Royal Navy helicopters photographed off Portland. From top: Westland Sea King, Westland Wessex HAS1, Westland Wessex HU5, Westland Wessex HAS1, Westland Lynx, Westland Wasp HAS1 and Westlad Gazelle
Circus Poster / Polito sA poster for Politos Menagerie advertising a royal tiger, a fiery lynx, an ursine sloth and a pelican
Lynx sp. lynxStuffed specimen from the collection of the Natural History Museum at Tring, part of the Natural History Museum, London
Africa - Caracal (Caracal caracal) a carnivore that typically preys upon birds, rodents, and other small mammals Date: circa 1970s
Westland Lynx AH.9 ZE382Army Air Corps - Westland Lynx AH.9 ZE382 (msn 351), of 659 Squadron, at RNAS Yeovilton on 12 July 1995. Date: 1995
Westland Lynx HAS.3GM XZ228Royal Navy - Westland Lynx HAS.3GM XZ228 (msn 002), of 815 Naval Air Squadron, at RAF Mildenhall Air Fete, on 25 May 1991. Date: 1991
Westland Lynx HAS.2 (FN) 266Aeronautique Navale - Westland Lynx HAS.2 (FN) 266 (msn 046), of 34F, at RAF Fairford for the Royal International Air Tattoo on 30 July 1994
Westland Lynx Mk.88A 83+15Marineflieger - Westland Lynx Mk.88A 83+15 (msn 266), of MarineFliegerGeschwader 3, at Boscombe Down for the Air Tournament International, on 13 June 1992. (Marineflieger - German Navy Aviation)
Westland Lynx HAS.3S ZD249Royal Navy - Westland Lynx HAS.3S ZD249 (msn 243), of the A&AEE, at Boscombe Down for the Air Tournament International, on 13 June 1992. Date: circa 1992
Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-134Sovaernets Flyvetjeneste - Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-134 (msn 134), of Esk 722, at RAF Mildenhall Air Fete, on 23 May 1992. (Sovaernets Flyvetjeneste - Royal Danish Naval Air Service). Date: 1992
Westland Lynx AH.7 XZ605Royal Marines - Westland Lynx AH.7 XZ605 (msn 149), of 3 CBAS, at RNAS Yeovilton on 12 July 1995. Date: 1995
Westland Lynx HAS.3 XZ692Royal Navy - Westland Lynx HAS.3 XZ692 (msn 121). Date: circa 1992
Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-170Sovaernets Flyvetjeneste - Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-170 (msn 170), of Esk 722, at RAF Fairford for the Royal International Air Tattoo on 30 July 1994
Westland Lynx AH.7 XZ199Army Air Corps - Westland Lynx AH.7 XZ199 (msn 106), of 654 Squadron. Date: circa 1995
Westland Lynx HAS.3 ZD256Royal Navy - Westland Lynx HAS.3 ZD256 (msn 265), of 815 Sqn Brave Flt, at RNAS Yeovilton on 12 July 1995. Date: 1995
Westland Lynx AH.7 XZ614Royal Marines - Westland Lynx AH.7 XZ614 (msn 047), of 3 CBAS. Date: circa 1995
Westland Lynx AH.7 XZ179Army Air Corps - Westland Lynx AH.7 XZ179 (msn 047), of 654 Squadron, at RNAS Yeovilton on 12 July 1995. Date: 1995
Westland Lynx HMA.8 XZ236Royal Navy - Westland Lynx HMA.8 XZ236 (msn 017), of MoD (PE) / Westland, at The SBAC Farnborough Air Show in September 1990. Date: 1990
Westland Lynx AH.7 ZD279Army Air Corps - Westland Lynx AH.7 ZD279 (msn 298), of 671 Squadron. Date: circa 1992
Westland Lynx HAS.3 ZD252Royal Navy - Westland Lynx HAS.3 ZD252 (msn WA255), of 815 Naval Air Squadron. Date: circa 1992
Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-142Sovaernets Flyvetjeneste - Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-142 (msn 142), of Esk 722, at RNAS Yeovilton on 15 July 1995. (Sovaernets Flyvetjeneste - Royal Danish Naval Air Service). Date: 1995
Westland Lynx Mk.88 83+10Marineflieger - Westland Lynx Mk.88 83+10 (msn 266), of MarineFliegerGeschwader 4, at RAF Fairford for the Royal International Air Tattoo on 30 July 1994. (Marineflieger - German Navy Aviation)
Westland SH-14D Lynx 264Koninklijke Marine - Westland SH-14D Lynx 264 (msn WA.022), of MARHELI, at Boscombe Down for the Air Tournament International, on 13 June 1992. (Koninklijke Marine - Royal Netherlands Navy)
Westland Lynx AH.7 ZD560Empire Test Pilot's School - Westland Lynx AH.7 ZD560 (msn 333), at RAF Fairford for the Royal International Air Tattoo on 22 July 1989. Date: 1989
