STEINLEN, Th鯰hile A Tourn饠du Chat NoirSTEINLEN, Th鯰 hile Alexandre (1859-1923). Reopening of the Chat Noir Cabaret. 1896. Advertisment of the tour of this cabaret from Montmartre founded by Rodolphe Salis. Art Nouveau. Litography
Codex Borgia. Ritual and divinatory mesoamerican manuscript written in Nahuatl before of the conquest of Mexico. It is related with the aztec calendar Tonalpohualli
Barcelona (19th c. ). The Rambla and the TeatroBarcelona (19th c.). The Rambla and the Teatro del Liceo opera house. Drawing by Isidore Deroy. Litography. SPAIN. Barcelona. Barcelona City History Museum
Proclamation of the German Empire in Versailles (Janury 18, 1871). William I of Prussia becomes Emperor of Germany. Litography
Saint Sophia, in the front, and her daughters Saints Faith, Hope and Charity, in the background. Litography
BRUNO, Giordano (1548-1600). Italian Renaissance philosopher, of pantheistic inspiration. Portrait. Litography
Napoleon reviewing his troops. Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
Spanish ArmadaLisbon (1588). Departure of the Spanish Armada (Invincible Fleet) towards England. Litography. Date: 1588
Golf in Saint Andrews (1800). Litography
Barcelona International Exhibition. 1929. Poster from an illustration by R. Bas. View of Paseo de Maria Cristina with the Montju fountains and the National Palace
American Express Train (19th c. ). LitographyAmerican Express Train (19th c.). Litography
Barcelona. The old waterfront of the city, with
Battle of Waterloo (18th June 1815). Napoleon s" Battle of Waterloo (18th June 1815). Napoleons flight. Litography. ITALY. Milan. Civica Raccolta delle Stampe " Achille Bertarelli" (Achille Bertarelli collection of prints)."
General George Washington swearing in as President at the old city hall of New York. Lithography of 1789. Litography
Italian unification. Battle of Bezzeca (July 21, 1866). Garibaldi, injured, incites to his soldiers. Litography. ITALY. Brescia. Risorgimento Museum
BEARDSLEY, Aubrey Vincent (1872-1898). Lysistrata" BEARDSLEY, Aubrey Vincent (1872-1898). Lysistrata. 1896. Lysistrata defending the Acropolis. Drawing of the Aristophanes play " Lysistrata" edition illustrated by Beardsley (411 BC)
Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630). German mathematician and astronomer. Portrait. Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
Second Italian War of Independence. Battle of Solferino (24th June 1859). Attack of the French over Solferino. Litography
Spain. Peninsular War. Napoleon in Chamart; (1808). Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. Museo de Historia
Cape Verde (19th c. ). Portuguese rule. LitographyCape Verde (19th c.). Portuguese rule. Litography. PORTUGAL. Lisbon. Overseas Historical Archive
DARWIN, Charles Robert (1809-1882). British naturalist, author of the theory of evolution by natural selection. Litography. UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND. Down. Down House
COMTE, Auguste (1798-1857). French positivist philosopher and sociologist. Litography
SCHLEIDEN, Matthias Jakob (1804-1881). German botanist and co-founder of the cell theory. Litography
Congress of Vienna (1814-1815). Meeting of the eight major powers signatories of the Treaty of Paris. Litography
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The Siege of Madrid. The Vaticanists, engraving by Francisco Mateos edited by the Section of Plastic Arts of El Altavoz del Frente (The Loudspeaker of the Front)
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Una ayuda y otra (One help and another). Engraving by Ramon Puyol about the international help belonging to the fist series of Drawings of the Civil War. Litography
