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Marine Biology Collection

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: South American sea lions basking on a beach

South American sea lions basking on a beach
South American sea lions, Otaria flavescens, formerly Otaria byronia, basking on a beach. Otaries sur la plage. Velin du museum, peint par Bocourt, d'apres Milne-Edwards

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: American pipe snake and slow worm

American pipe snake and slow worm
American pipe snake or false coral snake, Anilius scytale 1, 2, and slow worm, Anguis fragilis. Amphibia, Anguis, Coral, black banded, Jamaica, Anguis jamaiciensis, Anguis ater, Anguis coraline

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Greater weever, Atlantic stargazer and dragonet fish

Greater weever, Atlantic stargazer and dragonet fish
Greater weever, Trachinus draco 1, 2, Atlantic stargazer, Uranoscopus scaber 3, and common dragonet, Callionymus lyra 4, 5

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of pomfret, tube-eye, hairtail, swordfish, etc

Species of pomfret, tube-eye, hairtail, swordfish, etc
Pomfret, Pampus cinereus 1, black pomfret, Parastromateus niger 2, tube-eye or thread-tail, Stylephorus chordatus 3, largehead hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus 4, diaphanous hatchetfish

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of hagfish and lamprey

Species of hagfish and lamprey
Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa hag fish 1, 2, sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus 3, and river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis 4, juvenile under surface 5

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Endangered devil fish, guitar fish and rays

Endangered devil fish, guitar fish and rays
Endangered devil fish, Mobula mobular 1, Madeiran ray, Raja clavata 2, endangered painted ray, Raja undulata 3, electric ray, Torpedo torpedo 4, and critically endangered guitarfish

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Various species of sharks

Various species of sharks
Blue dog shark, Prionace glauca 1, dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula 2, critically endangered angelshark, Squatina squatina 3, smooth hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena 4, zebra shark

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of sawfish, endangered sturgeon, and rabbit fish

Species of sawfish, endangered sturgeon, and rabbit fish
Critically endangered largetooth sawfish, Pristis pristis 1, rabbit fish, Chimaera monstrosa 2, critically endangered Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser sturio 3, endangered sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus 4

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Lumpfish, angler fish and frogfish species

Lumpfish, angler fish and frogfish species
Lumpsucker, Cyclopterus lumpus 1, Cornish sucker, Lepadogaster purpurea 2, common seasnail, Liparis liparis 3, frogfish, Antennarius species 4, angler fish, Histrio histrio 5, Brazilian batfish

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Triggerfish and leatherjacket species

Triggerfish and leatherjacket species
Queen triggerfish or old wife, Balistes vetula 1, rough triggerfish, Canthidermis maculata 2, lagoon triggerfish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus 3 and unicorn leatherjacket, Aluterus monoceros 4

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of seadragon, seahorse, seamoth, etc

Species of seadragon, seahorse, seamoth, etc
Seadragon, Phyllopteryx taeniolatus 1, greater pipefish, Syngnathus acus 2, seahorse, Hippocampus hippocampus 3, seamoth, Eurypegasus draconis 4, long-tailed dragonfish, Pegasus volitans 5

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of pufferfish, porcupinefish and burrfish

Species of pufferfish, porcupinefish and burrfish
White spotted puffer, Arothron hispidus 1, ocellated puffer, Takifugu ocellatus 2, Nile puffer, Tetraodon lineatus 3, oceanic puffer, Lagocephalus lagocephalus 4, spot-fin porcupinefish

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Trunkfish, cowfish and turretfish

Trunkfish, cowfish and turretfish
Humpback turretfish, Tetrosomus gibbosus 1, smooth trunkfish, Lactophrys triqueter 2, shortnose boxfish, Rhynchostracion nasus 3, spotted trunkfish, Lactophrys bicaudalis 4, scrawled cowfish

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of threadfin, gizzard shad, goldfish, etc