Westland SH-14B Lynx 283Koninklijke Marine - Westland SH-14B Lynx 283 (msn WA.219), of 860 Squadron, at Boscombe Down for the Air Tournament International, on 13 June 1992. (Koninklijke Marine - Royal Netherlands Navy)
Westland Lynx AH.9 ZG888Army Air Corps - Westland Lynx AH.9 ZG888 (msn 351), of 9 Regiment, at Boscombe Down for the Air Tournament International, on 13 June 1992. Date: 1992
Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-175Sovaernets Flyvetjeneste - Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-175 (msn 175), of Esk 722 at Boscombe Down for the Air Tournament International
Westland Lynx Mk.88 83+09Marineflieger - Westland Lynx Mk.88 83+09 (msn 263), of MarineFliegerGeschwader 3, at the RAF Mildenhall Air Fete on 23 May 1992. (Marineflieger - German Navy Aviation). Date: 1992
Leopard, cougar, lynx and catsLeopard, Panthera pardus a, cougar, Puma concolor b, lynx, Lynx lynx c, wild cat, Felis catus d, and house cat, Felis catus domesticus e
Varieties of mammals
African women from the east coast of Africa husking millet on board HMS Lynx to provide fresh food for the crew Date: 1869
Armstrong Siddeley Lynx 7-cylinder radial engine, rear view Date: 1920s
Lynx, Little Lion
The Comic Novel or Downing Street and the Days of Victoria by Lynx - title page by the Artists Fun Society Date: 1840
Westland SH-14C Lynx 277Koninklijke Marine - Westland SH-14C Lynx 277 (msn 194), at Middle Wallop on 15 July 1986 (Koninklijke Marine - Royal Netherlands Navy). Date: 1988
Westland Lynx Mk. 80 S-175Kongelige Danske Marine - Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-175 (msn 175, ex G-17-19), at RAF Fairford on 24 July 1993, for the Royal international Air Tattoo
Westland Lynx Mk. 88 83+12Marineflieger - Westland Lynx Mk.88 83+12 (msn 272, ex G-17-32), of MarineFliegerGeschwader 3, at the RAF Mildenhall Air Fete on 26 May 1985. (Marineflieger - German Navy Aviation) Date: 1985
Westland UH-14A Lynx Mk. 81 273Koninklijke Marineluchtvaartdienst - Westland UH-14A Lynx Mk.25 265 (msn 023, ex G-17-4), of 860 Squadron. (Koninklijke Marineluchtvaartdienst - Royal Netherlands Navy). Date: 1977
Westland WG. 13 Lynx Mk. 4 812Aeronavale - Westland WG.13 Lynx Mk.4 812, at Yeovil before delivery. Date: circa 1984
Westland SH-14B Lynx Mk. 81 273Koninklijke Marineluchtvaartdienst - Westland SH-14B Lynx Mk.81 273 (msn F9681. (Koninklijke Marineluchtvaartdienst - Royal Netherlands Navy). Date: 1977
Westland WG. 13 Lynx G-BEADWestland WG.13 Lynx G-BEAD (msn WA00-001, ex XW835), of Westland Helicopters Limited, at the SBAC Farnborough Air Show, held between 5-12 September 1976
Westland Naval Lynx-3 mock-up, at the 1984 SBAC Farnborough Air Show, held from 2-9 September, on display next to Lynx-3 prototype ZE477
Grumman American AA-1C Lynx G-BEXN (msn AA1C-0045), at Strathallan in July 1978. Date: 1978
All the animals whose pelts were favoured by the fashion industry in 1908. 1. American Wolf, 2. Brown Bear, 3. Skunk, 4. Canadian Wolf, 5. Coyote, 6. Grey Squirrel, 7. Common Squirrel, 8
Westland Lynx 800 ZB500 World's fastest helicopterWestland Lynx 800 ZB500 (msn 102, ex G-LYNX, ex ZA500'), at the Royal International Air Tattoo - RAF Fairford 18 July 2003
Westland Lynx AH. 7 XZ182 - MRoyal Marines - Westland Lynx AH.7 XZ182 - M (msn 058), of 3 Commando Brigade Air Squadron Date: circa 1998
Westland SH-14D Lynx Mk. 81 277Koninklijke Marineluchtvaartdienst - Westland SH-14D Lynx Mk.81 277 (msn WA.194), at Valkenburg Naval Air Base in September 1997. (Koninklijke Marineluchtvaartdienst - Royal Netherlands Navy)
Westland SH-14D Lynx Mk. 81 273Koninklijke Marineluchtvaartdienst - Westland SH-14D Lynx Mk.81 264 (msn WA.022), at Valkenburg Naval Air Base in September 1997. (Koninklijke Marineluchtvaartdienst - Royal Netherlands Navy)
Westland WG. 13 Lynx Mk. 2(FN) 267Aeronavale - Westland WG.13 Lynx Mk.2(FN) 267 (msn 051), at Valkenburg Naval Air Base in September 1997. (Aeronavale - Aeronautique Navale - French Naval Aviation) Date: 1997