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Madrid 7 de noviembre de 1936 (Madrid 7th November 1936). Poster edited in Valencia, with drawing by Tomas. Litography. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional
CURRIER and IVES. Capturing the whale. Litography
Performance of the opera Norma by Vincenzo Bellini in Barcelona theatre Liceu (19th c.). Engraving by Onofre Alsamora. Litography. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona. Barcelona City History Museum
Maya Civilization. Ball gameMaya Civilization. Mesoamerican ballgame. Litography
Ottoman Empire (19th c. ). The Slaves BazaarOttoman Empire (19th c.). The Slaves Bazaar, Constantinople. Litography. FRANCE. Paris. Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs (Decorative Arts Library)
Discovery of America (1492). The caravels that Christopher Columbus set out on his expedition: Pinta, Ni nd Santa Mar Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. Americas Museum
Mexico (1821). Triumphal entrance of AgustЮ Iturbide into Mexico City with the Trigarante Army (7th September, 1821). Litography
Franco-Prussian War
Extravagances of 1834. By Cesar Bacle (1794-1838). LithograpCostumes and Customs. Extravagances of 1834. By Cesar Hipolito Bacle (1794-1838). Isaac Fernandez Blanco Latin American Art Museum. Buenos Aires. Argentina
Gold Mining in California. Scenes of the 1849 Californian Gold Rush showing cradling, panning, washing with a long tom and hydraulic mining. Coloured lithograph by Currier and Ives 1871. Litography
Pope Julius II visiting the studio of Michelangelo. Illustration by L. Turgis. Litography
Paris fashion. Illustrations of the magazine Modes de Paris. Petit Courrier des Dames, published by S.and J.Fuller in London. Color lithograph, 1842. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris
Les F괥s ࠁndorre (La Farandole) Festival in AndorraLes F괥s ࠁ ndorre (La Farandole) Festival in Andorra. Dance of the Sardana in front of the Casa de la Vall, the seat of the General Council (Parliament)
Medical Reserve Cognac. Advertisement poster of brandy Fromy Rog饠 and Co.. Litography
Die Herren der Welt (The Masters of the World. When the kings of industry are mad, the common people suffer), cover of Simplicissimus magazine, 1922. Critique of the power of big industries
Sagese. Force. Beaut頨wisdom. Force. Beauty). 19thSagese. Force. Beaut頨 wisdom. Force. Beauty). 19th century composition with allegorical symbols and principles of Freemasonry. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris
Saint Jules Martyr. Printed in Paris. XX century. Private Collection. Litography
Turkey (1839). IstanbulOttoman Empire (1839). Istanbul. Fountain of Amet III. Litography. TURKEY. THRACE. Istanbul. Library of Ahmed III (Topkapi Palace)
Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusMOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791). Austrian composer of classical music
Maya palace of Palenque. Engraving 19th cMayan Civilization. Palenque Palace, built in the Late Classic period (600-900 AD). Reconstruction by R. Cant M鸩 co a trav鳠 de los siglos, 1884. Litography
Martorell. Puente Diablo. EngravingMartorell. Puente del Diablo or Devils Bridge by F.X.Parcerisa, c.1839. Illustration from the collection Recuerdos y bellezas de Espa (Souvenirs and beauties of Spain). Litography. SPAIN
Russia (19th c. ). Moscow. LitographyRussia (19th c.). Moscow. Litography
Barras, Paul-Francois-Jean-Nicolas, vicomte de (1755-1829). French revolutionary politician. Litography
Cattle scene of a butchery; Illustration fom" Cattle scene of a butchery; Illustration fom " History of Chile" by F.Lehnert (1854). Litography."