Species of threadfin, gizzard shad, goldfish, etc
Paradise threadfin, Polynemus paradiseus 1, lesser African threadfin, Galeoides decadactylus 2, Chinese gizzard shad, Clupanodon thrissa 3, Bloch's gizzard shad, Nematalosa nasus 4, ziege

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of mullet, smelt, flyingfish, etc

Species of mullet, smelt, flyingfish, etc
Mediterranean sand smelt, Atherina hepsetus 1, flathead grey mullet, Mugil cephalus 2, 3, tropical two-wing flyingfish, Exocoetus volitans 4, flyingfish, Cheilopogon exsiliens 5

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of trumpetfish, garfish, ballyhoo, etc

Species of trumpetfish, garfish, ballyhoo, etc
Chinese trumpetfish, Aulostomus chinensis 1, cornetfish, Fistularia tabacaria 2, longnose gar, Lepisosteus osseus 3, garfish, Belone belone 4, ballyhoo, Hemiramphus brasiliensis 5, ladyfish

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of piranha, leporinus, lizardfish, etc

Species of piranha, leporinus, lizardfish, etc
Tetra, Astyanax bimaculatus 1, banded leporinus, Leporinus fasciatus 2, greater lizardfish, Saurida tumbil 3, African pike characin, Hepsetus odoe 4, river hatchetfish, Gasteropelecus sternicla 5

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of catfish, weatherfish and four-eyes

Species of catfish, weatherfish and four-eyes
Bloch's catfish, Pimelodus blochii 1, Raphael catfish, Platydoras costatus 2, suckermouth catfish, Hypostomus plecostomus 3, weatherfish, Misgurnus fossilis 4, largescale four-eyes

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of bonito, cobia, leatherjacket and croaker

Species of bonito, cobia, leatherjacket and croaker
Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda 1, cobia, Rachycentron canadum 2, Castin leatherjacket, Oligoplites saliens 3, bar jack, Caranx ruber 4, and longtail croaker, Lonchurus lanceolatus 5

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of snook, bass, stickleback, scad, etc

Species of snook, bass, stickleback, scad, etc
Common snook, Centropomus undecimalis 1, striped bass, Morone saxatilis 2, three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus 3, southern roughy, Trachichthys australis 4, torpedo scad

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of bass, hind, perch, etc

Species of bass, hind, perch, etc
Cichlid, Crenicichla brasiliensis 1, striped bass, Morone saxatilis 2, spotted seabass, Dicentrarchus punctatus 3, red hind, Epinephelus guttatus 4, European perch, Perca fluviatilis 5

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Parrotfish, seabass and shi drum species

Parrotfish, seabass and shi drum species
Mediterranean parrotfish, Sparisoma cretense 1, European bass, Dicentrarchus labrax 2, 5, shi drum, Umbrina cirrosa 3, and spotted seabass, Dicentrarchus punctatus 4

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of wrasse, gourami, leaffish, etc

Species of wrasse, gourami, leaffish, etc
Cuckoo wrasse, Labrus mixtus 1, three-spot gourami, Trichopodus trichopterus 2, black-eye thicklip wrasse, Hemigymnus melapterus 3, ballan wrasse, Labrus bergylta 4, Guyana leaffish

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of hogfish, eartheater, wrasse, snapper, etc

Species of hogfish, eartheater, wrasse, snapper, etc
Spanish hogfish, Bodianus rufus 1, red-striped eartheater, Geophagus surinamensis 2, red-breasted wrasse, Cheilinus fasciatus 3, yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus 4, annular sea bream

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Topknot, angelfish, butterflyfish, batfish, etc

Topknot, angelfish, butterflyfish, batfish, etc
Common topknot, Zeugopterus punctatus 1, emperor angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator 2, sergeant major, Abudefduf saxatilis 3, gray angelfish, Pomacanthus arcuatus 4, copperband butterflyfish

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Sole, plate fish, plaice, tongue fish, angelfish, etc

