Cornish lovage or licorice-root, Physospermum cornubiense (Ligusticum cornubiense). Handcoloured copperplate engraving from a drawing by James Sowerby for Smiths English Botany, London, 1803
Scottish lovage, Scottish licorice-root, Ligusticum scoticum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from a drawing by James Sowerby for Smiths English Botany (1803)
Lovage, Levisticum officinale. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr
Curtis British Entomology Plate 758Coleoptera: Staphylinus pubescens [Plant: Ligusticum scoticum (Scots Lovage)] Date: 1824-39
Yellow root, stem and green leaves of lovage, Ligusticum ibukiense.. Color-printed woodblock engraving by Kan en Iwasaki from Honzo Zufu, an Illustrated Guide to Medicinal Plants, 1884
Leaves and delicate white florets of the licorice-root plant (lovage). Ligusticum acutilobum
Root, leaves and tiny white florets of Japanese lovage, Ligusticum japonicum.. Color-printed woodblock engraving by Kan en Iwasaki from Honzo Zufu, an Illustrated Guide to Medicinal Plants, 1884
Smyrnium OlusatrumAlexanders, or Black Lovage