First Carlist War (1833-1840). Third Siege of BilbaoHistory of Spain. First Carlist War (1833-1840). Third Siege of Bilbao (5 November to 25 December 1836). Taking of the bridge of Luchana
First Carlist War (1833-1840). Battle of Nazar and AsartaSpain. First Carlist War (1833-1840)
Marceline the Droll, Spanish-born clown. He became famous at the newly-opened Hippodrome in the early twentieth century and then went to New York to perform at the hippodrome there
MENɎDEZ PELAYO, Marcelino (1856-1912). SpanishMENɎ DEZ PELAYO, Marcelino (1856-1912). Spanish erudite, politician and historian. Portrait by Rafael Hidalgo Guti鲲 ez de Caviedes (1864-1950. Detail. Realism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN)
CAMACHO, Marcelino (1918-2010). Spanish sindicalist, general secretary of Comisiones Obreras (Spanish Communist Labour Union) from 1976 to 1987
EspaSegunda Repa (1931-1936). HomageEspa Segunda Rep a (1931-1936). Homage cerimony to the Rep a (1936)
Camacho, Marcelino (1918); AlbertiAZORIN, Jos MartЮ ez Ruiz, also called (1873-1967). Spanish writer, member of the Generation of 98. Top hat, gloves