Santiago de Chile (1854). Casa de la Moneda and prisoners. Litography
Ottoman Empire (19th c. ). Bazaar at ConstantinopleOttoman Empire (19th c.). Bazaar at Constantinople. Litography. FRANCE. Paris. Biblioth豵 e des Arts D飯 ratifs (Decorative Arts Library)
Spain. Peninsular War (1808-1814). Battle in Saragossa. Saragossan women facing up to French dragoons (15th October 1808). Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
France (1830). Revolution of July in Paris. Barricade in Boulevard Saint Martin on August 1st. Litography. FRANCE. Paris. Mus饠 Carnavalet (Carnavalet Museum)
CAGLIOSTRO, Giuseppe Balsamo, Count of (1743-1795). Italian traveller, occultist and Mason. Litography
Spain (1525). The fleet under the comandment of Garcic de Loaisa leaving the port of La Coru nd going to explore the Maluku Islands (24th February 1525). Litography
French-Prussian War. Surrender of Sedan (2nd September 1870). Napoleon III capitulates before William I of Prussia. Litography. SPAIN. Barcelona
Muhammad I ( -1273). King of Granada (1237-1273)" Muhammad I ( -1273). King of Granada (1237-1273), founder of the Nasrid dynasty. Engraving by Dolfino. Litography. ITALY. Milan
GALILEO, Galileo Galilei, called (1564-1642)
Italian Unification (1859). Meeteng between Francis Joseph I and Napoleon III before the Conference of Villafranca. Litography
Frederick Augustus II (1797-1854). King of Saxony" Frederick Augustus II (1797-1854). King of Saxony (1836-1854). Once the Liberal Constitution was abolished, May Uprising in Dresden arised. Litography. ITALY. Milan
Mexico (19th c Tarasco Indians, inhabitantsMexico (19th c.. Tarasco Indians, inhabitants of the state of Michoacan. Litography
Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1752-1833). French mathematician. Litography. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Battle of Trafalgar (1805). The French ship Bucentaure and the Spanish one Trinidad. Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. Navy Museum
Aztec Empire
Revolution of 1849 in Paris. Attack on the BarriSre Fontainebleau (Juin 25, 1848). Litography
Mexico. Mexico City. Avenida de los Hombres Ilustres (Avenue of Illustrious Men), now called Hidalgo Avenue. On the right, Santa Veracruz church and San Juan de Dios church
Russia. Moscow. 1856. Ceremony to welcome the participants in the siege of Sevastopol defense, during the Crimean War (1853-1856). Lithography by Vasili Fedorovich (George Wilhelm) Timm (1820-1895)
United States (19th c). American country life. Pleasures of Winter, 1855. Illustration published by Nathaniel Currier. Litography
illustration alluding to the conflicts for the colonial division of Africa between the European powers from the 1880s to the beginning of the First World War
Mexican dresses, southern soldiers, 1855. Illustration from M鸩 co y sus alrededores
People of the Plains, after sketches by Johann Moritz Rugendas (1802-58), plate 8 from Volume I of The Fiscal and Political History of Chile, pub. by Lemercier, c.1854, Laemlein, Alexandre (1813-71)
Entry in Madrid of the troops of the African Army on May 11, 1860 returnig of the Hispano-Moroccan War (1859-60). Original drawing by Vicente Urrabieta. Litography. SPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. GUIPUZCOA
Spain (1823). Ferdinand VII arrives in Puerto de Santa Maric after the French attack (1st October 1823). Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
UNITED STATES (20th century). Beautiful Woman Voting (1920). Litography
TASSO, Torcuato (1544-1595). Italian poet. Tasso received in Rome by Cardinal Aldobrandini on behalf of Clement VIII, 1594. Illustration by L.Turgis. Litography
Louis-Philippe (1773-1850). Last King of France (1830-1848). Louis Philippe I and his ministers. Caricature by Grandville. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. National Library
PEDRO I of Brazil (1798-1834). Emperor of Brazil (1822-1831). Acclamation of the King Pedro I in the field of Santa Anna (Santana) in Rio de Janeiro
Keep Your Distance, Currier and Ives, (active 1857-1907). Litography
Hussar Guard Regiment, Plate 19 from Armed Forces of Europe, 1838-43. Eckert, Heinrich Ambros (1807-40) and Monten, Dietrich (1799-1843). Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris
Hundred Years War. Arrest of Charles II of Navarre in the castle of John II of France in Rouen, on April 5, 1356
Spain (1810. 1814). Cᤩz Cortes. Allegory of theSpain (1810.1814). Cᤩ z Cortes. Allegory of the 1812 Constitution. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Museo de Historia
BRONTE, Charlotte (1816-1848). English novelist and poet. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
United States, 19th c. Outward Bound, clipper Ship. Printed by Courier & Ives. Litography