STEINLEN, Th鯰hile A Tourn饠du Chat NoirSTEINLEN, Th鯰 hile Alexandre (1859-1923). Reopening of the Chat Noir Cabaret. 1896. Advertisment of the tour of this cabaret from Montmartre founded by Rodolphe Salis. Art Nouveau. Litography
Napoleon reviewing his troops. Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
Barcelona International Exhibition. 1929. Poster from an illustration by R. Bas. View of Paseo de Maria Cristina with the Montju fountains and the National Palace
American Express Train (19th c. ). LitographyAmerican Express Train (19th c.). Litography
Second Italian War of Independence. Battle of Solferino (24th June 1859). Attack of the French over Solferino. Litography
Spain. Peninsular War. Napoleon in Chamart; (1808). Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. Museo de Historia
COMTE, Auguste (1798-1857). French positivist philosopher and sociologist. Litography
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The Siege of Madrid. The Vaticanists, engraving by Francisco Mateos edited by the Section of Plastic Arts of El Altavoz del Frente (The Loudspeaker of the Front)
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Una ayuda y otra (One help and another). Engraving by Ramon Puyol about the international help belonging to the fist series of Drawings of the Civil War. Litography
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Madrid 7 de noviembre de 1936 (Madrid 7th November 1936). Poster edited in Valencia, with drawing by Tomas. Litography. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional
CURRIER and IVES. Capturing the whale. Litography
Performance of the opera Norma by Vincenzo Bellini in Barcelona theatre Liceu (19th c.). Engraving by Onofre Alsamora. Litography. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona. Barcelona City History Museum
Maya Civilization. Ball gameMaya Civilization. Mesoamerican ballgame. Litography
Ottoman Empire (19th c. ). The Slaves BazaarOttoman Empire (19th c.). The Slaves Bazaar, Constantinople. Litography. FRANCE. Paris. Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs (Decorative Arts Library)
Gold Mining in California. Scenes of the 1849 Californian Gold Rush showing cradling, panning, washing with a long tom and hydraulic mining. Coloured lithograph by Currier and Ives 1871. Litography
Pope Julius II visiting the studio of Michelangelo. Illustration by L. Turgis. Litography
Paris fashion. Illustrations of the magazine Modes de Paris. Petit Courrier des Dames, published by S.and J.Fuller in London. Color lithograph, 1842. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris
Les F괥s ࠁndorre (La Farandole) Festival in AndorraLes F괥s ࠁ ndorre (La Farandole) Festival in Andorra. Dance of the Sardana in front of the Casa de la Vall, the seat of the General Council (Parliament)
Medical Reserve Cognac. Advertisement poster of brandy Fromy Rog饠 and Co.. Litography
Die Herren der Welt (The Masters of the World. When the kings of industry are mad, the common people suffer), cover of Simplicissimus magazine, 1922. Critique of the power of big industries
Sagese. Force. Beaut頨wisdom. Force. Beauty). 19thSagese. Force. Beaut頨 wisdom. Force. Beauty). 19th century composition with allegorical symbols and principles of Freemasonry. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris
Saint Jules Martyr. Printed in Paris. XX century. Private Collection. Litography
Turkey (1839). IstanbulOttoman Empire (1839). Istanbul. Fountain of Amet III. Litography. TURKEY. THRACE. Istanbul. Library of Ahmed III (Topkapi Palace)
Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusMOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791). Austrian composer of classical music
Maya palace of Palenque. Engraving 19th cMayan Civilization. Palenque Palace, built in the Late Classic period (600-900 AD). Reconstruction by R. Cant M鸩 co a trav鳠 de los siglos, 1884. Litography
Martorell. Puente Diablo. EngravingMartorell. Puente del Diablo or Devils Bridge by F.X.Parcerisa, c.1839. Illustration from the collection Recuerdos y bellezas de Espa (Souvenirs and beauties of Spain). Litography. SPAIN
Barras, Paul-Francois-Jean-Nicolas, vicomte de (1755-1829). French revolutionary politician. Litography
Cattle scene of a butchery; Illustration fom" Cattle scene of a butchery; Illustration fom " History of Chile" by F.Lehnert (1854). Litography."