Sole, plate fish, plaice, tongue fish, angelfish, etc
Sole, Zebrias zebra 1, plate fish, Bothus lunatus 2, European plaice, Pleuronectes platessa 3, tongue fish, Paraplagusia bilineata 4, bicolor angelfish, Centropyge bicolor 5

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Scorpionfish, lionfish, pompano, etc

Scorpionfish, lionfish, pompano, etc
Red scorpionfish, Scorpaena scrofa 1, estuarine stonefish, Synanceia horrida 2, spotfin lionfish, Pterois antennata 3, African pompano, Alectis ciliaris 4, 5, and pugnose ponyfish

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of mahi-mahi, bullhead, remora, goby, etc

Species of mahi-mahi, bullhead, remora, goby, etc
Red bandfish, Cepola macrophthalma 1, common remora, Remora remora 2, sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus 3, mahi-mahi, Coryphaena hippurus 4, fivefinger wrasse, Iniistius pentadactylus 5

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of cod, saithe, blenny and humphead fish

Species of cod, saithe, blenny and humphead fish
Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua 1, saithe, Pollachius virens 2, poor cod, Trisopterus minutus 3, oyster toadfish, Opsanus tau 4, butterfly blenny, Blennius ocellaris 5, and Indian humphead

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Sperm whale, harbour porpoise and dolphin

Sperm whale, harbour porpoise and dolphin
Sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus 1, 2, harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena 3, and Atlantic dolphin, Delphinus delphis 4. Copperplate engraving by J

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Narwhal, bowhead and fin whales

Narwhal, bowhead and fin whales
Narwhal, Monodon monoceros 1, bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus 2, and fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus 3. Copperplate engraving by J

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Greater siren and olm

Greater siren and olm
Greater siren or eel-shaped siren, Siren lacertina 1, and olm or anguina siren, Proteus anguinus, vulnerable

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Species of turtles and tortoises

Species of turtles and tortoises
Yellow-footed tortoise, Chelonoidis denticulatus 1, European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis 2, endangered spotted turtle, Clemmys guttata 3, painted turtle, Chrysemys picta 4

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Varieties of sea anemones and corals

Varieties of sea anemones and corals

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Various types of coral

Various types of coral

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Types of seaweed, kelp and algae in the ocean

Types of seaweed, kelp and algae in the ocean. Flore de la mer

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: False coral, Alcyonium coralloides

False coral, Alcyonium coralloides. Polyp off the Mediterranean coast of Algeria. Anthozoanthe parasite. Polypier des cotes de l'Algerie

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Radiolarians, types of marine protozoa or zooplankton

Radiolarians, types of marine protozoa or zooplankton

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Types of marine algae

Types of marine algae
Marine algae. Green algae, Tetraspora gelatinosa 1, red algae, Callithamnion corymbosum 2, Plocamium cartilagineum 3, Leptosiphonia fibrata 4, Rivularia nitida 5, under tongue weed

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Whalers hunting and butchering whales at sea

Whalers hunting and butchering whales at sea
Hunting and butchering whales at sea. Whalers hunting from small boats with harpoons, and butchering whales on sailing ships. Peche et depecement de la baleine

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Bowhead whale beached on a rocky shore

Bowhead whale beached on a rocky shore
Bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, beached on a rocky shore. Baleine du Groenland echouee. Woodcut by F

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus

Sperm whale or cachalot, Physeter macrocephalus. A whaler hunting in the distance. Cachalot grosse tete

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Landscape of a rough sea with waves crashing on rocks

Landscape of a rough sea with waves crashing on rocks by marine artist Theodore Gudin. Brisants d'apres un tableau de Gudin

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Hunters on St Kilda harvesting eggs of marine birds

Hunters on St Kilda harvesting eggs of marine birds
Hunters on St Kilda climbing cliffs to harvest eggs of marine birds such as the Northern fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis, and puffin, Fratercula arctica. Vogelberg. Woodcut by F

