Elisabeth of the Palatinate, philosopher princess, 1618-1680. Also known as Elisabeth of Bohemia or Princess-Abbess of Herford Abbey. Famous for her correspondence with René Descartes
Henrietta Maria, Mother Queene, 1609-1669. Queen of King Charles I of England. Youngest daughter of Henry IV of France and Marie de Medici
Antoinette Du Ligier de la Garde Deshoulières, French poetAntoinette Du Ligier de la Garde Deshoulières, 1638-1694, French poet at the court of King Louis XIV and literary society
Woman in very formal wear, Paris, 1804Woman in very formal wear. She wears flowers in her braided hairstyle, velvet shawl with embroidered ends, low-cut gown, coral necklace and gloves
Woman working in the fashion industry, Paris, 1803Woman working in the fashion industry. She wears a straw bonnet, fichu, tablier apron over low-cut gown, and carries a hat box. Costume d'une ouvriere en modes
Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime, Paris, 1803Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime. She wears a headband ornamented with cameos, a lace capelet and low-cut gown. Bandeau orné de Pierres gravées. Pélerine de Dentelle
Woman in formal wear drawn at the Opera, Paris, 1803. She wears a lace cap with garland, low-cut gown, gloves and shawl. Grande Parure
Fashionable woman in short haircut a la Victime, Paris, 1803Fashionable woman or merveilleuse in short haircut a la Victime. Her head is half-shaved, and she wears a low-cut gown and fichu kerchief with hanging ends. Tête à demi Tondue
Charlotte Augusta, Princess Royal of EnglandOval portrait of Charlotte Augusta Matilda as Princess Royal of England, 1766-1828. Eldest daughter of mad king George III and Charlotte. Later Queen Charlotte of Württemberg
Fashionable woman singing in a drawing room, Paris, 1835Fashionable woman singing from a musical score in a grand drawing room, accompanied by a lady on the harpsichord, Paris, 1835. She wears a low-cut gown decorated with ribbons, her hair in curls
Elizabeth Allington, Lady Seymour, c.1632-1691. Married Charles Seymour, 2nd Baron Seymour of Trowbridge, in 1654. Hair in ringlets with pearls, pearl choker, low-cut gown
Arabella Churchill, mistress of King James IIArabella Godfrey, sister of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, mistress of King James II of England, 1649-1730. Arabella Churchill. In pearl earrings, low-cut gown and shawl