Norton I / American RoyalJOSHUA " EMPEROR" NORTON I Claimant to the imperial throne of North America (1859); he made a fortune in real-estate speculation
Jesus Heals MadmanJesus heals a madman
Madman in Mad HouseA mental patient, confined in a strait-jacket, is chained barefoot in a small bare cell - a warder opens the door for a visitor to see the wretch, perhaps a one-time friend
SPAIN. El Canto del Loco (The Song of the Madman in English. Sometimes abbreviated to ECDL) was a Spanish pop rock band. 08/06/2006
A Madman Lays Down his Cape for the Infant Saint Francis to Walk Upon. Viladomat i Manalt, Antoni (1678-1755). Oil on canvas
MADMANs WINDOWThe rock formation on the Antrim Coast Road, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, known locally as Madmans Window. Date: 1950s
Boney at Elba or a Madmans amusement
Madman with Gun / 1899A madman shoots an innocent tenant in a lodging house during an attempt to seize him