CAGLIOSTRO, Giuseppe Balsamo, Count of (1743-1795). Italian traveller, occultist and Mason. Litography
Spain (1525). The fleet under the comandment of Garcic de Loaisa leaving the port of La Coru nd going to explore the Maluku Islands (24th February 1525). Litography
Muhammad I ( -1273). King of Granada (1237-1273)" Muhammad I ( -1273). King of Granada (1237-1273), founder of the Nasrid dynasty. Engraving by Dolfino. Litography. ITALY. Milan
Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1752-1833). French mathematician. Litography. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Battle of Trafalgar (1805). The French ship Bucentaure and the Spanish one Trinidad. Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. Navy Museum
United States (19th c). American country life. Pleasures of Winter, 1855. Illustration published by Nathaniel Currier. Litography
illustration alluding to the conflicts for the colonial division of Africa between the European powers from the 1880s to the beginning of the First World War
Mexican dresses, southern soldiers, 1855. Illustration from M鸩 co y sus alrededores
People of the Plains, after sketches by Johann Moritz Rugendas (1802-58), plate 8 from Volume I of The Fiscal and Political History of Chile, pub. by Lemercier, c.1854, Laemlein, Alexandre (1813-71)
Entry in Madrid of the troops of the African Army on May 11, 1860 returnig of the Hispano-Moroccan War (1859-60). Original drawing by Vicente Urrabieta. Litography. SPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. GUIPUZCOA
Spain (1823). Ferdinand VII arrives in Puerto de Santa Maric after the French attack (1st October 1823). Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
UNITED STATES (20th century). Beautiful Woman Voting (1920). Litography
TASSO, Torcuato (1544-1595). Italian poet. Tasso received in Rome by Cardinal Aldobrandini on behalf of Clement VIII, 1594. Illustration by L.Turgis. Litography
Louis-Philippe (1773-1850). Last King of France (1830-1848). Louis Philippe I and his ministers. Caricature by Grandville. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. National Library
PEDRO I of Brazil (1798-1834). Emperor of Brazil (1822-1831). Acclamation of the King Pedro I in the field of Santa Anna (Santana) in Rio de Janeiro
Keep Your Distance, Currier and Ives, (active 1857-1907). Litography
Hussar Guard Regiment, Plate 19 from Armed Forces of Europe, 1838-43. Eckert, Heinrich Ambros (1807-40) and Monten, Dietrich (1799-1843). Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris
Hundred Years War. Arrest of Charles II of Navarre in the castle of John II of France in Rouen, on April 5, 1356
Spain (1810. 1814). Cᤩz Cortes. Allegory of theSpain (1810.1814). Cᤩ z Cortes. Allegory of the 1812 Constitution. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Museo de Historia
BRONTE, Charlotte (1816-1848). English novelist and poet. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
United States, 19th c. Outward Bound, clipper Ship. Printed by Courier & Ives. Litography
QUIROGA, Vasco de (1470-1565). First bishop of Michoacᮬ; Mexico and one of the judges (oidores) in the second Audiencia that governed New Spain. Litography
ABARCA Y BLANQUE, Joaqu(1778-1844). Spanish prelateABARCA Y BLANQUE, Joaqu (1778-1844). Spanish prelate. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
ARG܅LLES, Agust(1776-1843). Spanish liberalARG܅ LLES, Agust (1776-1843). Spanish liberal politician and orator. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
UNITED STATES (20th century). Pretty Woman (1920-1930). Litography
Portrait of Theodoric and his grandson Amalaric. 18th century engraving. Litography
THEUDIGISEL ( -549). Visigothic King of Hispania (548-549). Successor of Theudis. He was murdered during a banquet. 18th century engraving. Litography