Westland Lynx Mk. 80 S-256Kongelige Danske Marine - Westland Lynx Mk.80 S-256 (msn 256), of Esk 722, at RNAS Yeovilton on 12 July 1996. (Kongelige Danske Marine - Royal Danish Navy) Date: 1996
Westland Lynx HMA. 8 ZD261 672Royal Navy - Westland Lynx HMA.8 ZD261 672 (msn 295), of 815 Naval Air Squadron, at the Yeovilton International Air Day on 12 July 1996. Date: 1996
Westland Lynx XZ614 XRoyal Marines - Westland Lynx AH.1 XZ614 X (msn 161), of 3 CBAS, at the Yeovilton International Air Day on 12 July 1996. Date: 1996
Westland Lynx HAS. 2 XZ238 434Royal Navy - Westland Lynx HAS.2 XZ238 434 (msn 026), the HMS Endurance Ship's Helicopter, at the Yeovilton International Air Day on 12 July 1996. Date: 1996
Westland Lynx Mk. 95 19205Aviac£o Naval Portuguesa - Westland Lynx Mk.95 19205 (msn 377), at the Yeovilton International Air Day on 12 July 1996. (Aviac£o Naval Portuguesa- Portuguesr Naval Aviation) Date: 1996
Westland SH-14D Lynx Mk. 81 272Koninklijke Marineluchtvaartdienst - Westland SH-14D Lynx Mk.81 272 (msn 124) of MARHELI, at the Yeovilton International Air Day on 12 July 1996
Westland Lynx Mk. 2 264Aeronavale - Westland Lynx Mk.2 264 (msn 040), of 34 Flotille, at the Yeovilton International Air Day on 12 July 1996. (Aeronavale - Aeronautique Navale - French Naval Aviation) Date: 1996
Comic postcard, Advantages of the army - The Redcap Date: early 20th century
The Caracal or LynxThe Caracal, Caracal caracal, or Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx, in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by W
Panther, Panthera pardus or Panthera onca, in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Handcoloured copperplate engraved by W. Panormo after an illustration by W
Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis (Felis canadensis). Handcoloured lithograph from Georg Friedrich Treitschkes Gallery of Natural History, Naturhistorischer Bildersaal des Thierreiches, Liepzig, 1842
Eyed cowry and lynx cowryEyed cowry, Arestorides argus (Argus cowry, Cypraea argus), and lynx cowry, Lyncina lynx, (white-eyed cowry, Cypraea leucopis). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder
Crouching LynX Date: 1880
Westland LynxUk Royal Navy Westland Lynx Date: 1970s
London Zoo - A Lynx Date: circa 1930s
Zoo - Lynx - Sepia cat resting on floor. Part of Box 175 Boswell Collection - Zoo. Date: circa 1900
Lynx, Lynx lynx.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from Ebenezer Siblys Universal System of Natural History, 1794
Italian fashion. Advertising shirts Lynx. La camicia fuori camicia classe, 1941. Engraving
Avro Tutor British biplaneAvro 621 Tutor K4798 British two-seat biplane with a 215hp Siddeley Lynx engine. Date: early 1930s
Four helicopters. From left: Westland Gazelle, Westland Scout AH1, Westland Lynx AH1 and Saro Skeeter
Avro 504K H2972 powered by Armstrong Siddeley Lynx radialAvro 504K, H2972, powered by an Armstrong Siddeley Lynx radial
Arachnids in an amber pendantTwo arachnids (Phalaphium sp.) harvestman and (Oxyopes sp.) lynx spider trapped and preserved in amber. The amber has been made into a pendant for a necklace
Lynx and Telescopium Herschilii. Astronomical chart showing a lynx and a telescope forming the constellations. Date 1825
Trapping lynx, Russia. Date between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900
Lynx caught in trapA lynx is caught by the leg in a steel jaw trap
LynxStudies of a lynx
Lyncus into LynxWhen Lyncus, Demeters emissary, is menaced by king Triptolemus, she changes him into a lynx - not the one we know, but half-panther half- dog with piercing eyesight
Caracal (Lydekker)(felis caracal) Also known as the Desert Lynx, It can spring about 3 metres vertically, and bats flying birds with its paws
CAT / LYNX C1860A lynx with distinctively tufted ears lies on a tree trunk
Lynx (Olaus Magnus)Roaming the Scandinavian countryside
Canadian LynxA Canadian lynx. (Lynx canadensis)
Various cats: Leopard, Cougar, Lynx, Wildcat, and the domesticated variety
Lynx and DogsHunting a lynx, Sweden - with dogs and gun