th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch disabled beggar in rags, with staff and bag

17th century Dutch disabled beggar in rags, with staff and bag. Deuchar's signature on a stone on the ground. A Hunchbacked Beggar. From a series of beggars after Rembrandt, 1632

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch itinerant rat-catcher with tray and rat trap

17th century Dutch itinerant rat-catcher with tray and rat trap
17th century Dutch itinerant rat-catcher with tray of poison, trap on a long pole, poison, bag and dagger. From a series of beggars after Rembrandt, 1632

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch drinking scene with men and women carousing a

17th century Dutch drinking scene with men and women carousing around a table. A man pours ale from a jug, another embraces a woman on a bench. A man sits defecating on a chamberpot

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Scottish woman pouring a bottle of ale into a bucket for a man

Scottish woman pouring a bottle of ale into a bucket for a man
Scottish woman pouring a bottle of ale into a bucket on a table for a man in a tam o'shanter cap, 18th century. She wears a hood and cimple, apron and tartan skirt, and holds a large key

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch spectacles seller offering his wares to a wom

17th century Dutch spectacles seller offering his wares to a woman outside a cottage. The itinerant pedlar holds a tray of glasses. An old woman sits in front of a spinning wheel

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century rustic school scene

17th century rustic school scene. A man sits in a window seat writing with quill pen at a desk. Children and adults sit on the floor or on stools at tables. A man descends a ladder from the ceiling

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century peasant woman breastfeeding a baby near a tree

17th century peasant woman breastfeeding a baby near a tree. She wears a turban and has a straw basket at her side

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century peasants listening to a street fiddler

17th century peasants listening to a street fiddler. An old woman with straw basket, staff and keys on her belt, a boy with hoop and stick

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Jesus Christ driving the money changers from the temple

Jesus Christ driving the money changers from the temple. Christ in halo brandishing a whip attacking traders. The temple filled with priests, merchants, animals, children

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century peasants drinking at a tressle table in a tavern

17th century peasants drinking at a tressle table in a tavern. A man in feathered cap with pipe stands at right, with two men seated on barrels drinking ale

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Group of men drinking and smoking, seated on bench and barrel, 1

Group of men drinking and smoking, seated on bench and barrel, 1
Group of rustic peasant men drinking and smoking, seated on bench and barrel, 17th century. They hold tankards and tobacco pipes, and wear daggers and purses from their belts

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Dutch peasant with two daggers attacks another card player in a

Dutch peasant with two daggers attacks another card player in a dark tavern, knocking over a barrel table with cards. The other grabs his hat and wields a knife

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: European school scene from the 17th century

European school scene from the 17th century. Children sit at tables with horn books, while others listen to a tutor speaking from a pulpit at right

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: A nun spoon-feeding a man from a large bowl, 17th century

A nun spoon-feeding a man from a large bowl, 17th century. She wears a veil and a bunch of keys from her belt

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century English man smiling as he hears coins chinking

17th century English man smiling as he hears coins chinking in his hand. Hearing This fellow much delights himself to hear the Chinking of his Pelf

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century English man blowing out smoke after inhaling from a

17th century English man blowing out smoke after inhaling from a clay pipe. Smelling A pleasant fellow this you see and smoaks with much dexteritie

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century English man laughing at an engraving of a monkey

17th century English man laughing at an engraving of a monkey
17th century English man looking through a magnifying glass at an engraving of a monkey extinguishing a candle with a fart. Seeing

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century English drunk playing a drinking game

17th century English drunk playing a drinking game. He must drink more if the last drop from an empty glass covers the edge of his fingernail. Tasting

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century English barber-surgeon operating on a man's head wi

17th century English barber-surgeon operating on a man's head with a lancet. Feeling. Feeling of e'ry sense the best is thus indeed the most distrest

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch family playing with a doll

17th century Dutch family playing with a doll
17th century Dutch family at trestle table in front of a doorway. A girl reaches for a doll held by her mother. while her father watches. The Doll, 1679

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century man watching a mother breastfeeding a child in fron

17th century man watching a mother breastfeeding a child in front of a fireplace. Cradle, bellows, tongs, brush and bowl on the floor

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch peasant leaning on his door gate

17th century Dutch peasant leaning on his door gate
17th century Dutch peasant in cap leaning on his door gate. The house has a gable top and lattice windows. Peasant Leaning on His Doorway

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Dutch mother and small children at house gate, 17th century

