Gossip about Fairies 15Titania, queen of the Fairies, magically enamoured of Bottom, the Weaver, comes to her senses - - a scene from Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream
Gossip about Fairies 14Titania, queen of the Fairies, is magically enamoured of Bottom, the Weaver, who has been magically endowed with a donkeys head - scene from A Midsummer Nights Dream
SIEGMUND AND NOTHINGAct One : Sigmund with the magic sword Notung which he has just pulled out of the tree where it had been magically thrust
The Lady and the Lion- needless to say, the lion is really a Prince who has been magically transformed : when transformed back again, she will find that he is not just a prince, but very handsome
Art & DelvcaemArt rescues Delvcaem from her parents & the waves magically aid the lovers as they travel to Ireland in a coracle
Meyerbeer / Robert SoloThe famous Act 3 scene where Bertram, the Devil, invokes the spirits of nuns who failed their vows - a ludicrous scene which Meyerbeer magically transforms into a masterpiece
Wayland the SmithAt a cromlech in Ashbury, called Wayland Smiths Cave, a traveller could get his horse magically re-shod. It is said that Wayland learned his craft from the dwarfs of Iceland
The Knight & the HornOn a mound in Gloucestershire thirsty travellers or hunters would be magically refreshed with nectar, until an ill mannerd knight neglected to return the drinking horn
Gounod / FaustMephistopheles, magically summoned by the scholar Faust, proposes a deal... youth restored, in exchange for his soul