Poster, New York World's Fair, The World of TomorrowTravel poster, designed by Joseph Binder, New York World?s Fair, The World of tomorrow, 1939, Grinnell Litho, New York, USA
Caiaphas and others utter their opinions about the guilt of Jesus : some favour him, but most condemn him and over to the left Pilate washes his hands of the whole affair
Lithographic printing-press 1876Printer and his apprentice, putting on the ink on the pre-made etched stone. Date: 1876
The Lithographer, viewing a three-colour process print Date: 1904
Stockman cattle driving in Australia Date: 1850s
Stockman's hut in Australia with aboriginal manStockman's hut in Australia with two white men and an aboriginal man. Date: 1850s
Theatre show, promotional postcard
Floral design. 19th century
Gambetta / Oval / LithoLEON MICHEL GAMBETTA French lawyer and statesman Date: 1838 - 1882
6th Duke Richmond LithoCHARLES HENRY GORDON-LENNOX sixth duke of RICHMOND statesman Date: 1818 - 1903
Garibaldi (Pound Litho)GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI - Italian statesman Date: 1807 - 1882
CAIN, Henri (1859 - 1937). The Workers Lunch, from Le Petit Journal, 1891 (colour litho). Private Collection. Engraving
Gwf Cambridge / Col LithoGEORGE WILLIAM FREDERICK CHARLES, 2nd DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE Military Date: 1819 - 1904
Charge of the Light Brigade, Battle of Balaklava, 1854Dramatic process-litho of the charge of the Light Brigade during the Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War focusing on the horses, made 20 years after the event
Large Offset-Litho printing machineThe large Offset-Litho two-colour printing machine (a Roland-Ultra) preparing to run at the Lund Humpries Printing Works. Photograph by Heinz Zinram
Senefelder Litho PressSenefelders hand-operated lithographic press
Murchison / Leighton LithoSIR RODERICK IMPEY MURCHISON Scottish geologist
Connaught / Louise / LithoLOUISE OF PRUSSIA Wife of Arthur, Duke of Connaught
St Mark / Evangelist / LithoSAINT MARK the Evangelist