Spain, Toledo. Church of San Roman. The Mudejar towerSpain, Castile-La Mancha, Toledo. Church of San Roman. Built in the 13th century in Mudejar style. It was refurbished in the 16th century. View of the Mudejar tower
Spain, Toledo. Church of Santa LeocadiaSpain, Castile-La Mancha, Toledo. Church of Santa Leocadia
Spain, Community of Madrid, Manzanares El Real Castle. Built in 1475 by order of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, was the residence of the Mendoza family until late 16th century
Lobed cyananth, Cyananthus lobatus. China
Quercus robur, oak leavesLeaves from a common oak tree (Quercus robur) growing within the Natural History Museum Wildlife Garden. Photographed by Derek Adams, June 2003
Spain. Galdakao. Andra Mari of Elexalde Church. DetailSpain. Galdakao. Andra Mari of Elexalde Church. 13th century. Window. Detail
Spain. Penafiel. Monastery of Saint Paul. 14th century. Gothic - mudejar. Apse. Detail
Mudejar art. Church of Santo Tome (11th century). Detail of the bell tower. Toledo. Spain
Aljaferia Palace. Courtyard of St. Elizabeth. Detail. ZaragoAljaferia Palace, built in the eleventh century, under King Aben-Alfage. Courtyard of St. Elizabeth. Detail. Zaragoza. Aragon. Spain