Dutch mother and small children at house gate, 17th century. Little Girl Playing with a Baby in its Mother´s Arms

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century peasants drinking ale and smoking pipes in a tavern

17th century peasants drinking ale and smoking pipes in a tavern. They sit on wooden benches and barrels, with jugs and tankards, pipes and ashtrays on the table

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch peasants drinking near a fireplace

17th century Dutch peasants drinking near a fireplace in a tavern. A man pours grog from a jug for two people seated on chairs and barrels. Group near a chimney

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Man reading a letter to an audience at a table in a tavern, 17th

Man reading a letter to an audience at a table in a tavern, 17th century. He wears a cap, jacket with tobacco pipe in his belt. Reading the letter

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century bearded man with cap seated in a chair, reading und

17th century bearded man with cap seated in a chair, reading under a window in a room

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch peasant man drinking and smoking in a tavern

17th century Dutch peasant man drinking and smoking in a tavern
17th century Dutch peasant man drinking in a tavern, holding a glass and tobacco pipe, with barrel and jug

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch tavern scene, with many peasants drinking at

17th century Dutch tavern scene, with many peasants drinking at wooden tables, jugs at their feet, tobacco pipe on table. Two men sit in front of a fireplace

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch peasant women gossiping in a village street

17th century Dutch peasant women gossiping in a village street. They wear caps, aprons, skirts and clogs. The two gossips. 1642

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Three old women looking at a painting of a cat, 17th century

Three old women looking at a painting of a cat, 17th century
Connoisseurs of painting, 17th century. Three old women in caps look at a painting of a cat. With a palette and brushes, paintings on the wall and on an easel, and a child drawing on the floor

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Dutch peasant woman carrying a basket on her head, 17th century

Dutch peasant woman carrying a basket on her head, 17th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Dutch peasants playing a game of cards at a table in a tavern

Dutch peasants playing a game of cards at a table in a tavern. Game of Cards

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Scottish peasants dancing in a rustic tavern, 18th century

Scottish peasants dancing in a rustic tavern, 18th century. They wear tam o'shanters and caps, jackets and trousers, and dance in a room with table, barrels and wheat sheafs

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Dutch peasants butchering a pig by candlelight, 17th century

Dutch peasants butchering a pig by candlelight, 17th century. A group of men, children gather to watch in front of a thatched cottage and well with water pump. Pig Slaughterers, circa 1642

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Woman in veil with balance scales, watched by a bearded man, Sco

Woman in veil with balance scales, watched by a bearded man, Sco
Woman in veil with balance scales, watched by a bearded man wearing a cap, Scotland, 18th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century peasants eating, drinking and smoking

17th century peasants eating, drinking and smoking. A man on a stool drinks from a jug, a child feeds another from a bowl, and a woman breasfeeds a child

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch man with tankard, tobacco and pipe at a rusti

17th century Dutch man with tankard, tobacco and pipe at a rustic tavern table

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Ship of Fools with skeleton, 18th century

Ship of Fools with skeleton, 18th century
A group of men and women in a small boat are pushed away from an island by a skeleton. Ship of Fools, 18th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Peasants talking in a field, 17th century

Peasants talking in a field, 17th century. They wear caps and rustic coats, a child stands at a mother's leg, and a hog eats from the ground. Houses and churches in the background

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Dutch man sitting on a bench, holding his hat

Dutch man sitting on a bench, holding his hat, with a jug in the foreground. Peasant with hat taken off, 17th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century peasants drinking in a tavern

17th century peasants drinking in a tavern. A drunken man slumps on a bench to the surprise of others, while the tavern keeper brings a jug of ale

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Old man in a hooded cape leaning on a stick, 17th century

Old man in a hooded cape leaning on a stick, 17th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Dutch peasants playing a game of cards at a table in an inn. 17

Dutch peasants playing a game of cards at a table in an inn. 17
Dutch peasants playing a game of cards at a table in an inn. Cups, cards and tobacco pipes on the table, with large wardrobe and cupboardbed in rear. Game of Cards

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Man in a cap, seated on a wooden chair, holding a jug of ale

Man in a cap, seated on a wooden chair, holding a jug of ale. With tobacco pipe by his side

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Dutch peasant in cap with a tobacco pipe at a tavern table

Dutch peasant in cap with a tobacco pipe at a tavern table. Peasant with a Pipe, 17th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch drunk man vomits on the floor of a tavern