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Le Sylphe fishing by night

Le Sylphe fishing by night
Night fishing. A steam-powered fishing boat Le Sylphe raising the trawl net by moonlight. Peche de nuit: Aviso le Sylphe relevant le chalut. Drawn by Edouard Riou after a photograph by L

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Fishing for sardine off the Atlantic coast of Brittany

Fishing for sardine off the Atlantic coast of Brittany. Fishermen in small boats trawling with huge nets. Peche a la sardine, cotes de Bretagne. Drawing by Edouard Riou after a photograph by L

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus, fighting over shells

Hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus, fighting over shells. Drawn after nature by Olivier Fredol at Concarneau aquarium. Chromolithograph by A

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: English sailors examining objects dredged from the sea

English sailors examining objects dredged from the sea. Fishermen checking their catch. Savants anglais examinant les objets rapporte par la drague

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Shrimpers fishing for shrimps with nets at low tide

Shrimpers fishing for shrimps with nets at low tide. Peche de la chevrette a Maree Basse. Drawing by Edouard Riou after a photograph by L. Hautefeuille

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Octopus, squid and cuttlefish squirting ink

Octopus, squid and cuttlefish squirting ink
Common octopus, Octopus vulgaris, elegant cuttlefish, Sepia elegans, shooting ink, and common squid, Loligo vulgaris. Drawn after nature by Olivier Fredol at Concarneau aquarium. Poulpe

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Polar bears hunting seals in an Arctic landscape

Polar bears hunting seals in an Arctic landscape
Polar bears, Ursus maritimus, hunting seals in an Arctic landscape. Ours blancs. Chromolithograph by C

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Hunting walrus, Odobenus rosmarus, in the Arctic ice floes

Hunting walrus, Odobenus rosmarus, in the Arctic ice floes. Whalers on a small boat hunting with harpoon. Chasses aux morses. Chromolithograph by C

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Development of a bird, European golden plover

Development of a bird, European golden plover, Pluvialis apricaria

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: View of a calm sea at Gibraltar on the Mediterranean

View of a calm sea at Gibraltar on the Mediterranean by marine artist Theodore Gudin. Mer calme une vue de Gibraltar d'apres Gudin

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: European herring gulls, Larus argentatus

European herring gulls, Larus argentatus. On a beach near rocks and sailboats. Goelands argentes

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Fish development, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar

Fish development, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Appearance of the embryonic spot in the egg 1, first embryo lineaments 2, appearance of the heart 3, fully formed 4, ready to hatch 5, and hatched 6

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Flying fish, sea bream and albatross

Flying fish, sea bream and albatross
Flying fish, Exocoetus volitans, gilt-head sea bream, Sparus aurata, and albatross, Diomedea exulans. Poissons volants, dorades, albatros

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Types of annelids or marine segmented worms

Types of annelids or marine segmented worms

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Sea cucumber, bladderwrack and algae

Sea cucumber, bladderwrack and algae
Sea cucumber, Holothuria arguinensis?, from the Chausey islands, Atlantic. With bladder wrack seaweed, Fucus vesiculosus, and red algae, Polyneura bonnemaisonii. Holothurie des iles de Chausey

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Sea slug mollusc species

Sea slug mollusc species

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Smooth flame scallop, Ctenoides mitis

Smooth flame scallop, Ctenoides mitis (Lima tenera). Mediterranean sea, off the coast of Algeria. Cotes de l'Algerie

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Siphonophore or string jellyfish, Apolemia contorta

Siphonophore or string jellyfish, Apolemia contorta, from the Mediterranean coast off Nice. Apolemie contournee. Zooid, or floating colony of polyps and medusoids. Meduse de la cote de Nice

Background imageMarine Biology Collection: Anterior nectophore species, Sulculeolaria quadrivalvis

Anterior nectophore species, Sulculeolaria quadrivalvis. Male and female colonies. Found of the Mediterranean coast of Nice. Galeolaire orangee, Galeolaria aurantiaca. Meduse de la cote de Nice

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