TULGA (6th centuryI). Visigothic King of Hispania (639-642). Son and successor Chintila. 18th century engraving. Litography
CHERET, Jules (1836-1932). Advertising of restaurant Taverne Olympia in Paris. Printed in 1899. Poster (119 x 81 cm.). Contemporary Art. Litography
ALCALA GALIANO Y DE ALCALA, Dionisio (1760-1805). Spanish naval officer, cartographer, and explorer. Litography
View of the University of Cervera. Engraved by S. Ysla after drawing by Francesc Xavier Boada Parcerisa in Memories and beauties of Spain by Pau Piferrer. Printed in Barcelona. 1839. Litography
Crimean War, 1853-1856. Battle of Balaklava on 25 October 1854. Charge of the Light Brigade of the British cavalry. Royal Scots Greys and Dragoons of Inniskillen. Engraving of E
Crimean War, 1853-1856. Siege of Sevastopol (1854-55). Litography
After his coronation in 1328, the king orders to expel the representative of Edward III of England. 19th century facsimile edition of the Chronicles (Chroniques) by Jean Froissart, 15th century
Sts Cosmas and Damian (died ca. 287) are regarded as the patrons of physicians and surgeons and are sometimes represented with medical emblems. Printed in Paris. 20th century. Litography
End of the First World War. Le d馩l頤e la victoireEnd of the First World War. Le d馩 l頤 e la victoire. les voilࠡ (Victory parade in Paris). Cover of Le Petit Journal. July 20, 1919. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris
JONAS, Lucien Hector (1880-1947). First World War. The reading of good news at a French camp. 1916. Litography
Sevilla (19th c. )Sevilla (19th c.). Panorama from Triana district. Lithography by Duruy. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Museo Nacional del Romanticismo
Panama (18th c. )America (18th c.). Panama. View of the city from the island of Naos. Drawing by Fernando Brambila illustrating the scientific expedition of Alejandro Malaspina (1789-1794). Litography. SPAIN
Mexico City. El Empedradillo (1885). Litography
Louis Philippe I of OrleansLouis-Philippe (1773-1850). Last King of France (1830-1848). Oath of the King on August 9, 1830, after the revolution of July. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. National Library
El Gato, country dancePALLIERE, Juan Le 1823-1887). El Gato, country dance. 1862. Traditional Argentine dance scene. Costumbrism. Litography
Cuba (19th c. ). Ingenio Intr鰩doCuba (19th c.). Ingenio Intr鰩 do, illustraci y Eduardo Laplante for the book Libro de los Ingenios (1855-1857). Litography. CUBA. CIUDAD DE LA HABANA. Havana
Assiniboine Indian chiefUnited States (19th c.). Indian chief Assinneboine beforen and after the civilization. Engraving upon a painting by George Catlin. Litography. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. National Library
The life of Friedrich Schiller by Thomas Carlyle. Frontispice with portrait of Schiller. Litography
DAGUERRE, Louis-Jacques-Mande (1787-1851). French inventor that improved the photography. Litography
Veracruz. Port and castle of San Juan de Ulla (19th c.). Litography
ROSSINI, Gioacchino (1792-1868). Italian composer. Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. Museo Nacional del Romanticismo
Mexico City. Monument to Columbus in Paso de la Reforma (1885). Litography
Spain (1814). Triumphal arch built for the entrance of Fernando VII into Madrid. Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. Museo de Historia
Mexico. Mazatlᮠon the shore of Pacific OceanMexico. Mazatlᮠ on the shore of Pacific Ocean
CAYLEY, Arthur (1821-1895). British mathematician and lawyer. Engraving by George Stodart (1844-1917). Litography
Triple Alliance. Meeting of the emperors of Russia, Austria, the king of Prussia and the Prince of Sweden in Leipzig (October 1813). Litography
BONAPARTE, Marie Paulette, called Pauline (1780-1825). Napoleons sister. Litography
Mexico City. Cathedral (1880). Litography
VERDIER, Jean Antoine, count of (1767-1839). Litography