17th century Dutch drunk man vomits on the floor of a tavern watched by two other peasants. The rustic bar has a wooden table, barrel and case, window shutters, and a jug on the floor

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of a young man looking down, clean shaven, wearing turban

Bust of a young man looking down, clean shaven, wearing turban decorated with fur and feathers, 17th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of an old man, wearing a large turban, in profile, 17th cen

Bust of an old man, wearing a large turban, in profile, 17th century. After an etching by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione in his Heads in Oriental Headdress, 1648-50

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of a young man with beard, wearing a turban, in profile, 17

Bust of a young man with beard, wearing a turban, in profile, 17
Bust of a young man with beard, wearing a plumed turban, in profile, 17th century. After an etching by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione in his Heads in Oriental Headdress, 1648-50

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of a young man looking down, clean shaven, wearing a plumed

Bust of a young man looking down, clean shaven, wearing a plumed turban, 17th century. After an etching by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione in his Heads in Oriental Headdress, 1648-50

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of an old man with beard, wearing a turban, in profile, 17t

Bust of an old man with beard, wearing a turban, in profile, 17th century. After an etching by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione in his Heads in Oriental Headdress, 1648-50

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century man smoking a tobacco pipe with his dog

17th century man smoking a tobacco pipe with his dog
17th century man seated on a wooden chair, smoking a tobacco pipe, dagger on his belt, his hat on his knee. A dog at his side

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of a man holding a banderole, wearing a turban with plumes

Bust of a man holding a banderole, wearing a turban with plumes, 17th century. After an etching by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione in his Heads in Oriental Headdress, 1648-50

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of an old man looking down, bearded, wearing a turban with

Bust of an old man looking down, bearded, wearing a turban with plumes and jewels, 17th century. After an etching by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione in his Heads in Oriental Headdress, 1648-50

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch man and woman talking in a village street

17th century Dutch man and woman talking in a village street. The man wears a hat and coat, the woman carries a straw basket

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Musician with bagpipes wearing a hat, jacket and breeches, 18th

Musician with bagpipes wearing a hat, jacket and breeches, 18th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch peasant man seated, holding a glass

17th century Dutch peasant man seated, holding a glass, tobacco pipe and ashtray on table

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Man with his trousers down defecating on a toilet, 18th century

Man with his trousers down defecating on a toilet, 18th century
Man with his trousers down defecating on a toilet (right) and man with ale jug seated on a barrel (left). On the ground, a paper reads Love or Money

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch peasants talking in a field

17th century Dutch peasants talking in a field. A woman in veil and man in conical hat gesticulate with a man carrying a large bundle on his back. Houses, farms and church in the background

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Old woman holding a glass and jug, 17th century

Old woman holding a glass and jug, 17th century. She wears a veil on her head and a coat with fur shawl

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Fiddler playing on a street corner, 18th century

Fiddler playing on a street corner, 18th century
Fiddler playing on a street corner, with hat and staff on a chair, 18th century. A market fair with tents and stalls in the background

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of a young Asian man wearing a turban, 17th century

Bust of a young Asian man wearing a turban, 17th century
Bust of a young clean-shaven Asian man wearing a turban with plumes and cockade, in profile, 17th century

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of an old man with beard wearing a turban, 17th century

Bust of an old man with beard wearing a turban, 17th century
Bust of an old man with beard wearing a turban, in profile, 17th century. After an etching by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione in his Heads in Oriental Headdress, 1648-50

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Bust of an old man with beard wearing a turban, 17th century

Bust of an old man with beard wearing a turban, 17th century. After an etching by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione in his Heads in Oriental Headdress, 1648-50

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Young woman wearing a conical turban with plumes, 17th century

Young woman wearing a conical turban with plumes, 17th century
Bust of young woman wearing a conical turban with plumes, 17th century. From Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione's Heads in Oriental Headdress, 1648-50

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: 17th century Dutch hurdy-gurdy man in tall cap and cape

17th century Dutch hurdy-gurdy man in tall cap and cape. The organ grinder, 1647

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Two peasant lovers embracing at a tavern table, 17th century

Two peasant lovers embracing at a tavern table, 17th century. On the wood table are a bottle of gin, glass, tobacco pipes

Background imageMaster Painter Collection: Old woman sitting in a chair knitting, 17th century

Old woman sitting in a chair knitting, 17th century. She wears a veil, long robe and clogs

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